This repository has been archived on 2024-04-08. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
Deon George 130a87aa9a Major work to domain and hosting
Minor updates for ADSL services
Updates to Sort::MAsort()
Move core OSB items under application/
Moved ACCOUNT functions under application
Minor updates to task
2012-01-12 19:53:55 +11:00

519 lines
15 KiB

* AgileBill - Open Billing Software
* This body of work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the Open AgileBill License
* License as published at
* Originally authored by Tony Landis, AgileBill LLC
* Recent modifications by Deon George
* @author Deon George <deonATleenooksDOTnet>
* @copyright 2009 Deon George
* @link
* @link
* @copyright 2004-2008 Agileco, LLC.
* @license
* @author Tony Landis <>
* @package AgileBill
* @subpackage Core
* The main AgileBill CORE List Class
* @package AgileBill
* @subpackage Core
class CORE_list {
private $id = 100;
* @todo deprecite this function - replace with mmenu()
public function menu($input_id,$name,$table,$field,$default,$class,$all=false) {
* Generate a select list, using the values in a table
* @param string $input_id HTML id="" value.
* + If 'no', then a hot click img wont be included
* + If 'all', then a blank item will be included
* @param string $name HTML name="" value.
* @param string $table Table to query for a list of items.
* @param string $field Column to query for a list of items.
* @param string $default Default Value to pre-select (if it exists)
* + If 'all', then a blank item will be included
* @param string|array $where SQL where conditions
* @param string $class CSS class for the select list
* @param bool $all If true, then a blank item will be included.
* @todo Remove the many ways of selecting all
public function mmenu($input_id,$name,$table,$field,$default,$where,$class,$all=false) {
global $C_translate;
$noicon = false;
if ($input_id == 'no') {
$input_id = '';
$noicon = true;
if (! $input_id)
$input_id = sprintf('%s_%s_%s',$table,$field,$this->id++);
$db = &DB();
$result = $db->Execute(sqlSelect($db,$table,sprintf('id,%s',$field),$where,$field));
if ($result === false) {
global $C_debug;
} else {
$return = sprintf('<select id="%s" name="%s" class="%s">',$input_id,$name,$class);
if ($all)
$return .= '<option value="">&nbsp;</option>';
$i = 0;
while (! $result->EOF) {
$return .= sprintf('<option value="%s"%s>%s</option>',
$result->fields['id'],($default == $result->fields['id']) ? ' selected="selected"' : '',$result->fields[$field]);
$return .= '</select>';
if ($i==0)
$return = $C_translate->translate('lists_none_defined');
if ($i > 0 && ! $noicon)
$return .= sprintf('&nbsp;<img src="themes/%s/images/icons/zoomi_16.gif" alt="Zoom" width="16" height="16" style="border: 0px;" onclick="menu_item_view(\'%s\',\'%s\');"/>',THEME_NAME,$table,$input_id);
echo $return;
function decrypt($data) {
return CORE_decrypt($data);
function menu_cc_admin($field,$account,$default,$class,$user=false) {
$abo = new account_billing;
echo $abo->menu_admin($field,$account,$default,$class,$user);
function menu_multi($default,$name,$table,$field,$id,$max,$class) {
echo list_menu_multi($default,$name,$table,$field,$id,$max,$class);
function menu_files($id,$name,$default,$path,$pre,$ext,$class) {
echo list_menu_files($id,$name,$default,$path,$pre,$ext,$class);
* Generate a list of frequently used selections in OSB
* @param string $type List type
* @param string $input_id HTML id="" value.
* @param string $name HTML name="" value.
* @param string $default Default Value to pre-select (if it exists)
* @param string $class CSS class for the select list
* @param bool $all If true, then a blank item will be included.
public function menu_staticlist($type,$input_id,$name,$default,$class,$all=false) {
return list_menu_staticlist($type,$input_id,$name,$default,$class,$all);
public function format_currency($number,$currency_id=DEFAULT_CURRENCY) {
$number = $this->format_currency_decimal($number,$currency_id);
if (! $currency_id)
$currency_id = DEFAULT_CURRENCY;
return sprintf('%s%s %s',
($number > .05 || $number == 0 || $number < -1 || DEFAULT_DECIMAL_PLACE == 2)
? number_format($number,DEFAULT_DECIMAL_PLACE)
: number_format($this->format_currency_decimal($number,$currency_id,2)),
public function format_currency_num($number,$currency_id=DEFAULT_CURRENCY) {
$number = $this->format_currency_decimal($number,$currency_id);
if (! $currency_id)
$currency_id = DEFAULT_CURRENCY;
return sprintf('%s%s',
($number > .05 || $number == 0 || $number < -1 || DEFAULT_DECIMAL_PLACE == 2)
? number_format($number,DEFAULT_DECIMAL_PLACE)
: number_format($this->format_currency_decimal($number,$currency_id),2));
public function format_currency_decimal($number,$currency_id,$decimals=DEFAULT_DECIMAL_PLACE) {
return ($number);
if (empty($number))
return 0;
if (empty($currency_id))
$currency_id = DEFAULT_CURRENCY;
if (! isset($this->format_currency[$currency_id]))
if (! isset($this->format_currency[DEFAULT_CURRENCY]))
return round($number*=$this->format_currency[DEFAULT_CURRENCY]['convert'][$currency_id]['rate'],$decimals);
public function currency_list($ret,$currency_id=DEFAULT_CURRENCY) {
global $smarty;
if (! isset($this->format_currency[$currency_id]))
public function currency_iso($currency_id=DEFAULT_CURRENCY) {
if (! isset($this->format_currency[$currency_id]))
return $this->format_currency[$currency_id]['iso'];
public function currency($currency_id) {
static $CACHE = array();
$db = &DB();
if (! isset($CACHE[$currency_id])) {
$rs = $db->Execute(sqlSelect('currency','*',array('where'=>array('id'=>$currency_id))));
if ($rs && $rs->RecordCount())
$this->format_currency[$currency_id] = array(
'symbol' => $rs->fields['symbol'],
'convert' => unserialize($rs->fields['convert_array']),
'iso' => $rs->fields['three_digit']);
return false;
return true;
public function radio($input_id,$name,$table,$field,$id,$class) {
echo list_radio($input_id,$name,$table,$field,$id,$class);
public function check($input_id,$name,$table,$field,$default,$class) {
echo list_check($input_id,$name,$table,$field,$default,$class);
public function select_groups($default,$field_name,$class,$size,$own_account) {
return list_select_groups($default,$field_name,$class,$size,$own_account);
public function calender_view($field,$default,$css,$id) {
if (isset($default) && $default != '' && $default != '0')
$default = date(UNIX_DATE_FORMAT,$default);
$default = '';
echo list_calender_add($field,$default,$css,$id);
public function calender_add($field,$default,$css,$id='') {
if ($default == 'now')
$default = date(UNIX_DATE_FORMAT,time());
echo list_calender_add($field,$default,$css,$id);
# @todo Remove?
public function calender_add_static_var($field,$default,$css) {
if ($default == 'now')
$default = date(UNIX_DATE_FORMAT,time());
echo list_calender_add_static($field,$default,$css);
public function calender_search($field,$default,$css) {
if ($default == 'now')
$default = date(UNIX_DATE_FORMAT,time());
foreach (array(0,1) as $id) {
printf('<select name="field_option[%s][%s]"><option value=">">></option><option value="<"><</option><option value="<="><=</option><option value=">=">>=</option><option value="!=">!=</option></select>&nbsp;&nbsp;',$field,$id);
echo '<br/>';
public function setup_default_date($default,$css) {
echo list_setup_default_date($default,$css);
public function card_type_menu($default_selected,$checkout_id,$field='checkout_plugin_data[card_type]',$class,$all=false) {
echo list_card_type_menu($default_selected,$checkout_id,$field,$class,$all);
public function time($date) {
if ($date == '')
$date = time();
return date(DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT,$date);
public function date($date) {
if ($date == '')
$date = time();
return date(UNIX_DATE_FORMAT,$date);
public function date_time($date) {
if ($date == '')
return 'UNKNOWN';
return sprintf('%s %s',$this->date($date),$this->time($date));
public function unserial($data,$var) {
global $smarty;
if (is_string($data))
$array = unserialize($data);
if (is_array($array))
public function smarty_array($table,$field,$sql,$return) { return $this->tmSmartyArray($table,$field,$sql,$return); }
public function tmSmartyArray($table,$field,$sql,$return) {
$db = &DB();
$smart = array();
# @todo this sqlSelect() is using a call for DEFAULT_SITE until all calls to smarty_array() dont start $sql with 'AND'
$result = $db->Execute($s=sqlSelect($table,sprintf('id,%s',$field),array('where'=>sprintf('site_id=%s %s',DEFAULT_SITE,$sql),'orderby'=>$field)));
if (! $result) {
global $C_debug;
return false;
while (! $result->EOF) {
global $smarty;
return true;
function translate($table,$field1,$field2,$id,$var) {
global $smarty;
$db = &DB();
$sql= "SELECT id, $field1 FROM ".AGILE_DB_PREFIX."$table
WHERE site_id = " . $db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE) . " AND
language_id = " . $db->qstr(SESS_LANGUAGE). " AND " .
$field2 . " = " . $db->qstr($id);
$result = $db->Execute($sql);
if ($result === false)
global $C_debug;
return false;
} else if($result->RecordCount() > 0) {
return $result->fields;
} else {
return false;
} else {
$sql= "SELECT id, $field1 FROM ".AGILE_DB_PREFIX."$table
WHERE site_id = " . $db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE) . " AND
language_id = " . $db->qstr(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE). " AND " .
$field2 . " = " . $db->qstr($id);
$result = $db->Execute($sql);
if ($result === false) {
global $C_debug;
return false;
} else if($result->RecordCount() > 0) {
return $result->fields;
} else {
return false;
public function bool($field,$curr_value,$class='form_menu',$extra='') {
# If the field is blank, we'll just return true/false
if (! $field)
return $curr_value ? _('Yes') : _('No');
if ($curr_value == 'all') {
$true = '';
$false= '';
} elseif($curr_value == '1') {
$true = ' selected="selected"';
$false= '';
} else {
$true = '';
$false= ' selected="selected"';
$return = sprintf('<select id="%s" name="%s" class="%s" %s>',preg_replace('/[\[\]]/','_',$field),$field,$class,$extra);
if ($curr_value == 'all')
$return .= '<option value="" selected="selected">&nbsp;</option>';
$return .= sprintf('<option value="1"%s>%s</option>',$true,_('Yes'));
$return .= sprintf('<option value="0"%s>%s</option>',$false,_('No'));
$return .= '</select>';
echo $return;
function graphview() {
global $VAR,$C_method;
$auth = Array('product:top','account_admin:top','affiliate:top','invoice:compare');
for($i=0; $i<count($auth); $i++) {
if($auth[$i] == $VAR['graph']) {
$m = explode(':',$VAR['graph']);
function bar_graph() {
global $VAR;
require_once(PATH_CORE . '');
$graph = new CORE_graph;
@$module = $VAR['graph_module'];
@$range = $VAR['graph_range'];
@$start = $VAR['graph_start'];
@$extra = $VAR['graph_extra'];
function pie_graph() {
global $VAR;
require_once(PATH_CORE . '');
$graph = new CORE_graph;
@$module = $VAR['graph_module'];
@$method = $VAR['graph_method'];
@$range = $VAR['graph_range'];
@$start = $VAR['graph_start'];
@$extra = $VAR['graph_extra'];
# @todo consider changing this so that it returns the .inc file if the module is installed
# so that $a = x->is_installed('y'); require_once $a can be used
* Check if a module is installed
* @param string Name of Module to check
* @return string include path to module, if installed, otherwise false
public function is_installed($module) {
$file = sprintf('%s%s/',PATH_MODULES,$module,$module);
# If we have already checked, then return the file.
if (isset($this->is_installed[$module]) && $this->is_installed[$module])
return $file;
if (file_exists($file) && $this->auth_method_by_name($module,'search')) {
$this->is_installed[$module] = true;
return $file;
$db = &DB();
$result = $db->Execute(sqlSelect('module','id',array('where'=>array('name'=>$module,'status'=>1))));
if ($result && $result->RecordCount() && file_exists($file)) {
$this->is_installed[$module] = true;
return $file;
} else {
return false;
# @todo this should probably be private?
public function auth_method_by_name($module,$method) {
global $C_auth;
if (! is_object($C_auth))
return false;
return $C_auth->auth_method_by_name($module,$method);
* Generate the admin menu
public function generate_admin_menu() {
global $C_auth;
echo $C_auth->generate_admin_menu();
# @todo to deprecate
private function account($field) {
if (empty($this->account) && SESS_LOGGED) {
$db = &DB();
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . 'account WHERE
site_id = ' . $db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE) . ' AND
id = ' . $db->qstr(SESS_ACCOUNT);
$result = $db->Execute($sql);
$this->account = $result->fields;
echo $this->account[$field];
# Get the AgileBill version info
# @todo to deprecate
private function version() {