*/ require_once 'Image/Graph.php'; require_once 'Image/Canvas.php'; $Canvas =& Image_Canvas::factory('png', array('width' => 400, 'height' => 300, 'antialias' => 'native')); // create the graph $Graph =& Image_Graph::factory('graph', $Canvas); // add a TrueType font $Font =& $Graph->addNew('font', 'Verdana'); // set the font size to 11 pixels $Font->setSize(8); $Graph->setFont($Font); // create the plotarea layout $Graph->add( Image_Graph::vertical( Image_Graph::factory('title', array('Primary & Secondary Axis', 11)), Image_Graph::vertical( $Plotarea = Image_Graph::factory('plotarea'), $Legend = Image_Graph::factory('legend'), 90 ), 5 ) ); // make the legend use the plotarea (or implicitly it's plots) $Legend->setPlotarea($Plotarea); // create a grid and assign it to the secondary Y axis $GridY2 =& $Plotarea->addNew('bar_grid', IMAGE_GRAPH_AXIS_Y_SECONDARY); $GridY2->setFillStyle( Image_Graph::factory( 'gradient', array(IMAGE_GRAPH_GRAD_VERTICAL, 'white', 'lightgrey') ) ); // create a line plot using a random dataset $Dataset1 =& Image_Graph::factory('random', array(8, 10, 100, true)); $Plot1 =& $Plotarea->addNew('line', array(&$Dataset1)); $Plot1->setLineColor('red'); // create an area plot using a random dataset $Dataset2 =& Image_Graph::factory('random', array(8, 1, 10, true)); $Plot2 =& $Plotarea->addNew( 'Image_Graph_Plot_Area', $Dataset2, IMAGE_GRAPH_AXIS_Y_SECONDARY ); $Plot2->setLineColor('gray'); $Plot2->setFillColor('blue@0.2'); // set the titles for the plots $Plot1->setTitle('Primary Axis'); $Plot2->setTitle('Secondary Axis'); $AxisX =& $Plotarea->getAxis(IMAGE_GRAPH_AXIS_X); $AxisX->setTitle('Oranges'); $AxisY =& $Plotarea->getAxis(IMAGE_GRAPH_AXIS_Y); $AxisY->setTitle('Apples', 'vertical'); $AxisYsecondary =& $Plotarea->getAxis(IMAGE_GRAPH_AXIS_Y_SECONDARY); $AxisYsecondary->setTitle('Pears', 'vertical2'); // output the Graph $Graph->done(); ?>