<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.'); /** * This class provides invoice capabilities. * * @package Invoice * @category Models * @author Deon George * @copyright (c) 2009-2013 Open Source Billing * @license http://dev.osbill.net/license.html */ class Model_Invoice extends ORM_OSB implements Cartable { protected $_belongs_to = array( 'account'=>array() ); protected $_has_many = array( 'invoice_item'=>array('far_key'=>'id'), 'invoice_item_tax'=>array('through'=>'invoice_item'), 'service'=>array('through'=>'invoice_item'), 'payment'=>array('through'=>'payment_item'), 'payment_item'=>array('far_key'=>'id'), ); protected $_sorting = array( 'id'=>'DESC', ); protected $_display_filters = array( 'date_orig'=>array( array('Config::date',array(':value')), ), 'due_date'=>array( array('Config::date',array(':value')), ), 'status'=>array( array('StaticList_YesNo::get',array(':value')), ), ); // Items belonging to an invoice protected $_sub_items_load = array( 'invoice_item'=>'service_id,item_type', ); /** INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS **/ public function cart_item() { return new Cart_Item(1,sprintf('Invoice: %s',$this->refnum()),$this->due()); } /** * Return if this invoice is already in the cart */ public function cart_exists() { return count(Cart::instance()->get($this->mid(),$this->id)); } /** * Add an item to an invoice */ public function add_item(Model_Invoice_Item $iio=NULL) { // @todo This is the old calling of this function, which should be removed if (is_null($iio)) { $c = count($this->_sub_items); $this->_sub_items[$c] = ORM::factory('Invoice_Item'); return $this->_sub_items[$c]; } array_push($this->_sub_items,$iio); $this->_sub_items_sorted = FALSE; } /** * Return the recurring schedules that are on an invoice * * @param $period Return an Array of items for that period */ public function items_periods($period=FALSE) { $result = array(); foreach ($this->items() as $ito) { // We are only interested in item_type=0 if ($ito->item_type != 0) continue; if ($period === FALSE AND ! in_array($ito->recurring_schedule,$result)) array_push($result,$ito->recurring_schedule); elseif ($ito->recurring_schedule == $period) { // If we have this service already, we'll skip if (! Object::in_array('service_id',$ito->service_id,$result)) array_push($result,$ito); } } return $result; } /** * Return the item titles that are on an invoice * * @param $title Return an Array of items for that title */ public function items_titles($title=NULL,$period=NULL) { $result = array(); foreach ($this->items() as $ito) { if ($ito->service_id) { if (is_null($title) AND ! in_array($ito->title(),$result) AND (is_null($period) OR ($period == $ito->recurring_schedule))) array_push($result,$ito->title()); elseif (($ito->title() == $title AND (is_null($period) OR ($period == $ito->recurring_schedule))) OR is_null($ito->recurring_schedule)) array_push($result,$ito); } else { throw HTTP_Exception::factory(501,'Not handled non-services'); } } return $result; } /** * Return the service items on an invoice relating to an invoice_item * IE: item_type == 0 */ public function service_items(Model_Invoice_Item $o) { $result = array(); // At the moment, we only return items pertaining to a service if (! $o->service_id) return $result; foreach ($this->items() as $iio) if ($iio->item_type == 0 AND $iio->service_id == $o->service_id) array_push($result,$iio); return $result; } /** * Return the extra items on an invoice relating to an invoice_item * IE: item_type != 0 */ public function service_items_extra(Model_Invoice_Item $o) { $result = array(); // At the moment, we only return extra items pertaining to a service if (! $o->service_id) return $result; foreach ($this->items() as $iio) if ($iio->item_type != 0 AND $iio->service_id == $o->service_id) array_push($result,$iio); return $result; } /** * Return the total of all items relating to a service */ public function service_items_tax(Model_Invoice_Item $o,$format=FALSE) { $result = 0; // At the moment, we only return extra items pertaining to a service if (! $o->service_id) return $result; foreach ($this->items() as $iio) if ($iio->service_id == $o->service_id) $result += $iio->tax(); return $format ? Currency::display($result) : $result; } /** * Return the total of all items relating to a service */ public function service_items_total(Model_Invoice_Item $o,$format=FALSE) { $result = 0; // At the moment, we only return extra items pertaining to a service if (! $o->service_id) return $result; foreach ($this->items() as $iio) if ($iio->service_id == $o->service_id) $result += $iio->total(); return $format ? Currency::display($result) : $result; } /** * Return a list of valid checkout options for this invoice */ public function checkout() { $due = $this->due(); return ORM::factory('Checkout') ->where_active() ->where('amount_min','<=',$due) ->where_open() ->and_where('amount_max','>=',$due) ->or_where('amount_max','is',null) ->where_close()->find_all(); } /** * Display the amount due */ public function due($format=FALSE) { // If the invoice is active calculate the due amount $result = $this->status ? $this->total()-$this->payments_total() : 0; return $format ? Currency::display($result) : Currency::round($result); } /** * Display the Invoice Number */ public function id() { return sprintf('%06s',$this->id); } /** * Return a list of invoice items for this invoice. * @param type [CHARGE|CREDIT|ALL] * @see invoice_items */ public function items($type='ALL') { $result = array(); foreach ($this->_sub_items as $ito) { $return = FALSE; switch ($type) { case 'CHARGE': if ($ito->quantity > 0) $return = TRUE; break; case 'CREDIT': if ($ito->quantity < 0) $return = TRUE; break; case 'ALL': default: $return = TRUE; break; } if ($return) array_push($result,$ito); } return $result; } /** * Provide a sorted list of items by an index */ public function items_index($index) { static $result = array(); // We'll return a cached result for quicker processing if (! $this->_changed AND array_key_exists($index,$result)) return $result[$index]; foreach ($this->items() as $ito) { switch ($index) { case 'account': if (! $ito->service_id) $result[$index][$ito->id] = $ito; break; case 'period': // We only show the services in this period if (! is_null($ito->recurring_schedule) AND (empty($result[$index][$ito->recurring_schedule]) OR ! in_array($ito->service_id,$result[$index][$ito->recurring_schedule]))) $result[$index][$ito->recurring_schedule][] = $ito->service_id; break; case 'service': default: if ($ito->service_id) $result[$index][$ito->service_id][] = $ito; break; } } return array_key_exists($index,$result) ? $result[$index] : array(); } /** * Get a list of invoice_items for a service_id on an invoice * * We use this to list details by service on an invoice. */ // @todo to retire public function items_services(array $items=array()) { $result = array(); if (! $items) $items = $this->items(); foreach ($items as $ito) if ($ito->service_id AND empty($result[$ito->service_id])) $result[$ito->service_id] = $ito; return $result; } // @todo to retire public function items_invoice() { $result = array(); $items = $this->items(); foreach ($items as $ito) if (! $ito->service_id AND empty($result[$ito->id])) $result[$ito->id] = $ito; return $result; } /** * Return all invoice items for a specific service */ public function items_service($service_id) { $svs = $this->items_index('service'); if (array_key_exists($service_id,$svs)) { Sort::MAsort($svs[$service_id],'item_type'); return $svs[$service_id]; } else return array(); } // @todo to retire /** * Return a list of periods and services * * This is so that we can list items summarised by billing period */ public function items_service_periods() { $result = array(); $c = array(); foreach ($this->items() as $ito) if ($ito->service_id) { // If we have already covered a service with no recurring_schedule if (! $ito->recurring_schedule AND in_array($ito->service_id,$c)) continue; array_push($c,$ito->service_id); $result[$ito->recurring_schedule][] = $ito; } return $result; } /** * Summarise the items on an invoice * * We summaries based on product. */ // @todo public function items_summary() { $result = array(); foreach ($this->items() as $ito) { // We only summarise item_type=0 if (! $ito->item_type == 0) continue; $t = $ito->product->title(); if (! isset($result[$t])) { $result[$t]['quantity'] = 0; $result[$t]['subtotal'] = 0; } $result[$t]['quantity'] += $ito->quantity; $result[$t]['subtotal'] += $ito->subtotal(); } return $result; } /** * Calculate the total for items for a service */ public function items_service_total($sid) { $total = 0; foreach ($this->items_service($sid) as $ito) $total += $ito->total(); return $total; } /** * Calculate the tax of items for a service */ public function items_service_tax($sid) { $total = 0; foreach ($this->items_service($sid) as $ito) $total += $ito->tax(); return $total; } /** * Calculate the discounts of items for a service */ public function items_service_discount($sid) { $total = 0; foreach ($this->items_service($sid) as $ito) $total += $ito->discount(); return $total; } public function min_due($date) { return strtotime(date('Y-M-d',($date < time()) ? time()+ORM::factory('Invoice')->config('DUE_DAYS_MIN')*86400 : $date)); } /** * Display the Invoice Reference Number */ public function refnum() { return sprintf('%s-%06s',$this->account->accnum(),$this->id); } public function payments() { return $this->payment_item->find_all(); } public function payments_total($format=FALSE) { $result = 0; foreach ($this->payments() as $po) $result += $po->alloc_amt; return $format ? Currency::display($result) : Currency::round($result); } /** * Check the reminder value */ public function remind($key) { if (isset($this->reminders[$key])) return (is_array($this->reminders[$key])) ? end($this->reminders[$key]) : $this->reminders[$key]; else return FALSE; } public function save(Validation $validation = NULL) { // Our items will be clobbered once we save the object, so we need to save it here. $items = $this->items(); // If this is a new invoice, we'll need to do more work $new = ! $this->loaded(); // Save the invoice parent::save($validation); // Need to save the associated items and their taxes if ($this->loaded()) { foreach ($items as $iio) { $iio->invoice_id = $this->id; if (! $iio->changed()) continue; if (! $iio->check()) { // @todo Mark invoice as cancelled and write a memo, then... throw new Kohana_Exception('Problem saving invoice_item for invoice :invoice - Failed check()',array(':invoice'=>$this->id)); } $iio->save(); if (! $iio->saved()) { // @todo Mark invoice as cancelled and write a memo, then... throw new Kohana_Exception('Problem saving invoice_item for invoice :invoice - Failed save()',array(':invoice'=>$this->id)); } // If this is a new invoice, we'll need to update some other items if ($new) { // Update next invoice date if ($iio->item_type == 0) { $iio->service->date_next_invoice = $iio->date_stop+86400; // @todo Mark invoice as cancelled and write a memo, then... if (! $iio->service->save()) throw new Kohana_Exception('Problem saving service :service for invoice_item :invoice_item - Failed save()',array(':invoice_item'=>$iio->id,':service'=>$iio->service_id)); } // Update charge iteme if ($iio->charge_id) { $iio->charge->processed = 1; // @todo Mark invoice as cancelled and write a memo, then... if (! $iio->charge->save()) throw new Kohana_Exception('Problem saving charge :charge for invoice_item :invoice_item - Failed save()',array(':invoice_item'=>$iio->id,':charge'=>$iio->charge_id)); } } // @todo Need to save discount information } } else throw new Kohana_Exception('Couldnt save invoice for some reason?'); return TRUE; } public function set_remind($key,$value,$add=FALSE) { $x = $this->reminders; // If our value is null, we'll remove it. if (is_null($value) AND isset($x[$key])) unset($x[$key]); elseif ($add) { if (! is_array($a=$x[$key])) $x[$key] = array($a); $x[$key][] = $value; } else $x[$key] = $value; $this->reminders = $x; $this->save(); return $this->saved(); } /** * Return the subtotal of all items */ public function subtotal($format=FALSE) { $result = 0; foreach ($this->items() as $ito) $result += $ito->subtotal(); return $format ? Currency::display($result) : Currency::round($result); } public function tax($format=FALSE) { $result = 0; foreach ($this->items() as $ito) $result += $ito->tax(); return $format ? Currency::display($result) : Currency::round($result); } /** * Return a list of taxes used on this invoice * @todo Move some of this to invoice_item_tax. */ public function tax_summary() { $summary = array(); foreach ($this->items() as $ito) { foreach ($ito->invoice_item_tax->find_all() as $item_tax) { if (! isset($summary[$item_tax->tax_id])) $summary[$item_tax->tax_id] = $item_tax->amount; else $summary[$item_tax->tax_id] += $item_tax->amount; } } // @todo This should be removed eventually if (! $summary) $summary[1] = $this->tax(); return $summary; } /** * Return the total of all items */ public function total($format=FALSE) { $result = 0; // This will include charges and credits foreach ($this->items() as $ito) $result += $ito->total(); return $format ? Currency::display($result) : Currency::round($result); } public function total_charges($format=FALSE) { $result = 0; foreach ($this->items('CHARGE') as $ito) $result += $ito->subtotal()+$ito->tax(); return $format ? Currency::display($result) : Currency::round($result); } public function total_credits($format=FALSE) { $result = 0; foreach ($this->items('CREDIT') as $ito) $result += ($ito->subtotal()+$ito->tax())*-1; return $format ? Currency::display($result) : Currency::round($result); } public function total_discounts($format=FALSE) { $result = 0; foreach ($this->items() as $ito) $result += $ito->discount(); return $format ? Currency::display($result) : Currency::round($result); } /** LIST FUNCTIONS **/ /** * Search for invoices matching a term */ public function list_autocomplete($term,$index,$value,array $label,array $limit=array(),array $options=NULL) { // We only show invoice numbers. if (! is_numeric($term)) return array(); $ao = Auth::instance()->get_user(); $this->clear(); $this->where_active(); // Build our where clause $this->where_open() ->where('id','like','%'.$term.'%') ->where_close(); // Restrict results to authorised accounts array_push($limit,array('account_id','IN',$ao->RTM->customers($ao->RTM))); return parent::list_autocomplete($term,$index,$value,$label,$limit,$options); } private function _list_due() { static $result = array(); if (! $result) foreach ($this->_where_active()->_where_unprocessed()->find_all() as $io) if ($io->due()) array_push($result,$io); return $result; } private function _where_unprocessed() { return $this->where_open()->where('process_status','!=',1)->or_where('process_status','is',NULL)->where_close(); } public function where_unprocessed() { return $this->_where_unprocessed(); } /** * Identify all the invoices that are due */ public function list_overdue($time=NULL) { $result = array(); if (is_null($time)) $time = time(); foreach ($this->_list_due() as $io) if ($io->due_date <= $time) array_push($result,$io); return $result; } /** * Return a list of invoices that are over their due date with/without auto billing */ public function list_overdue_billing($time=NULL,$billing=FALSE) { $result = array(); foreach ($this->list_overdue($time) as $io) { $i = FALSE; foreach ($io->service->find_all() as $so) if (($billing AND $so->account_billing_id) OR (! $billing AND ! $so->account_billing_id)) { array_push($result,$io); break; } } return $result; } /** * Return a list of invoices that are due, excluding overdue. */ public function list_due($time=NULL) { $result = array(); foreach ($this->_list_due() as $io) if (is_null($time) OR $io->due_date > time()) if (is_null($time)) array_push($result,$io); elseif ($io->due_date <= $time) array_push($result,$io); return $result; } public function list_due_total($format=FALSE,$time=NULL) { $result = 0; foreach ($this->list_due($time) as $io) $result += $io->due(); return $format ? Currency::display($result) : Currency::round($result); } /** * Return a list of invoices that need to be sent. * @todo This should be optimised a little to return only invoices to send, instead of looking for them. */ public function list_tosend() { return ORM::factory('Invoice')->where_active()->where_open()->where('print_status','is',NULL)->or_where('print_status','!=',1)->where_close(); } public function html() { // @todo This should be in a config file. $css = '<style type="text/css">'; $css .= 'table.box-left { border: 1px solid #AAAACC; margin-right: auto; }'; $css .= 'tr.head { font-weight: bold; }'; $css .= 'td.head { font-weight: bold; }'; $css .= 'td.right { text-align: right; }'; $css .= 'tr.odd { background-color: #FCFCFE; }'; $css .= 'tr.even { background-color: #F6F6F8; }'; $css .= '</style>'; $output = View::factory('invoice/user/email') ->set('mediapath',Route::get('default/media')) ->set('io',$this); return $css.$output; } } ?>