services: - centos/mariadb:latest variables: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: root MYSQL_USER: user MYSQL_PASSWORD: password MYSQL_DATABASE: homestead before_script: # Install dependencies - git submodule update --init --recursive - echo "Load sample DB" # We test PHP5.6 test:5.5: image: leenooks/php:5.5 script: - phpunit --bootstrap=includes/kohana/modules/unittest/bootstrap.php --exclude-group kohana --colors --verbose $@ includes/kohana/modules/unittest/tests.php only: - test tags: - php # We test PHP5.6 (good luck with that) #test:5.6: # image: php:5.6 # script: # - phpunit --bootstrap=includes/kohana/modules/unittest/bootstrap.php --exclude-group kohana --colors --verbose $@ includes/kohana/modules/unittest/tests.php --site=test # only: # - test # tags: # - php # We test PHP7.0 (good luck with that) #test:7.0: # image: php:7.0 # script: # - phpunit --bootstrap=includes/kohana/modules/unittest/bootstrap.php --exclude-group kohana --colors --verbose $@ includes/kohana/modules/unittest/tests.php --site=test # only: # - test # tags: # - php