* @package AgileBill * @version 1.4.93 */ /* ============================================================================ Available Config Variables: ============================================================================ user pass mode (0/1 test/live) ============================================================================ */ class plg_reg_ONLINENIC { function plg_reg_ONLINENIC ($obj) { $this->registrar = $obj->registrar; $this->domainrs = $obj->domain; $this->domain_name = $obj->domain['domain_name'].'.'.$obj->domain['domain_tld']; $this->domain = $obj->domain['domain_name']; $this->tld = $obj->domain['domain_tld']; $this->term = $obj->domain['domain_term']; if(!empty($obj->server['ns_primary'])) $this->ns1 = $obj->server['ns_primary']; else $this->ns1 = $obj->registrar['ns1']; if(!empty($obj->server['ns_secondary'])) $this->ns2 = $obj->server['ns_secondary']; else $this->ns2 = $obj->registrar['ns2']; if(!empty($obj->server['ns_ip_primary'])) $this->nsip1 = $obj->server['ns_ip_primary']; else $this->nsip1 = $obj->registrar['ns1ip']; if(!empty($obj->server['ns_ip_secondary'])) $this->nsip2 = $obj->server['ns_ip_secondary']; else $this->nsip2 = $obj->registrar['ns2ip']; # get the account details for the registrant: $db = &DB(); $q = "SELECT * FROM ".AGILE_DB_PREFIX."account WHERE id = ".$db->qstr( $this->domainrs['account_id'] )." AND site_id = ".$db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE); $rs = $db->Execute($q); if ($rs->RecordCount() == 1) { $this->account = $rs->fields; } # set the test mode if($this->registrar['mode'] == "1") $this->host = 'www.onlinenic.com'; else $this->host = ''; $this->port = 20001; $this->customer_id = $obj->registrar['user']; $this->password = $obj->registrar['pass']; } ### Register domain function register() { ### CONNECT $this->transaction_id = $this->domainrs['id'].'_login_'.time(); $fp = false; if($this->connectRegServer($fp)) { ### LOGIN if($this->onlinenicLogin($fp)) { # TLD handling if($this->tld == 'us') { $unspec = "AppPurpose=P1 NexusCategory=C11"; $domantype = 806; } elseif ($this->tld == 'info') { $unspec = false; $domantype = 805; } elseif ($this->tld == 'biz') { $unspec = false; $domantype = 800; } elseif ($this->tld == 'com' || $this->tld == 'net' || $this->tld == 'org') { $unspec = false; $domantype = 0; } ### Get country $db = &DB(); $sql = 'SELECT two_code FROM ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . 'country WHERE site_id = ' . $db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE) . ' AND id = ' . $db->qstr($this->account["country_id"]); $rs = $db->Execute($sql); if($rs == false || $rs->RecordCount() == 0) $country = "US"; else $country = $rs->fields["two_code"]; # ORG if(empty($this->account['company'])) $org = 'None'; else $org = $this->account['company']; ### CREATE CONTACT $password = $this->generate_password(); $this->transaction_id = $this->domainrs['id'].'_contact_'.time(); if ( $contactid = $this->onlinenicRegisterContact( $fp, $domantype, $this->account['first_name'].' '.$this->account['last_name'], $org, $this->account['address1'], $this->account['address2'], '', $this->account['city'], $this->account['state'], $country, $this->account['zip'], '+1.8885551212', '+1.8885551212', $this->account['email'], $password, $this->transaction_id, $unspec)) { ### REGISTER DOMAIN $this->transaction_id = $this->domainrs['id'].'_register_'.time(); if($this->onlinenicRegisterDomain($fp, $domantype, $this->domain.'.'.$this->tld, $this->term, $this->ns1, $this->ns2, $contactid, $contactid, $contactid, $contactid, $password)) { return true; } } } } fclose($fp); return false; } ### Renew domain function renew() { return false; } ### Transfer domain function transfer() { return false; } ### Park domain function park() { return false; } function connectRegServer(&$fp) { if(!($fp = fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, 90))) { return false; } //socket_set_blocking($fp, TRUE); $i = 0; while(!feof($fp)) { $i ++; $line = fgets($fp, 2); @$result .= $line; if(ereg("$", $result)) { break; } if ($i > 5000) break; } if(ereg("$", $result)) { return true; }else { return false; } } function sendCommand($fp, $command) { fputs($fp, $command); $i = 0; while(!feof($fp)) { $i ++; $line = fgets($fp, 2); @$result .= $line; if(ereg("$", $result)) { break; } if ($i > 5000) break; } $this->debug($command, $result); return $result; } function onlinenicLogin($fp) { $clTrid = $this->transaction_id; $checksum = md5($this->customer_id . md5($this->password) . $clTrid . "login"); $xml = " {$this->customer_id} 1.0 en ". $clTrid . " " .$checksum . " "; $result = $this->sendCommand($fp, $xml); if(!strstr($result, "")) { return false; }else { return true; } } function onlinenicRegisterDomain($fp, $domain_type, $domain, $year, $dns1, $dns2, $registrant, $admin, $tech, $billing, $password) { $clTrid = $this->transaction_id; $checksum = md5($this->customer_id . md5($this->password) . $this->transaction_id . "crtdomain" . $domain_type . $domain . $year . $dns1 . $dns2 . $registrant . $admin . $tech . $billing . $password); $xml = " " . $domain_type . " " . $domain . " " . $year . " " . $dns1 . " " . $dns2 . " " . $registrant . " " . $admin . " " . $tech . " " . $billing . " " . $password . " " . $clTrid . " " . $checksum . " "; $result = $this->sendCommand($fp, $xml); if(!strstr($result, "")) { return false; } return true; } function onlinenicRegisterContact($fp, $domain_type, $name, $org, $address1, $address2, $address3, $city, $province, $country, $postalcode, $telephone, $fax, $email, $password, $contact_id, $unspec) { $clTrid = $this->transaction_id; $checksum = md5($this->customer_id . md5($this->password) . $this->transaction_id . "crtcontact" . $name . $org . $email); $xml = " " . $domain_type . " " . $name . " " . $org . " " . $address1 . "\n"; if($address2 != "") { $xml .= "" . $address2 . "\n"; if($address3 != "") { $xml .= "" . $address2 . "\n"; } } $xml .= "" . $city . " " . $province . " " . $postalcode . " " . $country . " " . $telephone . " " . $fax . " " . $email . " " . $password . " \n"; if($unspec != "") { $xml .= " " . $unspec . "\n"; } $xml .= " " . $clTrid . " " . $checksum . " "; $result = $this->sendCommand($fp, $xml); if(!strstr($result, "")) { return false; } return $contact_id = $this->onlinenicGetValue($result, "", ""); } function onlinenicGetValue($msg, $str1, $str2) { $start_pos = strpos($msg, $str1); $stop_post = strpos($msg, $str2); $start_pos += strlen($str1); return substr($msg, $start_pos, $stop_post - $start_pos); } function getResultCode($result) { $start_pos = strpos($result, "registrar['debug']) { echo '

'; echo "
" . htmlspecialchars($data) . "
"; echo 'RESPONSE:
'; echo "
" . htmlspecialchars($result) . "
"; } } } ?>