2014-09-29 14:47:51 +10:00
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.');
* This class provides email template handling in the same manor as views.
* @package lnApp
* @category Helpers
* @author Deon George
* @copyright (c) 2014 Deon George
* @license http://dev.leenooks.net/license.html
abstract class lnApp_Email extends Kohana_Email {
// Array of global variables
protected static $_global_data = array();
// View filename
protected $_file = array();
// Array of local variables
protected $_data = array();
// Email Details
protected $_email = array();
// Our email subject key
private $_key;
private $_mime = array(
* Sets the initial view filename and local data. Views should almost
* always only be created using [Email::factory].
* $email = new Email($file);
* @param string $file view filename
* @param array $data array of values
* @return void
* @uses Email::set_filename
public function __construct($file=NULL,array $data=NULL) {
$this->_key = $file;
if ($file !== NULL)
// Add the values to the current data
if ($data !== NULL)
$this->_data = $data + $this->_data;
* Magic method, searches for the given variable and returns its value.
* Local variables will be returned before global variables.
* $value = $email->foo;
* [!!] If the variable has not yet been set, an exception will be thrown.
* @param string $key variable name
* @return mixed
* @throws Kohana_Exception
public function & __get($key) {
if (array_key_exists($key,$this->_data))
return $this->_data[$key];
elseif (array_key_exists($key,$this->_email))
return $this->_email[$key];
elseif (array_key_exists($key,Email::$_global_data))
return Email::$_global_data[$key];
throw new Kohana_Exception('View variable is not set: :var',array(':var'=>$key));
* Magic method, determines if a variable is set.
* isset($email->foo);
* [!!] `NULL` variables are not considered to be set by [isset](http://php.net/isset).
* @param string $key variable name
* @return boolean
public function __isset($key) {
return (isset($this->_data[$key]) OR isset($this->_email[$key]) OR isset(Email::$_global_data[$key]));
* Magic method, calls [Email::set] with the same parameters.
* $email->foo = 'something';
* @param string $key variable name
* @param mixed $value value
* @return void
public function __set($key,$value) {
switch ($key) {
case 'from':
case 'bcc':
case 'to':
if (! is_array($value) OR ! array_intersect(array('email','account'),array_keys($value)))
throw new Email_Exception('Values for to should be an array of either "mail" or "account", however :value was given',
case 'subject':
$this->_email[$key] = $value;
* Magic method, returns the output of [Email::render].
* @return string
* @uses Email::render
public function __toString() {
$e = Email::connect();
try {
return (string)$this->render();
} catch (Exception $e) {
* Display the exception message.
* We use this method here because it's impossible to throw an
* exception from __toString().
$error_response = Kohana_Exception::_handler($e);
return $error_response->body();
* Magic method, unsets a given variable.
* unset($email->foo);
* @param string $key variable name
* @return void
public function __unset($key) {
* Assigns a value by reference. The benefit of binding is that values can
* be altered without re-setting them. It is also possible to bind variables
* before they have values. Assigned values will be available as a
* variable within the view file:
* // This reference can be accessed as $ref within the view
* $email->bind('ref', $bar);
* @param string $key variable name
* @param mixed $value referenced variable
* @return $this
public function bind($key,&$value) {
$this->_data[$key] =& $value;
return $this;
* Assigns a global variable by reference, similar to [Email::bind], except
* that the variable will be accessible to all views.
* Email::bind_global($key,$value);
* @param string $key variable name
* @param mixed $value referenced variable
* @return void
public static function bind_global($key,&$value) {
Email::$_global_data[$key] =& $value;
* Captures the output that is generated when a view is included.
* The view data will be extracted to make local variables. This method
* is static to prevent object scope resolution.
* $output = Email::capture($file,$data);
* @param string $kohana_view_filename filename
* @param array $kohana_view_data variables
* @return string
protected static function capture($kohana_view_filename,array $kohana_view_data) {
return Email::complete(file_get_contents($kohana_view_filename),Arr::merge(Email::$_global_data,$kohana_view_data));
* Exchange the variables for values
private static function complete($output,$data) {
foreach (Email::variables($output) as $v)
$output = str_replace('$'.$v.'$',$data[$v],$output);
return $output;
* Deliver the email
public function deliver(array $admin=array()) {
// @todo - Setup queue mode
return Email::connect()->send($this->render(NULL,$admin));
* Get email details
private function email($key) {
2016-08-18 12:34:53 +10:00
if (! isset($this->_email[$key]))
return array();
2014-09-29 14:47:51 +10:00
if (is_array($this->_email[$key]) AND isset($this->_email[$key]['email']))
return $this->_email[$key]['email'];
return (is_array($this->_email[$key]) AND isset($this->_email[$key]['account'])) ? $this->_email[$key]['account'] : $this->_email[$key];
* Returns a new Email object. If you do not define the "file" parameter,
* you must call [Email::set_filename].
* $email = Email::factory($file);
* @param string $file email filename
* @param array $data array of values
* @return Email
public static function factory($file=NULL,array $data=NULL) {
return new Email($file,$data);
* Renders the view object to a string. Global and local data are merged
* and extracted to create local variables within the view file.
* $output = $email->render();
* [!!] Global variables with the same key name as local variables will be
* overwritten by the local variable.
* @param string $file view filename
* @return string
* @throws Email_Exception
* @uses Email::capture
public function render($file=NULL,array $admin=array()) {
if ($file !== NULL)
if (empty($this->_file))
throw new Email_Exception('You must set the file to use within your email before rendering');
if ($x=array_diff(array('to','from','subject'),array_keys($this->_email)))
throw new Email_Exception('You are missing :missing from the Email',array(':missing'=>join('|',$x)));
$sm = Swift_Message::newInstance()
foreach ($this->_file as $file) {
$ext = strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
$sm->addPart(Email::capture($file,$this->_data),array_key_exists($ext,$this->_mime) ? $this->_mime[$ext] : File::mime($file));
// Our list of BCC recipients
if (Kohana::$config->load('debug')->email_bcc_admin AND $x=Arr::merge($this->email('bcc'),Kohana::$config->load('debug')->email_bcc_admin))
$sm->setTo(($admin OR ($admin = Config::testmail($this->_key))) ? $admin : $this->email('to'));
return $sm;
* Assigns a variable by name. Assigned values will be available as a
* variable within the view file:
* // This value can be accessed as $foo within the view
* $email->set('foo','my value');
* You can also use an array to set several values at once:
* // Create the values $food and $beverage in the view
* $email->set(array('food' => 'bread', 'beverage' => 'water'));
* @param string $key variable name or an array of variables
* @param mixed $value value
* @return $this
public function set($key,$value=NULL) {
if (is_array($key))
foreach ($key as $name => $value)
$this->_data[$name] = $value;
$this->_data[$key] = $value;
return $this;
* Sets the view filename.
* $email->set_filename($file);
* @param string $file view filename
* @return Email
* @throws Email_Exception
public function set_filename($file) {
foreach (array_keys($this->_mime) as $ext)
if ($path=Kohana::find_file('email',$file,$ext))
// Store the file path locally
if (! $this->_file)
throw new Email_Exception('The requested email :file could not be found',array(':file'=>$file));
return $this;
* Sets a global variable, similar to [Email::set], except that the
* variable will be accessible to all views.
* Email::set_global($name, $value);
* @param string $key variable name or an array of variables
* @param mixed $value value
* @return void
public static function set_global($key,$value=NULL) {
if (is_array($key))
foreach ($key as $key2 => $value)
Email::$_global_data[$key2] = $value;
Email::$_global_data[$key] = $value;
* Extract the variables in the text
public static function variables($output) {
$results = array();
$matches = array();
foreach ($matches[1] as $k => $v)
if (! in_array($v[0],$results))
return $results;