This repository has been archived on 2024-04-08. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
Deon George 130a87aa9a Major work to domain and hosting
Minor updates for ADSL services
Updates to Sort::MAsort()
Move core OSB items under application/
Moved ACCOUNT functions under application
Minor updates to task
2012-01-12 19:53:55 +11:00

433 lines
15 KiB

<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.');
* This class supports Services
* @package OSB
* @subpackage ADSL
* @category Models
* @author Deon George
* @copyright (c) 2010 Open Source Billing
* @license
class Model_Service_Plugin_ADSL extends Model_Service_Plugin {
protected $_table_name = 'service__adsl';
protected $_updated_column = FALSE;
// Relationships
protected $_belongs_to = array(
protected $_has_one = array(
protected $_display_filters = array(
// Required abstract functions
public function service_view() {
return View::factory('service/user/plugin/adsl/view')
public function name() {
return $this->service_number;
public function product() {
if ($this->provided_adsl_plan_id)
return $this->adsl_plan;
return $this->service->product->plugin();
* Return the IP Address for the service
public function ipaddress() {
return $this->ipaddress ? $this->ipaddress : _('Dynamic');
public function contract_date_start() {
return Config::date($this->service_connect_date);
public function contract_date_end() {
return Config::date(strtotime(sprintf('+%s months',$this->contract_term),$this->service_connect_date));
* This function will return the months that have traffic data.
* This array can be used in a select list to display the traffic for that month
public function get_traffic_months() {
$keys = $months = array();
foreach ($this->get_traffic_data_monthly() as $metric => $data)
$keys = array_unique(array_merge($keys,array_keys($data)));
foreach ($keys as $v)
$months[$v] = $v;
return $months;
* Calculate the total traffic used in a month
private function get_traffic_data_month($period=NULL) {
$return = array();
foreach ($this->get_traffic_data_daily($period,TRUE) as $tdata)
foreach ($tdata as $k => $v)
if (isset($return[$k]))
$return[$k] += $v;
$return[$k] = $v;
return $return;
* Return an array of the data used in a month by day
public function get_traffic_data_daily($period=NULL,$bydate=FALSE) {
$cacheable = TRUE;
if (is_null($period))
$period = strtotime('yesterday');
$cache = $this->'M-Y',$period).$bydate;
// @todo This cache needs to be improved, so that we cache the query regardless of bydate setting
if ($cacheable AND $return = Cache::instance(Config::cachetype())->get($cache))
return $return;
$return = array();
$to = ORM::factory('service_plugin_adsl_traffic')
->and_where('date','<=',date('Y-m-d',strtotime('last day of '.date('M Y',$period))));
foreach ($to->find_all() as $traffic) {
// Roll up the charges according to the configuration
$data = ADSL::allowance(array(
'base_down_peak'=>is_null($this->service->product->plugin()->base_down_peak) ? NULL : $traffic->down_peak,
'base_down_offpeak'=>is_null($this->service->product->plugin()->base_down_offpeak) ? NULL : $traffic->down_offpeak,
'base_up_peak'=>is_null($this->service->product->plugin()->base_up_peak) ? NULL : $traffic->up_peak,
'base_up_offpeak'=>is_null($this->service->product->plugin()->base_up_offpeak) ? NULL : $traffic->up_offpeak,
$day = date('d',strtotime($traffic->date));
if ($bydate)
$return[$day] = $data;
foreach ($data as $k => $v)
$return[$k][$day] = $v;
// Cache our data
// @todo Our cache time should be a configuration parameter
return $return;
* Return an array of the data used in a year by month
public function get_traffic_data_monthly($period=NULL,$bydate=FALSE) {
$cacheable = TRUE;
if (is_null($period))
$period = strtotime('yesterday');
$cache = $this->'M-Y',$period).$bydate.__METHOD__;
// @todo This cache needs to be improved, so that we cache the query regardless of bydate setting
if ($cacheable AND $return = Cache::instance(Config::cachetype())->get($cache))
return $return;
$return = array();
$to = ORM::factory('service_plugin_adsl_traffic')
->and_where('date','<=',date('Y-m-d',strtotime('last day of '.date('M Y',$period))))
foreach ($to->find_all() as $traffic) {
// Roll up the charges according to the configuration
$data = ADSL::allowance(array(
'base_down_peak'=>is_null($this->service->product->plugin()->base_down_peak) ? NULL : $traffic->down_peak,
'base_down_offpeak'=>is_null($this->service->product->plugin()->base_down_offpeak) ? NULL : $traffic->down_offpeak,
'base_up_peak'=>is_null($this->service->product->plugin()->base_up_peak) ? NULL : $traffic->up_peak,
'base_up_offpeak'=>is_null($this->service->product->plugin()->base_up_offpeak) ? NULL : $traffic->up_offpeak,
if ($bydate)
$return[$traffic->month] = $data;
foreach ($data as $k => $v)
$return[$k][$traffic->month] = $v;
// Cache our data
// @todo Our cache time should be a configuration parameter
return $return;
public function traffic_month($month,$string=TRUE) {
return $string ? implode('/',$this->get_traffic_data_month($month)) :
public function traffic_lastmonth($string=TRUE) {
// We need it to be last month as of yesterday
return $this->traffic_month(strtotime('last month')-86400,$string);
public function traffic_thismonth($string=TRUE) {
return $this->traffic_month(strtotime('yesterday'),$string);
public function traffic_lastmonth_exceed($all=FALSE,$date=NULL) {
$return = array();
if (is_null($date))
$date = strtotime('last month');
foreach ($this->traffic_month($date,FALSE) as $k => $v) {
// We shouldnt need to eval for nulls, since the traffic calc does that
if ($all OR ($v > $this->service->product->plugin()->$k)) {
$return[$k]['allowance'] = $this->service->product->plugin()->$k;
$return[$k]['used'] = $v;
$return[$k]['shaped'] = (! empty($this->service->product->plugin()->extra_shaped) AND $this->service->product->plugin()->extra_shaped AND $v > $this->service->product->plugin()->$k) ? TRUE : FALSE;
$return[$k]['excess'] = (! empty($this->service->product->plugin()->extra_charged) AND $this->service->product->plugin()->extra_charged AND $v > $this->service->product->plugin()->$k) ? $v-$this->service->product->plugin()->$k : 0;
$return[$k]['rate'] = $this->service->product->plugin()->{ADSL::map($k)};
$return[$k]['charge'] = ceil(($return[$k]['excess'])/1000)*$return[$k]['rate'];
return $return;
public function template_variables($array) {
$friendly = array(
'cumulative_base_down_peak'=>'Total Peak',
'cumulative_base_down_offpeak'=>'Total OffPeak',
$return = array();
if ($this->service->product->prod_plugin_file != 'ADSL')
throw new Kohana_Exception('Huh? How did this get called, for a non ADSL product (:ppf)',array(':ppf'=>$this->service_id));
$allowance = $this->service->product->plugin()->allowance(FALSE);
$period = strtotime('yesterday');
$traffic_data = $this->get_traffic_data_daily($period,FALSE);
$traffic = $this->get_traffic_data_month($period);
$traffic_type = $this->get_traffic_data_daily($period,TRUE);
$day = count($traffic_type) ? max(array_keys($traffic_type)) : 1;
$date = mktime(0,0,0,date('n',$period),$day,date('Y',$period));
$daysleft = date('d',strtotime('last day of',$date))-$day;
$google = GoogleChart::factory('vertical_bar');
$google->title = sprintf('DSL traffic usage as at %s',Config::date($date));
foreach ($traffic_data as $k => $details)
'title'=>array((isset($friendly[$k]) ? $friendly[$k] : $k)),
'data'=>array((isset($friendly[$k]) ? $friendly[$k] : $k)=>$traffic_data[$k])));
// Work out comulative numbers
foreach ($traffic_data as $k => $details)
'title'=>array((isset($friendly['cumulative_'.$k]) ? $friendly['cumulative_'.$k] : 'cumulative_'.$k)),
'data'=>array((isset($friendly['cumulative_'.$k]) ? $friendly['cumulative_'.$k] : 'cumulative_'.$k)=>$this->cumulative($traffic_data[$k]))));
foreach ($array as $item) {
switch ($item) {
case 'MONTH_GRAPH': $value = (string)$google; break;
case 'MONTH_TABLE': $value = $google->html_table(FALSE,array(
'table'=>'style="border: 1px solid #bebcb7; padding: 5px 5px; background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #f8f7f5; font-size: 70%;"',
)); break;
case 'OFFPEAK_ALLOWANCE': $value = isset($allowance['base_down_offpeak']) ? $allowance['base_down_offpeak'].' MB' : '-'; break;
case 'OFFPEAK_USAGE': $value = isset($traffic['base_down_offpeak']) ? $traffic['base_down_offpeak'].' MB' : '-'; break;
case 'PEAK_ALLOWANCE': $value = isset($allowance['base_down_peak']) ? $allowance['base_down_peak'].' MB' : '-'; break;
case 'PEAK_USAGE': $value = isset($traffic['base_down_peak']) ? $traffic['base_down_peak'].' MB' : '-'; break;
case 'OFFPEAK_AVERAGE': $value = isset($traffic['base_down_offpeak']) ? round($traffic['base_down_offpeak']/$day,2).' MB' : '-'; break;
case 'OFFPEAK_AVERAGE_REMAIN': $value = ((isset($traffic['base_down_offpeak']) AND ($allowance['base_down_offpeak'] > $traffic['base_down_offpeak']) AND $daysleft) ? round(($allowance['base_down_offpeak']-$traffic['base_down_offpeak'])/$daysleft,2).' MB' : '-'); break;
case 'PEAK_AVERAGE': $value = isset($traffic['base_down_peak']) ? round($traffic['base_down_peak']/$day,2).' MB' : '-'; break;
case 'PEAK_AVERAGE_REMAIN': $value = ((isset($traffic['base_down_peak']) AND ($allowance['base_down_peak'] > $traffic['base_down_peak']) AND $daysleft) ? round(($allowance['base_down_peak']-$traffic['base_down_peak'])/$daysleft,2).' MB' : '-'); break;
case 'SERVICE_NUMBER': $value = $this->service_number; break;
case 'USAGE_DATE': $value = Config::date($date); break;
case 'USER_NAME': $value = $this->service->account->name(); break;
$value = '';
$return[$item] = $value;
return $return;
* This function will take an array of numbers and change it into a cumulative array
public function cumulative($array) {
$result = array();
$s = 0;
foreach ($array as $k => $v)
$result[$k] = ($s += $v);
return $result;
* Determine if we alert traffic
* We alert traffic if:
* + 80% of usage every 3 days
* + average daily usage > allowance every 5 days
* + last day of the period
public function report_traffic() {
if ($this->service->product->prod_plugin_file != 'ADSL')
throw new Kohana_Exception('Huh? How did this get called, for a non ADSL product (:ppf)',array(':ppf'=>$this->service_id));
$allowance = $this->service->product->plugin()->allowance(FALSE);
$period = strtotime('yesterday');
$traffic_data = $this->get_traffic_data_daily($period,FALSE);
$traffic = $this->get_traffic_data_month($period);
$traffic_type = $this->get_traffic_data_daily($period,TRUE);
// @todo If no data comes in, then this can be stuck reporting traffic for an old date.
$day = count($traffic_type) ? max(array_keys($traffic_type)) : 1;
$lastday = date('d',strtotime('last day of',$period));
foreach ($traffic as $k => $v) {
// If we are the last day of the period
if ($day == $lastday AND $v)
return TRUE;
// If we are at 80% usage
if ($v/($allowance[$k] > 0 ? $allowance[$k] : 1) >= .8 AND $day%3 == 0)
return TRUE;
// If our average is greater than our allowance
if ($day%5 == 0 AND ($v/$day > $allowance[$k]/$day))
return TRUE;
// If we get here, then we dont need to report usage.
return FALSE;
* Get specific service details for use in other modules
* For Example: Invoice
* @todo Make the rendered items configurable
* @todo Change this method name, now that it is public
public function _details($type) {
switch ($type) {
case 'invoice_detail_items':
return array(
_('Service Address')=>$this->display('service_address'),
_('Contract Until')=>$this->contract_date_end(),
return parent::$_details($type);
protected function _admin_update() {
return View::factory($this->viewpath(strtolower($this->service->prod_plugin_name)))
* Render a google chart of traffic
public function graph_traffic($month=NULL) {
$google = GoogleChart::factory('vertical_bar');
// If we came in via a post to show a particular month, then show that, otherwise show the yearly result
if (! is_null($month) AND trim($month)) {
$google->title = sprintf('DSL traffic usage for %s',$_POST['month']);
$traffic_data = $this->get_traffic_data_daily(strtotime($_POST['month'].'-01'));
foreach ($traffic_data as $k => $details)
'title'=>array((isset($friendly[$k]) ? $friendly[$k] : $k)),
'data'=>array((isset($friendly[$k]) ? $friendly[$k] : $k)=>$traffic_data[$k])));
foreach ($traffic_data as $k => $details)
'title'=>array((isset($friendly['cumulative'.$k]) ? $friendly['cumulative'.$k] : 'cumulative'.$k)),
'data'=>array((isset($friendly['cumulative'.$k]) ? $friendly['cumulative'.$k] : 'cumulative'.$k)=>$this->cumulative($traffic_data[$k]))));
} else {
// @todo Change the date to the last record date
$google->title = sprintf('Monthly DSL traffic usage as at %s',Config::date(strtotime('yesterday')));
$traffic_data = $this->get_traffic_data_monthly();
foreach ($traffic_data as $k => $details)
'title'=>array((isset($friendly[$k]) ? $friendly[$k] : $k)),
'data'=>array((isset($friendly[$k]) ? $friendly[$k] : $k)=>$traffic_data[$k])));
return (string)$google;
public function table_traffic($month=NULL) {
return View::factory('service/user/plugin/adsl/table_traffic')
->set('traffic',$this->traffic_month((! is_null($month) AND trim($month)) ? strtotime($month.'-01') : NULL,FALSE));