* @package AgileBill * @version 1.4.93 */ /* ============================================================================ Available Config Variables: ============================================================================ enom_user enom_pass enom_mode (0/1 test/live) ============================================================================ */ class plg_reg_ENOM { function plg_reg_ENOM ($obj) { $this->registrar = $obj->registrar; $this->domainrs = $obj->domain; $this->domain_name = $obj->domain['domain_name'].'.'.$obj->domain['domain_tld']; $this->domain = $obj->domain['domain_name']; $this->tld = $obj->domain['domain_tld']; $this->term = $obj->domain['domain_term']; if(!empty($obj->server['ns_primary'])) $this->ns1 = $obj->server['ns_primary']; else $this->ns1 = $obj->registrar['ns1']; if(!empty($obj->server['ns_secondary'])) $this->ns2 = $obj->server['ns_secondary']; else $this->ns2 = $obj->registrar['ns2']; if(!empty($obj->server['ns_ip_primary'])) $this->nsip1 = $obj->server['ns_ip_primary']; else $this->nsip1 = $obj->registrar['ns1ip']; if(!empty($obj->server['ns_ip_secondary'])) $this->nsip2 = $obj->server['ns_ip_secondary']; else $this->nsip2 = $obj->registrar['ns2ip']; # get the account details for the registrant: $db = &DB(); $q = "SELECT * FROM ".AGILE_DB_PREFIX."account WHERE id = ".$db->qstr( $this->domainrs['account_id'] )." AND site_id = ".$db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE); $rs = $db->Execute($q); if ($rs->RecordCount() == 1) { $this->account = $rs->fields; } # set the test mode if($this->registrar['enom_mode'] == "1") $this->host = 'reseller.enom.com'; else $this->host = 'resellertest.enom.com'; } ### Register domain function register() { # Compose the data to post: $url = '/interface.asp'; $vars = array( 'Command' => 'Purchase', 'UID' => $this->registrar['enom_user'], 'PW' => $this->registrar['enom_pass'], 'SLD' => $this->domain, 'TLD' => $this->tld, 'NS1' => $this->ns1, 'NS2' => $this->ns2, 'RegistrantFirstName' => $this->account['first_name'], 'RegistrantLastName' => $this->account['last_name'], 'RegistrantAddress1' => $this->account['address1'], 'RegistrantCity' => $this->account['city'], 'RegistrantStateProvince' => $this->account['state'], 'RegistrantPostalCode' => $this->account['zip'], 'RegistrantEmailAddress' => $this->account['email'], 'RegistrantPhone' => '0-000-000-000', 'RegistrantFax' => '0-000-000-000', 'RegistrantNexus' => 'na', 'RegistrantPurpose' => 'non', 'UnLockRegistrar' => '0', 'NumYears' => $this->term, 'ResponseType' => 'HTML' ); # For .co.uk TLDs $tld = strtolower($this->tld); if($tld == 'co.uk') { $vars['uk_legal_type'] = 'OTHER'; $vars['uk_reg_co_no'] = 'NA'; } # Do the post include_once(PATH_CORE.'post.inc.php'); $post = new CORE_post; $result = $post->post_data($this->host, $url, $vars); # Debug if($this->registrar['debug']) echo "
Result: $result
"; # Get results if(eregi("Command completed successfully", $result)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } ### Renew domain function renew() { return false; } ### Transfer domain function transfer() { return false; } ### Park domain function park() { return false; } } ?>