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2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00

1351 lines
44 KiB

* AgileBill - Open Billing Software
* This body of work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the Open AgileBill License
* License as published at
* For questions, help, comments, discussion, etc., please join the
* Agileco community forums at
* @link
* @copyright 2004-2008 Agileco, LLC.
* @license
* @author Tony Landis <>
* @package AgileBill
* @version 1.4.93
class import_plugin extends import
function import_plugin()
# Configure the location of the dreamaccount salt file:
$this->salt = PATH_AGILE . 'salt.php';
# Configure the database name, host, and login:
$this->host = 'localhost';
$this->db = '';
$this->user = '';
$this->pass = '';
$this->type = 'mysql';
# If importing CC details, enter the gateway plugin to use for recurring charges:
$this->gateway = 'AUTHORIZE_NET';
# Do not change anything past this line:
$this->name = 'DreamAccount';
$this->plugin = 'DreamAccount';
$this->select_limit = 50;
$this->instructions = '<B>Preliminary Instructions:</B><BR><BR>Open '. __FILE__ .' and edit the
database and salt file settings...<BR><BR>
If you will be importing credit card details, paste the Checkout Plugin
name from the checkout plugin list page to the "$this->gateway" value
that will be used to process all recurring charges...
this should be a gateway such as AUTHORIZE_NET or
$this->actions[] = Array ( 'name' => 'test',
'desc' => '<b>Step 1:</b> Test the database connection',
'depn' => false );
$this->actions[] = Array ( 'name' => 'accounts',
'desc' => '<b>Step 2:</b> Import the DreamAccount accounts',
'depn' => Array('test') );
$this->actions[] = Array ( 'name' => 'billing',
'desc' => '<b>Step 3:</b> Import the DreamAccount account billing details',
'depn' => Array('accounts') );
$this->actions[] = Array ( 'name' => 'categories',
'desc' => '<b>Step 4:</b> Import the DreamAccount product categories',
'depn' => Array('accounts') );
$this->actions[] = Array ( 'name' => 'directory',
'desc' => '<b>Step 5:</b> Import the DreamAccount protected directories',
'depn' => Array('accounts') );
$this->actions[] = Array ( 'name' => 'products',
'desc' => '<b>Step 6:</b> Import the DreamAccount product definitions',
'depn' => Array('accounts','directory','categories') );
$this->actions[] = Array ( 'name' => 'invoices',
'desc' => '<b>Step 7:</b> Import the DreamAccount invoices',
'depn' => Array('accounts','directory','categories','products') );
$this->actions[] = Array ( 'name' => 'services',
'desc' => '<b>Step 8:</b> Import the DreamAccount subscriptions',
'depn' => Array('accounts','directory','categories','products','invoices') );
$this->actions[] = Array ( 'name' => 'notes',
'desc' => '<b>Step 9:</b> Import the DreamAccount notes for services, accounts, and invoices',
'depn' => Array('accounts','services','invoices') );
# test remote database connectivity
function test()
### Connect to the remote Db;
$dbr = &NewADOConnection($this->type);
$dbr->Connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass, $this->db);
global $C_debug, $VAR;
$C_debug->alert('Failed: ' . $dbr->_errorMsg);
$C_debug->alert('Connected OK!');
# Write success to database
$db = &DB();
$id = $db->GenID(AGILE_DB_PREFIX.'import_id');
id = $id,
site_id = ".DEFAULT_SITE.",
date_orig = ".time().",
plugin = ".$db->qstr($VAR['plugin']).",
action = ".$db->qstr($VAR['action']);
# return to main import page
echo "<script language=javascript>setTimeout('document.location=\'?_page=import:import&plugin={$VAR['plugin']}\'', 1500); </script>";
# import the account and billing details
function accounts()
global $VAR, $C_debug;
### Connect to the remote Db;
$dbr = &NewADOConnection($this->type);
$dbr->Connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass, $this->db);
### Determine the offset for the account
if(empty($VAR['offset'])) $VAR['offset'] = 0;
@$offset = $VAR['offset'].",".$this->select_limit;
# select each account from Dreamaccount
$sql = "SELECT * FROM account";
$rs = $dbr->SelectLimit($sql, $this->select_limit, $VAR['offset']);
if($rs === false) {
$C_debug->alert("Query to the table 'account' failed!");
return false;
if($rs->RecordCount() == 0) {
$C_debug->alert("No more records to process!");
echo "<script language=javascript>setTimeout('document.location=\'?_page=import:import&plugin={$VAR['plugin']}\'', 1500); </script>";
$msg = "Processing ".$rs->RecordCount()." Records...<BR>";
# loop through each remote account
$msg.= "<BR>Processing account: {$rs->fields['account_username']}...";
# start a new transaction for the insert:
$db = &DB();
# Get a local account id
$id = $db->GenID($p.'account_id');
# Get orig date
if(!empty($rs->fields['orig_date'])) {
$date = explode('-', $rs->fields['orig_date']);
$date_orig = mktime(0,0,0,$date[1], $date[2], $date[0]);
} else {
$date_orig = time();
# Get the first/last name
$name = explode(' ', $rs->fields['account_name']);
@$firstn = $name[0];
@$c = count($name) -1;
@$lastn = $name[$c];
# Insert the account
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$p}account SET
id = $id,
site_id = $s,
date_orig = $date_orig,
date_last = ".time().",
language_id = ".$db->qstr(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE).",
currency_id = ".DEFAULT_CURRENCY.",
theme_id = ".$db->qstr(DEFAULT_THEME).",
username = ".$db->qstr($rs->fields['account_username']).",
password = ".$db->qstr(md5($rs->fields['account_password'])).",
status = 1,
country_id = {$rs->fields['account_country']},
first_name = ".$db->qstr($firstn).",
last_name = ".$db->qstr($lastn).",
company = ".$db->qstr($rs->fields['account_company']).",
address1 = ".$db->qstr($rs->fields['account_address']).",
city = ".$db->qstr($rs->fields['account_city']).",
state = ".$db->qstr($rs->fields['account_state']).",
zip = ".$db->qstr($rs->fields['account_zip']).",
email = ".$db->qstr($rs->fields['account_email']).",
email_type = 0";
# Insert the import record
$this->import_transaction($this->plugin, $VAR['action'], 'account', $id, 'account', $rs->fields['account_id'], &$db);
# Complete the transaction
$offset = $VAR['offset'] + $this->select_limit;
echo "<script language=javascript>
setTimeout('document.location=\'?_page=core:blank&offset={$offset}&action={$VAR['action']}&plugin={$VAR['plugin']}&do[]=import:do_action\'', 1200);
### Import the billing details for each account
function billing()
global $VAR, $C_debug;
# validate the salt file...
if(!is_file($this->salt)) {
$C_debug->alert('The path to the salt file set in the plugin script '. __FILE__.' is incorrect');
### Determine the offset for the account
if(empty($VAR['offset'])) $VAR['offset'] = 0;
@$offset = $VAR['offset'].",".$this->select_limit;
### Select from the imported accounts
$db = &DB();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {$p}import WHERE
plugin = '{$this->plugin}' AND
action = 'accounts' AND
ab_table = 'account' AND
site_id = $s";
$rs = $db->SelectLimit($sql, $offset);
if($rs === false) {
$C_debug->alert("Query to the table 'import' failed!");
return false;
if($rs->RecordCount() == 0) {
$C_debug->alert("No more records to process!");
echo "<script language=javascript>setTimeout('document.location=\'?_page=import:import&plugin={$VAR['plugin']}\'', 1500); </script>";
### Include AB Encryption class:
### Get the default checkout plugin id:
$sql = "SELECT id FROM {$p}checkout WHERE
site_id = $s AND
checkout_plugin = '{$this->gateway}'";
$ch = $db->Execute($sql);
$checkout_plugin_id = $ch->fields['id'];
$msg = "Processing ".$rs->RecordCount()." Records...<BR>";
# loop through each remote billing record
$msg.= "<BR>Processing Account Id: {$rs->fields['ab_id']}...";
# start a new transaction for the insert:
# Get the local account id
$ab_account_id = $rs->fields['ab_id'];
$remote_account_id = $rs->fields['remote_id'];
# Connect to the remote DB and get all billing records for this
# account, where the cc_num is not blank
$dbr = &NewADOConnection($this->type);
$dbr->Connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass, $this->db);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM billing WHERE
billing_account_id = $remote_account_id AND
billing_cc_num != ''";
$billing = $dbr->Execute($sql);
if($billing != false && $billing->RecordCount() > 0)
# Get local billing id
$db = &DB();
$id = $db->GenID($p.'account_billing_id');
# Decrypt the remote CC
$cc_num_plain = $this->RC4($billing->fields['billing_cc_num'], 'de');
# Encrypt to local algorythm
$card_num = CORE_encrypt ($cc_num_plain);
# get the last 4 digits:
$last_four = eregi_replace('^............', '', $cc_num_plain);
# Identify the card type:
$card_type = $this->cc_identify($cc_num_plain);
# Get the month & year
$exp = explode('20', trim($billing->fields['billing_cc_exp']));
$exp_month = @$exp[0];
$exp_year = @$exp[1];
if($card_type != '')
# Start transaction
# Insert local billing record
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$p}account_billing SET
id = $id,
site_id = $s,
account_id = $ab_account_id,
checkout_plugin_id = $checkout_plugin_id,
card_type = '$card_type',
card_num = ".$db->qstr($card_num).",
card_num4 = '$last_four',
card_exp_month = '$exp_month',
card_exp_year = '$exp_year'";
# Insert the import record
$this->import_transaction($VAR['plugin'], $VAR['action'], 'account_billing', $id, 'billing', $billing->fields['billing_id'], &$db);
# Complete the transaction
$offset = $VAR['offset'] + $this->select_limit;
echo "<script language=javascript>
setTimeout('document.location=\'?_page=core:blank&offset={$offset}&action={$VAR['action']}&plugin={$VAR['plugin']}&do[]=import:do_action\'', 1500);
# Import any categories
function categories()
global $VAR, $C_debug;
### Connect to the remote Db;
$dbr = &NewADOConnection($this->type);
$dbr->Connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass, $this->db);
### Determine the offset for the account
if(empty($VAR['offset'])) $VAR['offset'] = 0;
@$offset = $VAR['offset'].",".$this->select_limit;
# select each account from Dreamaccount
$sql = "SELECT * FROM category";
$rs = $dbr->SelectLimit($sql, $this->select_limit, $VAR['offset']);
if($rs === false) {
$C_debug->alert("Query to the table 'category' failed!");
return false;
if($rs->RecordCount() == 0) {
$C_debug->alert("No more records to process!");
echo "<script language=javascript>setTimeout('document.location=\'?_page=import:import&plugin={$VAR['plugin']}\'', 1500); </script>";
$msg = "Processing ".$rs->RecordCount()." Records...<BR>";
# loop through each remote account
$msg.= "<BR>Processing category: {$rs->fields['name']}...";
# start a new transaction for the insert:
$db = &DB();
# Get a local id
$id = $db->GenID($p.'product_cat_id');
# Insert the record
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$p}product_cat SET
id = $id,
site_id = $s,
name = ".$db->qstr($rs->fields['name']).",
notes = ".$db->qstr($rs->fields['description']).",
status = 1,
template = 1,
position = 1";
# Insert the import record
$this->import_transaction($this->plugin, $VAR['action'], 'product_cat', $id, 'categories', $rs->fields['id'], &$db);
# Get a local id
$idx = $db->GenID($p.'product_cat_translate_id');
# Insert the translation
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$p}product_cat_translate SET
id = $id,
site_id = $s,
product_cat_id = $id,
language_id = ".$db->qstr(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE).",
name = ".$db->qstr($rs->fields['name']).",
description = ".$db->qstr($rs->fields['description']);
# Insert the import record
$this->import_transaction($this->plugin, $VAR['action'], 'product_cat_translate', $idx, 'categories', $rs->fields['id'], &$db);
# Complete the transaction
$offset = $VAR['offset'] + $this->select_limit;
echo "<script language=javascript>
setTimeout('document.location=\'?_page=core:blank&offset={$offset}&action={$VAR['action']}&plugin={$VAR['plugin']}&do[]=import:do_action\'', 1200);
# Import any groups, htaccess groups, and directories
function directory()
global $VAR, $C_debug;
### Connect to the remote Db;
$dbr = &NewADOConnection($this->type);
$dbr->Connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass, $this->db);
### Determine the offset for the account
if(empty($VAR['offset'])) $VAR['offset'] = 0;
@$offset = $VAR['offset'].",".$this->select_limit;
# select each account from Dreamaccount
$sql = "SELECT * FROM directory";
$rs = $dbr->SelectLimit($sql, $this->select_limit, $VAR['offset']);
if($rs === false) {
$C_debug->alert("Query to the table 'directory' failed!");
return false;
if($rs->RecordCount() == 0) {
$C_debug->alert("No more records to process!");
echo "<script language=javascript>setTimeout('document.location=\'?_page=import:import&plugin={$VAR['plugin']}\'', 1500); </script>";
$msg = "Processing ".$rs->RecordCount()." Records...<BR>";
# loop through each remote account
$msg.= "<BR>Processing protected directory: {$rs->fields['directory_name']}...";
# start a new transaction for the insert:
$db = &DB();
# Get a local id
$id = $db->GenID($p.'group_id');
# Insert the record
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$p}group SET
id = $id,
site_id = $s,
date_orig = 0,
date_start = 0,
date_expire = 0,
status = 1,
parent_id = 2,
pricing = 0,
name = ".$db->qstr($rs->fields['directory_name']).",
notes = ".$db->qstr('Imported from DreamAccount');
# Insert the import record
$this->import_transaction($this->plugin, $VAR['action'], 'group', $id, 'directory', $rs->fields['directory_id'], &$db);
# add access to the new group from the users account:
$record_id = $db->GenID(AGILE_DB_PREFIX . 'account_group_id');
$sql= "INSERT INTO ". AGILE_DB_PREFIX ."account_group SET
id = ".$db->qstr($record_id).",
site_id = ".$db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE).",
date_orig = ".$db->qstr(time()).",
date_expire = ".$db->qstr('0').",
group_id = ".$db->qstr($id).",
account_id = ".$db->qstr(SESS_ACCOUNT).",
active = ".$db->qstr(1);
$result = $db->Execute($sql);
$this->import_transaction($this->plugin, $VAR['action'], 'account_group', $record_id, 'directory', $rs->fields['directory_id'], &$db);
# update the current user's authentication so the newly added group appears
# as available to them
global $C_auth;
global $C_list;
# Get a local id
$idx = $db->GenID($p.'htaccess_id');
# Insert the record
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$p}htaccess SET
id = $idx,
site_id = $s,
status = 1,
group_avail = ".$db->qstr( serialize ( Array($id,1001)) ).",
name = ".$db->qstr($rs->fields['directory_name']).",
description = ".$db->qstr('Imported from DreamAccount');
# Insert the import record
$this->import_transaction($this->plugin, $VAR['action'], 'htaccess', $idx, 'directory', $rs->fields['directory_id'], &$db);
if($rs->fields['directory_type'] == '0')
# Get a local id
$idxx = $db->GenID($p.'htaccess_dir_id');
# Insert the record
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$p}htaccess_dir SET
id = $idxx,
site_id = $s,
htaccess_id = $idx,
status = 1,
type = 1,
recursive = 1,
url = ".$db->qstr($rs->fields['directory_url']).",
path = ".$db->qstr($rs->fields['directory_path']).",
name = ".$db->qstr($rs->fields['directory_name']).",
description = ".$db->qstr('Imported from DreamAccount');
# Insert the import record
$this->import_transaction($this->plugin, $VAR['action'], 'htaccess_dir', $idxx, 'directory', $rs->fields['directory_id'], &$db);
# Complete the transaction
$offset = $VAR['offset'] + $this->select_limit;
echo "<script language=javascript>
setTimeout('document.location=\'?_page=core:blank&offset={$offset}&action={$VAR['action']}&plugin={$VAR['plugin']}&do[]=import:do_action\'', 1200);
# Import any products
function products()
global $VAR, $C_debug;
### Connect to the remote Db;
$dbr = &NewADOConnection($this->type);
$dbr->Connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass, $this->db);
### Determine the offset for the account
if(empty($VAR['offset'])) $VAR['offset'] = 0;
@$offset = $VAR['offset'].",".$this->select_limit;
# select each product from Dreamaccount that is NOT a trial
$sql = "SELECT * FROM membership ORDER BY trial ASC";
$rs = $dbr->SelectLimit($sql, $this->select_limit, $VAR['offset']);
if($rs === false) {
$C_debug->alert("Query to the table 'membership' failed!");
return false;
if($rs->RecordCount() == 0) {
$C_debug->alert("No more records to process!");
echo "<script language=javascript>setTimeout('document.location=\'?_page=import:import&plugin={$VAR['plugin']}\'', 1500); </script>";
$msg = "Processing ".$rs->RecordCount()." Records...<BR>";
# loop through each remote account
$msg.= "<BR>Processing Product: {$rs->fields['membership_name']}...";
# start a new transaction for the insert:
$db = &DB();
if($rs->fields['membership_active'] == "Y")
$status = 1;
$status = 0;
# get category
$sql = "SELECT ab_id FROM {$p}import WHERE site_id = {$s} AND
action = 'categories' AND
plugin = '{$this->plugin}' AND
remote_id = '{$rs->fields['category']}'";
$cat = $db->Execute($sql);
$categories = serialize ( Array( $cat->fields['ab_id'] ) );
# price type (trial, one-time, recurring)
if($rs->fields['trial'] == "Y")
# trial
$price_type = '2';
} elseif($rs->fields['membership_recurring'] == "Y") {
# recurring
$price_type = '1';
} else {
# one-time
$price_type = '0';
# defaults for 'recurring' product
if($price_type == "1")
# Determine the recurring schedule:
$freq = $rs->fields['membership_frequency'];
if ($freq=="7") { $price_recurr_schedule = "0"; } // weekly
elseif ($freq=="14") { $price_recurr_schedule = "0"; } // Bi-Weekly
elseif ($freq=="30") { $price_recurr_schedule = "1"; } // Monthly
elseif ($freq=="31") { $price_recurr_schedule = "1"; } // Monthly
elseif ($freq=="60") { $price_recurr_schedule = "1"; } // Bi-Monthly
elseif ($freq=="90") { $price_recurr_schedule = "2"; } // Quarterly
elseif ($freq=="180") { $price_recurr_schedule = "3"; } // Semi-Annually
elseif ($freq=="360") { $price_recurr_schedule = "4"; } // Annually
elseif ($freq=="365") { $price_recurr_schedule = "4"; } // Annually
else { $price_recurr_schedule = '1'; } // monthly
$price_recurr_type = "0";
$price_recurr_week = "1";
$price_recurr_weekday = "1";
$price_recurr_default = $price_recurr_schedule;
# Set default recurring prices: (monthly only)
$sql = 'SELECT id FROM ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . 'group WHERE
site_id = ' . $db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE) . ' AND
pricing = ' . $db->qstr('1');
$rsg = $db->Execute($sql);
while(!$rsg->EOF) {
$i = $rsg->fields['id'];
$recur_price[0][$i]['price_base'] = $rs->fields['membership_price'];
$recur_price[0][$i]['price_setup'] = $rs->fields['membership_setup'];
@$recur_price[1][$i]['price_base'] = $rs->fields['membership_price'];
@$recur_price[1][$i]['price_setup']= $rs->fields['membership_setup'];
$recur_price[2][$i]['price_base'] = $rs->fields['membership_price'];
$recur_price[2][$i]['price_setup'] = $rs->fields['membership_setup'];
$recur_price[3][$i]['price_base'] = $rs->fields['membership_price'];
$recur_price[3][$i]['price_setup'] = $rs->fields['membership_setup'];
$recur_price[4][$i]['price_base'] = $rs->fields['membership_price'];
$recur_price[4][$i]['price_setup'] = $rs->fields['membership_setup'];
$recur_price[5][$i]['price_base'] = $rs->fields['membership_price'];
$recur_price[5][$i]['price_setup'] = $rs->fields['membership_setup'];
$recur_price[0]['show'] = "0";
$recur_price[1]['show'] = "0";
$recur_price[2]['show'] = "0";
$recur_price[3]['show'] = "0";
$recur_price[4]['show'] = "0";
$recur_price[5]['show'] = "0";
$recur_price[$price_recurr_schedule]['show'] = "1";
# defaults for trial products
if($price_type == "2")
# get trial plan id
$sql = "SELECT ab_id FROM {$p}import WHERE site_id = {$s} AND
action = 'product' AND
plugin = '{$this->plugin}' AND
remote_id = '{$rs->fields['trial_plan']}'";
$cat = $db->Execute($sql);
$price_trial_prod = serialize ( Array( $cat->fields['ab_id'] ) );
# Get associated group
if($rs->fields['membership_directory_id'] > 0)
# get directory (group) id
$sql = "SELECT ab_id FROM {$p}import WHERE site_id = {$s} AND
ab_table = 'group' AND
plugin = '{$this->plugin}' AND
remote_id = '{$rs->fields['membership_directory_id']}'";
$cat = $db->Execute($sql);
$assoc_grant_group = serialize ( Array( $cat->fields['ab_id'] ) );
$assoc_grant_group_type = 1;
# Get a local id
$id = $db->GenID($p.'product_id');
# Insert the record
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$p}product SET
id = $id,
site_id = $s,
sku = 'DA-$id',
taxable = 0,
active = $status,
price_type = '$price_type',
price_base = '{$rs->fields['membership_price']}',
price_setup = '{$rs->fields['membership_setup']}',
price_group = ".$db->qstr( serialize(@$recur_price) ).",
price_recurr_default = '".@$price_recurr_default."',
price_recurr_type = '".@$price_recurr_type."',
price_recurr_weekday = '".@$price_recurr_weekday."',
price_recurr_week = '".@$price_recurr_week."',
price_recurr_schedule = '".@$price_recurr_schedule."',
price_recurr_cancel = 1,
price_trial_length_type = 0,
price_trial_length = 30,
price_trial_prod = '".@$price_trial_prod."',
assoc_grant_group = ".$db->qstr( @$assoc_grant_group ).",
assoc_grant_group_type = ".$db->qstr( @$assoc_grant_group_type ).",
avail_category_id = ".$db->qstr($categories);
# Insert the import record
$this->import_transaction($this->plugin, $VAR['action'], 'product', $id, 'membership', $rs->fields['membership_id'], &$db);
### Insert the description:
$idx = $db->GenID($p.'product_translate_id');
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$p}product_translate SET
id = $idx,
site_id = $s,
product_id = $id,
language_id = '".DEFAULT_LANGUAGE."',
name = ".$db->qstr( $rs->fields['membership_name'] ).",
description_short = ".$db->qstr( $rs->fields['membership_desc'] ).",
description_full = ".$db->qstr( $rs->fields['membership_desc'] ) ;
# Insert the import record
$this->import_transaction($this->plugin, $VAR['action'], 'product_translate', $idx, 'membership', $rs->fields['membership_id'], &$db);
# Complete the transaction
$offset = $VAR['offset'] + $this->select_limit;
echo "<script language=javascript>
setTimeout('document.location=\'?_page=core:blank&offset={$offset}&action={$VAR['action']}&plugin={$VAR['plugin']}&do[]=import:do_action\'', 1200);
### Import all invoices from DreamAccount
function invoices()
global $VAR, $C_debug;
### Connect to the remote Db;
$dbr = &NewADOConnection($this->type);
$dbr->Connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass, $this->db);
### Determine the offset for the account
if(empty($VAR['offset'])) $VAR['offset'] = 0;
@$offset = $VAR['offset'].",".$this->select_limit;
# select each account from Dreamaccount
$sql = "SELECT * FROM orders";
$rs = $dbr->SelectLimit($sql, $this->select_limit, $VAR['offset']);
if($rs === false) {
$C_debug->alert("Query to the table 'orders' failed!");
return false;
if($rs->RecordCount() == 0) {
$C_debug->alert("No more records to process!");
echo "<script language=javascript>setTimeout('document.location=\'?_page=import:import&plugin={$VAR['plugin']}\'', 1500); </script>";
$msg = "Processing ".$rs->RecordCount()." Records...<BR>";
# loop through each remote account
$msg.= "<BR>Processing Order: {$rs->fields['order_id']}...";
# start a new transaction for the insert:
$db = &DB();
# Get a local id
$id = $db->GenID($p.'invoice_id');
# Get orig date
if(!empty($rs->fields['order_date'])) {
$date = explode('-', $rs->fields['order_date']);
$date_orig = mktime(0,0,0,$date[1], $date[2], $date[0]);
} else {
$date_orig = time();
### Get the default checkout plugin id:
$sql = "SELECT id FROM {$p}checkout WHERE
site_id = $s AND
checkout_plugin = '{$this->gateway}'";
$ch = $db->Execute($sql);
$checkout_plugin_id = $ch->fields['id'];
# get the process & billing status
if($rs->fields['order_status'] == 1)
$process_status = 1;
$billing_status = 1;
$billed_amt = $rs->fields['order_amount'];
$process_status = 0;
$billing_status = 0;
$billed_amt = 0;
# get the account id
$sql = "SELECT ab_id FROM {$p}import WHERE site_id = {$s} AND
ab_table = 'account' AND
plugin = '{$this->plugin}' AND
remote_id = '{$rs->fields['order_account_id']}'";
$account = $db->Execute($sql);
$account_id = $account->fields['ab_id'];
# get the billing id
$sql = "SELECT ab_id FROM {$p}import WHERE site_id = {$s} AND
ab_table = 'account_billing' AND
plugin = '{$this->plugin}' AND
remote_id = '{$rs->fields['order_billing_id']}'";
$billing = $db->Execute($sql);
$billing_id = $billing->fields['ab_id'];
# Insert the record
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$p}invoice SET
id = $id,
site_id = $s,
date_orig = ".$db->qstr($date_orig).",
date_last = ".$db->qstr(time()).",
process_status = ".$db->qstr(@$process_status).",
billing_status = ".$db->qstr(@$billing_status).",
account_id = ".$db->qstr(@$account_id).",
account_billing_id = ".$db->qstr(@$billing_id).",
checkout_plugin_id = ".$db->qstr(@$checkout_plugin_id).",
tax_amt = ".$db->qstr(@$rs->fields['tax_amount']).",
discount_amt = ".$db->qstr(@$rs->fields['credit_amount'] + $rs->fields['coupon_amount']).",
total_amt = ".$db->qstr(@$rs->fields['order_amount']).",
billed_amt = ".$db->qstr(@$billed_amt).",
billed_currency_id = ".$db->qstr(DEFAULT_CURRENCY).",
actual_billed_amt = ".$db->qstr(@$billed_amt).",
actual_billed_currency_id = ".$db->qstr(DEFAULT_CURRENCY).",
notice_count = 0,
notice_max = 1,
notice_next_date = ".$db->qstr(time()).",
grace_period = 7,
due_date = ".$db->qstr(time());
# Insert the import record
$this->import_transaction($this->plugin, $VAR['action'], 'invoice', $id, 'invoices', $rs->fields['order_id'], &$db);
# Complete the transaction
$offset = $VAR['offset'] + $this->select_limit;
echo "<script language=javascript>
setTimeout('document.location=\'?_page=core:blank&offset={$offset}&action={$VAR['action']}&plugin={$VAR['plugin']}&do[]=import:do_action\'', 1200);
## Import DA subscriptions & line items
function services()
global $VAR, $C_debug;
### Connect to the remote Db;
$dbr = &NewADOConnection($this->type);
$dbr->Connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass, $this->db);
### Determine the offset for the account
if(empty($VAR['offset'])) $VAR['offset'] = 0;
@$offset = $VAR['offset'].",".$this->select_limit;
# select each account from Dreamaccount
$sql = "SELECT * FROM domains";
$rs = $dbr->SelectLimit($sql, $this->select_limit, $VAR['offset']);
if($rs === false) {
$C_debug->alert("Query to the table 'domains' failed!");
return false;
if($rs->RecordCount() == 0) {
$C_debug->alert("No more records to process!");
echo "<script language=javascript>setTimeout('document.location=\'?_page=import:import&plugin={$VAR['plugin']}\'', 1500); </script>";
$msg = "Processing ".$rs->RecordCount()." Records...<BR>";
# loop through each remote account
$msg.= "<BR>Processing Subscription: {$rs->fields['domain_id']}...";
# start a new transaction for the insert:
$db = &DB();
# Get a local id
$id = $db->GenID($p.'service_id');
# Get orig date
if(!empty($rs->fields['domain_start_date'])) {
$date = explode('-', $rs->fields['domain_start_date']);
$date_orig = mktime(0,0,0,$date[1], $date[2], $date[0]);
} else {
$date_orig = time();
# Get last billed date date
if(!empty($rs->fields['domain_host_last_billed'])) {
$date = explode('-', $rs->fields['domain_host_last_billed']);
$date_last = mktime(0,0,0,$date[1], $date[2], $date[0]);
} else {
$date_last = $date_orig;
### Get the default checkout plugin id:
$sql = "SELECT id FROM {$p}checkout WHERE
site_id = $s AND
checkout_plugin = '{$this->gateway}'";
$ch = $db->Execute($sql);
$checkout_plugin_id = $ch->fields['id'];
# get the account id
$sql = "SELECT ab_id FROM {$p}import WHERE site_id = {$s} AND
ab_table = 'account' AND
plugin = '{$this->plugin}' AND
remote_id = '{$rs->fields['domain_account_id']}'";
$account = $db->Execute($sql);
$account_id = $account->fields['ab_id'];
# get the billing id
$sql = "SELECT ab_id FROM {$p}import WHERE site_id = {$s} AND
ab_table = 'account_billing' AND
plugin = '{$this->plugin}' AND
remote_id = '{$rs->fields['domain_billing_id']}'";
$billing = $db->Execute($sql);
$billing_id = $billing->fields['ab_id'];
# get the invoice id
$sql = "SELECT ab_id FROM {$p}import WHERE site_id = {$s} AND
ab_table = 'invoice' AND
plugin = '{$this->plugin}' AND
remote_id = '{$rs->fields['domain_order_id']}'";
$invoice = $db->Execute($sql);
$invoice_id = $invoice->fields['ab_id'];
# get the product id
$sql = "SELECT ab_id FROM {$p}import WHERE site_id = {$s} AND
ab_table = 'product' AND
plugin = '{$this->plugin}' AND
remote_id = '{$rs->fields['domain_host_id']}'";
$product = $db->Execute($sql);
$product_id = $product->fields['ab_id'];
# Get the product details
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {$p}product WHERE site_id = {$s} AND id = {$product_id}";
$product = $db->Execute($sql);
# Status
if($rs->fields['domain_host_status'] == 1) {
$active = 1;
$suspend = 0;
} else {
$active = 0;
$suspend = 1;
# Calculate next bill date:
include_once(PATH_MODULES . 'service/');
$service = new service;
$date_next = $service->calcNextInvoiceDate( $date_last,
$product->fields['price_recurr_week'] );
# Insert the record
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$p}service SET
id = $id,
site_id = $s,
queue = 'active',
date_orig = ".$db->qstr($date_orig).",
date_last = ".$db->qstr(time()).",
invoice_id = ".$db->qstr(@$invoice_id).",
account_id = ".$db->qstr(@$account_id).",
account_billing_id = ".$db->qstr(@$billing_id).",
product_id = ".$db->qstr(@$product_id).",
sku = ".$db->qstr($product->fields['sku']).",
type = ".$db->qstr('group').",
active = ".$db->qstr($active).",
suspend_billing = ".$db->qstr($suspend).",
date_last_invoice = ".$db->qstr($date_last).",
date_next_invoice = ".$db->qstr($date_next).",
price = ".$db->qstr($product->fields['price_base']).",
price_type = ".$db->qstr($product->fields['price_type']).",
taxable = ".$db->qstr($product->fields['taxable']).",
recur_type = ".$db->qstr($product->fields['price_recurr_type']).",
recur_schedule = ".$db->qstr($product->fields['price_recurr_schedule']).",
recur_weekday = ".$db->qstr($product->fields['price_recurr_weekday']).",
recur_week = ".$db->qstr($product->fields['price_recurr_week']).",
recur_cancel = ".$db->qstr($product->fields['price_recurr_cancel']).",
group_grant = ".$db->qstr($product->fields['assoc_grant_group']).",
group_type = ".$db->qstr($product->fields['assoc_grant_group_type']);
# Insert the import record
$this->import_transaction($this->plugin, $VAR['action'], 'service', $id, 'services', $rs->fields['domain_id'], &$db);
# Insert the invoice item:
$idx = $db->GenID($p.'invoice_item_id');
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$p}invoice_item SET
id = $id,
site_id = $s,
invoice_id = ".$db->qstr(@$invoice_id).",
product_id = ".$db->qstr(@$product_id).",
date_orig = ".$db->qstr($date_orig).",
sku = ".$db->qstr($product->fields['sku']).",
quantity = 1,
item_type = 0,
price_type = ".$db->qstr($product->fields['price_recurr_type']).",
price_base = ".$db->qstr($product->fields['price_base']).",
price_setup = ".$db->qstr($product->fields['price_setup']).",
recurring_schedule = ".$db->qstr($product->fields['price_recurr_schedule']);
# Insert the import record
$this->import_transaction($this->plugin, $VAR['action'], 'invoice_item', $id, 'services', $rs->fields['domain_id'], &$db);
# Complete the transaction
$offset = $VAR['offset'] + $this->select_limit;
echo "<script language=javascript>
setTimeout('document.location=\'?_page=core:blank&offset={$offset}&action={$VAR['action']}&plugin={$VAR['plugin']}&do[]=import:do_action\'', 1200);
# Import any notes
function notes()
global $VAR, $C_debug;
### Connect to the remote Db;
$dbr = &NewADOConnection($this->type);
$dbr->Connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass, $this->db);
### Determine the offset for the account
if(empty($VAR['offset'])) $VAR['offset'] = 0;
@$offset = $VAR['offset'].",".$this->select_limit;
# select each hosting server
$sql = "SELECT * FROM notes";
$rs = $dbr->SelectLimit($sql, $this->select_limit, $VAR['offset']);
if($rs === false) {
$C_debug->alert("Query to the table 'notes' failed!");
return false;
if($rs->RecordCount() == 0) {
$C_debug->alert("No more records to process!");
echo "<script language=javascript>setTimeout('document.location=\'?_page=import:import&plugin={$VAR['plugin']}\'', 1500); </script>";
$msg = "Processing ".$rs->RecordCount()." Records...<BR>";
# loop through each hosting server
$msg.= "<BR>Processing Note ID: {$rs->fields['note_id']}...";
# start a new transaction for the insert:
$db = &DB();
# get the account id
$sql = "SELECT ab_id FROM {$p}import WHERE site_id = {$s} AND
ab_table = 'account' AND
plugin = '{$this->plugin}' AND
remote_id = '{$rs->fields['note_account_id']}'";
$account = $db->Execute($sql);
$account_id = $account->fields['ab_id'];
# Create the server record in AB now:
$id = $db->GenID($p.'host_server_id');
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$p}account_memo SET
id = {$id},
site_id = {$s},
date_orig = ".time().",
staff_id = 1,
account_id = {$account_id},
type = 'admin',
memo = ".$db->qstr( $rs->fields['note_message'] );
# Insert the import record
$this->import_transaction($this->plugin, $VAR['action'], 'account_memo', $id, 'notes', $rs->fields['note_id'], &$db);
elseif(!empty( $rs->fields['note_order_id'] ))
### Invoice Memo
# get the invoice id
$sql = "SELECT ab_id FROM {$p}import WHERE site_id = {$s} AND
ab_table = 'invoice' AND
plugin = '{$this->plugin}' AND
remote_id = '{$rs->fields['note_order_id']}'";
$invoice = $db->Execute($sql);
$invoice_id = $invoice->fields['ab_id'];
# Create the server record in AB now:
$id = $db->GenID($p.'invoice_memo_id');
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$p}invoice_memo SET
id = {$id},
site_id = {$s},
date_orig = ".time().",
account_id = 1,
invoice_id = {$invoice_id},
type = '',
memo = ".$db->qstr( $rs->fields['note_message'] );
# Insert the import record
$this->import_transaction($this->plugin, $VAR['action'], 'invoice_memo', $id, 'notes', $rs->fields['note_id'], &$db);
elseif(!empty( $rs->fields['note_domain_id'] ))
### Service Memo
# get the service id
$sql = "SELECT ab_id FROM {$p}import WHERE site_id = {$s} AND
ab_table = 'service' AND
plugin = '{$this->plugin}' AND
remote_id = '{$rs->fields['note_domain_id']}'";
$service = $db->Execute($sql);
$service_id = $invoice->fields['ab_id'];
# Create the server record in AB now:
$id = $db->GenID($p.'service_memo_id');
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$p}service_memo SET
id = {$id},
site_id = {$s},
date_orig = ".time().",
staff_id = 1,
service_id = {$service_id},
type = 'admin',
memo = ".$db->qstr( $rs->fields['note_message'] );
# Insert the import record
$this->import_transaction($this->plugin, $VAR['action'], 'service_memo_id', $id, 'notes', $rs->fields['note_id'], &$db);
# Complete the transaction
$offset = $VAR['offset'] + $this->select_limit;
echo "<script language=javascript>
setTimeout('document.location=\'?_page=core:blank&offset={$offset}&action={$VAR['action']}&plugin={$VAR['plugin']}&do[]=import:do_action\'', 1200);
// decryption function for old DA credit cards
function RC4($data, $case) {
if ($case == 'de') {
$data = urldecode($data);
$key[] = "";
$box[] = "";
$temp_swap = "";
$pwd_length = 0;
$pwd_length = strlen($pwd);
for ($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i++) {
$key[$i] = ord(substr($pwd, ($i % $pwd_length), 1));
$box[$i] = $i;
$x = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i++) {
$x = ($x + $box[$i] + $key[$i]) % 256;
$temp_swap = $box[$i];
$box[$i] = $box[$x];
$box[$x] = $temp_swap;
$temp = "";
$k = "";
$cipherby = "";
$cipher = "";
$a = 0;
$j = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($data); $i++) {
$a = ($a + 1) % 256;
$j = ($j + $box[$a]) % 256;
$temp = $box[$a];
$box[$a] = $box[$j];
$box[$j] = $temp;
$k = $box[(($box[$a] + $box[$j]) % 256)];
$cipherby = ord(substr($data, $i, 1)) ^ $k;
$cipher .= chr($cipherby);
if ($case == 'de') {
$cipher = urldecode(urlencode($cipher));
} else {
$cipher = urlencode($cipher);
return $cipher;
function cc_identify($cc_no) {
$cc_no = ereg_replace ('[^0-9]+', '', $cc_no);
// Get card type based on prefix and length of card number
if (ereg ('^4(.{12}|.{15})$', $cc_no)) {
return 'visa';
} elseif (ereg ('^5[1-5].{14}$', $cc_no)) {
return 'mc';
} elseif (ereg ('^3[47].{13}$', $cc_no)) {
return 'amex';
} elseif (ereg ('^3(0[0-5].{11}|[68].{12})$', $cc_no)) {
return 'diners';
} elseif (ereg ('^6011.{12}$', $cc_no)) {
return 'discover';
} elseif (ereg ('^(3.{15}|(2131|1800).{11})$', $cc_no)) {
return 'jcb';
} elseif (ereg ('^2(014|149).{11})$', $cc_no)) {
return 'enrout';
} else {
return "";