get('modules')) return $cache->get('modules'); } else $cache = ''; $modules = array(); $module_table = 'module'; if (class_exists('Model_'.ucfirst($module_table))) { $mo = ORM::factory($module_table)->where('status','=',1)->find_all()->as_array(); foreach ($mo as $o) $modules[$o->name] = MODPATH.$o->name; } if ($cache) $cache->set('modules',$modules); return $modules; } /** * Return our site name */ public static function site() { if (! empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) return $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; if (! $site = CLI::options('site')) throw new Kohana_Exception(_('Cant figure out the site, use --site= for CLI')); return $site['site']; } /** * Work out our site ID for multiehosting * @todo Change this to query the DB for site number. */ public static function siteid() { $sites = Kohana::config(''); // If we havent been configured for sites if (is_null($sites) OR ! is_array($sites) OR ! isset($sites[static::site()])) return 0; else return $sites[static::site()]; } /** * Work out our site mode (dev,test,prod) * @todo Change this to query the DB for mode. */ public static function sitemode() { $sites = Kohana::config('config.site_mode'); // If we havent been configured for sites if (is_null($sites) OR ! is_array($sites) OR ! isset($sites[static::site()])) return Kohana::PRODUCTION; else return $sites[static::site()]; } public static function sitename() { return Kohana::config('config.site_name'); } public static function logo() { $mediapath = Route::get('default/media'); $logo = $mediapath->uri(array('file'=>'img/logo-small.png'),array('alt'=>static::sitename())); return HTML::image($logo,array('class'=>'headlogo','alt'=>_('Logo'))); } /** * Return our caching mechanism */ public static function cachetype() { return is_null(Kohana::config('config.cache_type')) ? 'file' : Kohana::config('config.cache_type'); } /** * Show a date using a site configured format */ public static function date($date) { return date(Kohana::config('config.date_format'),$date); } /** * See if our emails for the template should be sent to configured admin(s) * * @param string template - Template to test for * @return mixed|array - Email to send test emails to */ public static function testmail($template) { $config = Kohana::config('config.email_admin_only'); if (is_null($config) OR ! is_array($config) OR empty($config[$template])) return FALSE; else return $config[$template]; } } ?>