* @package AgileBill * @version 1.4.93 */ /* * Vars available from server config: * * host * port * user * pass * acct * * Vars from service config: * * package * */ class plgn_prov_PSA_RESELL_7_5 { function plgn_prov_PSA_RESELL_7_5() { $this->name = 'PSA_RESELL_7_5'; $this->task_based = false; $this->remote_based = true; # PSA STUFF: $this->psapath = "enterprise/control/agent.php"; $this->proto = ""; } # add new service function p_new() { # get the common server class and set login details include_once(PATH_MODULES.'host_server/host_server.inc.php'); $host = new host_server; if($this->service['host_username'] == '' || $this->service['host_password'] == '') { # set the limits $pass_len = 10; $user_len = 10; # Generate a new username/login: $domain = $this->service['domain_name'].$this->service['domain_tld']; # set the username $username = trim($domain); $username = eregi_replace("[-_\.]", "", $username); if(strlen($username) < $user_len) { $rand = md5(md5($username).time()); $diff = $user_len - strlen($username); $username = $username . substr($rand, 0, $diff); } else { $rand = md5(md5($username).microtime()); $username = substr($username, 0, $user_len-3); $username = $username . substr($rand, 0, 3); } # Set the password $password = substr(md5(md5(time()).$domain.$username), 0, 10); # Set the user/pass for the XML queries $this->login['username'] = $this->service['domain_name'].'.'.$this->service['domain_tld']; //$username; $this->login['password'] = $password; } else { # Validate $this->login['username'] = $this->service['domain_name'].'.'.$this->service['domain_tld']; //$this->service['host_username']; $this->login['password'] = $this->service['host_password']; } # get ip address if ($this->plugin_data['ip_based'] == '1') { $this->ip = $host->useipaddress($this->service, $this->server); } else { $this->ip = $this->server['name_based_ip']; } # Get the account id $cl_id = $this->server_cfg['acct']; ################################### ### ADD IP TO POOL: ### $data =<< $cl_id {$this->ip} EOF; # Connect & get response: $result = $this->connect( $this->server_cfg['host'], $this->server_cfg['port'], $this->server_cfg['user'], $this->server_cfg['pass'], $data ); # Debug: $this->debug($data, $result); # Loop through the values below and convert to true or false: $tf_arr = Array ( 'create_domains', 'manage_phosting', 'manage_sh_access', 'manage_not_chroot_shell', 'manage_quota', 'manage_subdomains', 'manage_log', 'manage_anonftp', 'manage_crontab', 'site_builder', 'change_limits', 'manage_dns', 'manage_webapps', 'manage_maillists', 'manage_drweb', 'make_dumps', 'fp', 'fp_auth', 'fp_ssl', 'ssl', 'shell', 'php', 'ssi', 'cgi', 'mod_perl', 'mod_python', 'asp', 'asp_dot_net', 'coldfusion', 'webstat', 'errdocs', 'at_domains' ); for($i=0; $iplugin_data["$tf_arr[$i]"] == 1) $this->plugin_data["$tf_arr[$i]"] = 'true'; else $this->plugin_data["$tf_arr[$i]"] = 'false'; } # Calculate limits @$ftp_quota = ceil($this->plugin_data['ftp_quota']) *1024*1024; //MB @$disk_space = ceil($this->plugin_data['disk_space']) *1024*1024; //bytes @$max_traffic= ceil($this->plugin_data['max_traffic']) *1024*1024; //bytes @$mbox_quota = ceil($this->plugin_data['mbox_quota']) *1024; //?? if($this->plugin_data['shell'] == 1) $shell = 'true'; else $shell = '/bin/false'; ################################### ### ADD NEW DOMAIN AND LIMITS: ### $data =<< {$this->service['domain_name']}.{$this->service['domain_tld']} $cl_id {$this->ip} vrt_host {$this->plugin_data['max_subdom']} {$disk_space} {$max_traffic} {$this->plugin_data['max_wu']} {$this->plugin_data['max_db']} {$this->plugin_data['max_box']} {$mbox_quota} {$this->plugin_data['max_redir']} {$this->plugin_data['max_mg']} {$this->plugin_data['max_resp']} {$this->plugin_data['max_maillists']} {$this->plugin_data['max_webapps']} true true {$this->account['first_name']} {$this->account['last_name']} {$this->account['company']} {$this->login['username']} {$this->login['password']} {$this->account['email']} 00000 US 0 true false {$this->plugin_data['manage_sh_access']} {$this->plugin_data['manage_not_chroot_shell']} {$this->plugin_data['manage_quota']} {$this->plugin_data['manage_subdomains']} {$this->plugin_data['manage_log']} {$this->plugin_data['manage_anonftp']} {$this->plugin_data['manage_crontab']} {$this->plugin_data['site_builder']} {$this->plugin_data['change_limits']} {$this->plugin_data['manage_dns']} {$this->plugin_data['manage_webapps']} {$this->plugin_data['manage_maillists']} {$this->plugin_data['manage_drweb']} {$this->plugin_data['make_dumps']} EOF; # Connect & get response: $result = $this->connect( $this->server_cfg['host'], $this->server_cfg['port'], $this->server_cfg['user'], $this->server_cfg['pass'], $data ); # Debug: $this->debug($data, $result); # Get the account id if(!$domain_id = $this->getid($result)) { return false; } else { $db = &DB(); $id = $this->service_id; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".AGILE_DB_PREFIX."service WHERE id = $id"; $rs = $db->Execute($sql); $plugin_data = unserialize($rs->fields['host_provision_plugin_data']); $plugin_data['account_id'] = $cl_id; $plugin_data['domain_id'] = $domain_id; $insert = Array ( 'host_provision_plugin_data' => serialize($plugin_data), 'host_username' => $this->login['username'], 'host_password' => $this->login['password']); $sql = $db->GetUpdateSQL($rs, $insert); $result = $db->Execute($sql); if ($result === false) { global $C_debug; $C_debug->error('PSA_RESELL_7_5.php','plgn_prov_PSA_RESELL_7_5 :: p_new()', $db->ErrorMsg(). "\r\n\r\n". $sql); } # send the user the details include_once(PATH_MODULES.'email_template/email_template.inc.php'); $email = new email_template; $email->send('host_new_user', $this->account['id'], $this->service_id, '', ''); } $data =<< {$domain_id} {$this->ip} {$this->login['username']} {$this->login['password']} {$ftp_quota} {$this->plugin_data['fp']} {$this->plugin_data['fp_ssl']} {$this->service['host_password']} {$this->plugin_data['fp_auth']} {$this->login['username']} {$this->login['password']} {$this->plugin_data['ssl']} {$this->plugin_data['shell']} {$this->plugin_data['php']} {$this->plugin_data['ssi']} {$this->plugin_data['cgi']} {$this->plugin_data['mod_perl']} {$this->plugin_data['mod_python']} {$this->plugin_data['asp']} {$this->plugin_data['asp_dot_net']} {$this->plugin_data['coldfusion']} {$this->plugin_data['webstat']} {$this->plugin_data['errdocs']} {$this->plugin_data['at_domains']} EOF; # Connect & get response: $result = $this->connect( $this->server_cfg['host'], $this->server_cfg['port'], $this->server_cfg['user'], $this->server_cfg['pass'], $data ); # Debug: $this->debug($data, $result); return false; } # edit service function p_edit() { ## Get the IP if(!empty($this->service['host_ip'])) $this->ip = $this->service['host_ip']; else $this->ip = $this->server['name_based_ip']; ################################################ ### SET CLIENT PERMISSIONS & ADD IP TO POOL: ### # Loop through the values below and convert to true or false: $tf_arr = Array ( 'create_domains', 'manage_phosting', 'manage_sh_access', 'manage_not_chroot_shell', 'manage_quota', 'manage_subdomains', 'manage_log', 'manage_anonftp', 'manage_crontab', 'site_builder', 'change_limits', 'manage_dns', 'manage_webapps', 'manage_maillists', 'manage_drweb', 'make_dumps', 'fp', 'fp_ssl', 'ssl', 'shell', 'php', 'ssi', 'cgi', 'mod_perl', 'mod_python', 'asp', 'asp_dot_net', 'coldfusion', 'webstat', 'errdocs', 'at_domains' ); for($i=0; $iplugin_data["$tf_arr[$i]"] == 1) $this->plugin_data["$tf_arr[$i]"] = 'true'; else $this->plugin_data["$tf_arr[$i]"] = 'false'; } # Calculate limits @$ftp_quota = round($this->plugin_data['ftp_quota']) *1024*1024; @$disk_space = round($this->plugin_data['disk_space']) *1024*1024; @$max_traffic= round($this->plugin_data['max_traffic']) *1024*1024; @$mbox_quota = round($this->plugin_data['mbox_quota']) *1024; ################################### ### EDIT DOMAIN AND LIMITS: ### $data =<< {$this->plugin_data['domain_id']} {$this->ip} {$this->service['host_username']} {$this->service['host_password']} {$ftp_quota} {$this->plugin_data['fp']} {$this->plugin_data['fp_ssl']} {$this->service['host_password']} {$this->plugin_data['fp_auth']} {$this->service['host_username']} {$this->service['host_password']} {$this->plugin_data['ssl']} {$this->plugin_data['shell']} {$this->plugin_data['php']} {$this->plugin_data['ssi']} {$this->plugin_data['cgi']} {$this->plugin_data['mod_perl']} {$this->plugin_data['mod_python']} {$this->plugin_data['asp']} {$this->plugin_data['asp_dot_net']} {$this->plugin_data['coldfusion']} {$this->plugin_data['webstat']} {$this->plugin_data['errdocs']} {$this->plugin_data['at_domains']} {$this->plugin_data['max_subdom']} {$disk_space} {$max_traffic} {$this->plugin_data['max_wu']} {$this->plugin_data['max_db']} {$this->plugin_data['max_box']} {$mbox_quota} {$this->plugin_data['max_redir']} {$this->plugin_data['max_mg']} {$this->plugin_data['max_resp']} {$this->plugin_data['max_maillists']} {$this->plugin_data['max_webapps']} {$this->plugin_data['manage_phosting']} {$this->plugin_data['manage_sh_access']} {$this->plugin_data['manage_not_chroot_shell']} {$this->plugin_data['manage_quota']} {$this->plugin_data['manage_subdomains']} {$this->plugin_data['manage_log']} {$this->plugin_data['manage_anonftp']} {$this->plugin_data['manage_crontab']} {$this->plugin_data['site_builder']} {$this->plugin_data['change_limits']} {$this->plugin_data['manage_dns']} {$this->plugin_data['manage_webapps']} {$this->plugin_data['manage_maillists']} {$this->plugin_data['manage_drweb']} {$this->plugin_data['make_dumps']} EOF; # Connect & get response: $result = $this->connect( $this->server_cfg['host'], $this->server_cfg['port'], $this->server_cfg['user'], $this->server_cfg['pass'], $data ); # Debug: $this->debug($data, $result); if(!empty($result)) return true; else return false; } # activate service function p_inactive() { $data =<< {$this->plugin_data['domain_id']} 16 {$this->service['domain_name']}.{$this->service['domain_tld']} EOF; # Connect & get response: $result = $this->connect( $this->server_cfg['host'], $this->server_cfg['port'], $this->server_cfg['user'], $this->server_cfg['pass'], $data ); # Debug: $this->debug($data, $result); if(!empty($result)) return true; else return false; } # deactivate service function p_active() { $data =<< {$this->plugin_data['domain_id']} 0 {$this->service['domain_name']}.{$this->service['domain_tld']} EOF; # Connect & get response: $result = $this->connect( $this->server_cfg['host'], $this->server_cfg['port'], $this->server_cfg['user'], $this->server_cfg['pass'], $data ); # Debug: $this->debug($data, $result); if(!empty($result)) return true; else return false; } # delete service function p_delete() { # recycle the IP if ip_based: if ($this->plugin_data['ip_based'] == '1') { include_once(PATH_MODULES.'host_server/host_server.inc.php'); $host = new host_server; $this->ip = $host->unuseipaddress($this->server, $this->service['host_ip']); } $data =<< {$this->plugin_data['domain_id']} EOF; # Connect & get response: $result = $this->connect( $this->server_cfg['host'], $this->server_cfg['port'], $this->server_cfg['user'], $this->server_cfg['pass'], $data ); # Debug: $this->debug($data, $result); if(!empty($result)) return true; else return false; } # construct echo all updates function p_one($id) { global $C_debug; # Get the service details $db = &DB(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . 'service WHERE id = ' . $db->qstr( $id ) . ' AND site_id = ' . $db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE); $rs = $db->Execute($sql); if($rs->RecordCount() == 0) { return false; } $this->service = $rs->fields; $this->service_id = $rs->fields['id']; @$this->plugin_data = unserialize($this->service['host_provision_plugin_data']); # Get the account details $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . 'account WHERE id = ' . $db->qstr( $this->service['account_id'] ) . ' AND site_id = ' . $db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE); $acct = $db->Execute($sql); $this->account = $acct->fields; # Get the server details $db = &DB(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . 'host_server WHERE id = ' . $db->qstr( $this->service['host_server_id'] ) . ' AND site_id = ' . $db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE); $rs = $db->Execute($sql); if (@$rs->RecordCount() == 0) { return false; } else { $this->server = $rs->fields; @$this->server_cfg = unserialize($rs->fields['provision_plugin_data']); } # determine the correct action switch ($this->service['queue']) { # new case 'new': $result = $this->p_new(); break; # active case 'active': $result = $this->p_active(); break; # inactive case 'inactive': $result = $this->p_inactive(); break; # edit case 'edit': $result = $this->p_edit(); if ($this->service['active'] == 1 ) $result = $this->p_active(); else $result = $this->p_inactive(); break; # delete case 'delete': $result = $this->p_delete(); break; } # update service record if(@$result) { # update $db = &DB(); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . 'service SET queue = ' . $db->qstr( 'none' ) . ', date_last = ' . $db->qstr( time() ) . ' WHERE id = ' . $db->qstr( $this->service_id ) . ' AND site_id = ' . $db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE); $upd = $db->Execute($sql); } else { # error log $C_debug->error($this->name.'.php', $this->service['queue'], $this->service['queue'] . ' For service id '. $this->service_id . ' Failed!'); } } /* * Get the id returned */ function getid($result) { preg_match ("/()+([0-9]){1,99}/i", $result, $arr); if(is_array($arr) && count($arr) > 0) { $id = ereg_replace("","", $arr[0]); if(!is_numeric($id)) return false; else return $id; } else { return false; } return false; } /* * Debug */ function debug($data,$result=false) { if($this->server['debug']) { echo '

'; echo "
" . htmlspecialchars($data) . "
"; echo 'RESPONSE:
'; echo "
" . htmlspecialchars($result) . "
"; } } /* * Curl connect functions */ function connect($HOST, $PORT, $LOGIN, $PASSWD, $DATA) { $url = "https://" . $HOST . ":" . $PORT . "/" . $this->psapath; $headers = array( "HTTP_AUTH_LOGIN: " . $LOGIN, "HTTP_AUTH_PASSWD: " . $PASSWD, "HTTP_PRETTY_PRINT: TRUE", "Content-Type: text/xml", ); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $DATA); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $result = curl_exec($ch); $this->result = $result; curl_close($ch); return $result; } } ?>