2013-04-22 15:50:28 +10:00
< ? php defined ( 'SYSPATH' ) or die ( 'No direct access allowed.' );
* This class provides the default template controller for rendering pages .
* @ package lnApp
2013-10-09 10:24:11 +11:00
* @ category Controllers
2013-04-22 15:50:28 +10:00
* @ author Deon George
* @ copyright ( c ) 2009 - 2013 Deon George
* @ license http :// dev . leenooks . net / license . html
2013-05-14 23:55:30 +10:00
abstract class lnApp_Controller_TemplateDefault extends Kohana_Controller_Template {
2013-04-22 15:50:28 +10:00
* @ var object meta object information as per [ meta ]
protected $meta ;
* Controls access to this controller .
* Can be set to a string or an array , for example 'login' or array ( 'login' , 'admin' )
* Note that in second ( array ) example , user must have both 'login' AND 'admin' roles set in database
* @ var boolean is authenticate required with this controller
protected $auth_required = FALSE ;
* If redirecting to a login page , which page to redirect to
protected $noauth_redirect = 'login' ;
* Controls access for separate actions , eg :
* 'adminpanel' => 'admin' will only allow users with the role admin to access action_adminpanel
* 'moderatorpanel' => array ( 'login' , 'moderator' ) will only allow users with the roles login and moderator to access action_moderatorpanel
* @ var array actions that require a valid user
protected $secure_actions = array ();
2014-02-17 11:29:11 +11:00
// Our acccount object
protected $ao ;
2014-02-13 14:10:20 +11:00
public function __construct ( Request $request , Response $response ) {
2014-08-22 16:50:01 +10:00
if ( Site :: Theme ())
$this -> template = Site :: Theme () . '/page' ;
2014-02-13 14:10:20 +11:00
return parent :: __construct ( $request , $response );
2013-04-22 15:50:28 +10:00
* Check and see if this controller needs authentication
* if $this -> auth_required is TRUE , then the user must be logged in only .
* if $this -> auth_required is FALSE , AND $this -> secure_actions has an array of
* methods set to TRUE , then the user must be logged in AND a member of the
* role .
* @ return boolean
protected function _auth_required () {
// If our global configurable is disabled, then continue
if ( ! Kohana :: $config -> load ( 'config' ) -> method_security )
return FALSE ;
return (( $this -> auth_required !== FALSE && Auth :: instance () -> logged_in ( NULL , get_class ( $this ) . '|' . __METHOD__ ) === FALSE ) ||
( is_array ( $this -> secure_actions ) && array_key_exists ( $this -> request -> action (), $this -> secure_actions ) &&
2013-04-25 10:22:36 +10:00
! Auth :: instance () -> logged_in ( $this -> secure_actions [ $this -> request -> action ()], get_class ( $this ) . '|' . __METHOD__ )));
2013-04-22 15:50:28 +10:00
* Loads the template [ View ] object .
* Page information is provided by [ meta ] .
* @ uses meta
public function before () {
2014-02-17 11:29:11 +11:00
if ( $this -> auth_required ) {
if ( ! count ( $this -> secure_actions ) OR ( ! isset ( $this -> secure_actions [ Request :: current () -> action ()])))
throw HTTP_Exception :: factory ( 403 , 'Class has no security defined :class, or no security configured for :method' , array ( ':class' => get_class ( $this ), ':method' => Request :: current () -> action ()));
$this -> ao = Auth :: instance () -> get_user ();
if ( ! is_null ( $this -> ao ) AND ( is_string ( $this -> ao ) OR ! $this -> ao -> loaded ()))
throw HTTP_Exception :: factory ( 501 , 'Account doesnt exist :account ?' , array ( ':account' => ( is_string ( $this -> ao ) OR is_null ( $this -> ao )) ? $this -> ao : Auth :: instance () -> get_user () -> id ));
2013-04-22 15:50:28 +10:00
// Actions that start with ajax, should only be ajax
if ( ! Kohana :: $config -> load ( 'debug' ) -> ajax AND preg_match ( '/^ajax/' , Request :: current () -> action ()) AND ! Request :: current () -> is_ajax ())
2013-05-15 17:06:23 +10:00
throw HTTP_Exception :: factory ( 412 , _ ( 'Unable to fulfil request.' ));
2013-04-22 15:50:28 +10:00
parent :: before ();
2013-11-08 22:26:58 +11:00
// Do not template media files
if ( $this -> request -> action () === 'media' ) {
$this -> auto_render = FALSE ;
return ;
2013-04-22 15:50:28 +10:00
// Check user auth and role
if ( $this -> _auth_required ()) {
2013-05-14 23:55:30 +10:00
if ( PHP_SAPI === 'cli' )
2013-04-22 15:50:28 +10:00
throw new Kohana_Exception ( 'Cant run :method, authentication not possible' , array ( ':method' => $this -> request -> action ()));
// If auth is required and the user is logged in, then they dont have access.
// (We have already checked authorisation.)
if ( Auth :: instance () -> logged_in ( NULL , get_class ( $this ) . '|' . __METHOD__ )) {
2013-05-15 17:06:23 +10:00
if ( $this -> request -> is_ajax ())
throw HTTP_Exception :: factory ( 403 , _ ( 'You dont have enough permissions.' ));
2014-09-08 23:42:05 +10:00
if ( ! Kohana :: $config -> load ( 'config' ) -> disabled_noaccess_redirect )
2013-10-09 16:41:24 +11:00
HTTP :: redirect ( 'login/noaccess' );
throw HTTP_Exception :: factory ( 501 , 'I would redirect you here - no ACCESS' );
2013-04-22 15:50:28 +10:00
} else {
Session :: instance () -> set ( 'afterlogin' , Request :: detect_uri ());
HTTP :: redirect ( $this -> noauth_redirect );
2013-04-25 10:22:36 +10:00
if ( ! $this -> auto_render )
return ;
2013-04-22 15:50:28 +10:00
// For AJAX calls, we dont need to render the complete page.
2013-10-03 16:51:13 +10:00
if ( $this -> request -> is_ajax () OR ( Kohana :: $config -> load ( 'debug' ) -> ajax AND preg_match ( '/^ajax/' , Request :: current () -> action ()))) {
2013-04-22 15:50:28 +10:00
$this -> auto_render = FALSE ;
2013-10-03 16:51:13 +10:00
2013-04-22 15:50:28 +10:00
return ;
// Bind our template meta variable
$this -> meta = new Meta ;
View :: bind_global ( 'meta' , $this -> meta );
// Our default script(s)
foreach ( array ( 'file' => array_reverse ( array (
))) as $type => $datas ) {
foreach ( $datas as $data ) {
Script :: add ( array (
'type' => $type ,
'data' => $data ,
), TRUE );
// Initialise our content
2013-04-25 10:22:36 +10:00
$this -> template -> shownavbar = TRUE ;
2013-04-22 15:50:28 +10:00
$this -> template -> content = '' ;
2013-04-25 10:22:36 +10:00
$this -> template -> footer = '' ;
2013-04-22 15:50:28 +10:00
public function after () {
if ( $this -> auto_render ) {
2014-08-22 16:50:01 +10:00
$this -> template -> navbar = $this -> template -> shownavbar ? View :: factory ( Site :: Theme () . '/navbar' ) : '' ;
2013-04-25 10:22:36 +10:00
if ( empty ( $this -> template -> content ))
$this -> template -> content = Block :: factory () -> render_all ();
// Adjust our breadcrumb
if ( isset ( URL :: $method_directory [ strtolower ( $this -> request -> directory ())]))
BreadCrumb :: name ( URL :: $method_directory [ strtolower ( $this -> request -> directory ())], $this -> request -> directory ());
2013-04-22 15:50:28 +10:00
// Description
$this -> meta -> description = sprintf ( '%s::%s' , $this -> request -> controller (), $this -> request -> action ());
// For any ajax rendered actions, we'll need to capture the content and put it in the response
2013-06-17 18:00:27 +10:00
} elseif ( $this -> request -> is_ajax ()) {
2013-05-16 21:50:44 +10:00
$output = Style :: factory () -> render_all ();
$output .= Script :: factory () -> render_all ();
2013-06-17 18:00:27 +10:00
2013-10-09 16:41:24 +11:00
if ( ! isset ( $this -> template -> content ))
$output .= $this -> response -> body () ? $this -> response -> body () : '' ;
2013-06-17 18:00:27 +10:00
$output .= $this -> template -> content ;
2013-04-22 15:50:28 +10:00
2013-05-16 21:50:44 +10:00
$this -> response -> body ( $output );
2013-04-22 15:50:28 +10:00
2013-05-08 19:42:55 +10:00
// Used by our javascript to know what the SITE URL is.
Script :: factory ()
-> type ( 'stdin' )
-> data ( 'var site_url="' . URL :: site ( '' , TRUE ) . '";' );
2013-04-22 15:50:28 +10:00
parent :: after ();
// Generate and check the ETag for this file
2013-04-25 10:22:36 +10:00
if ( Kohana :: $environment < Kohana :: TESTING OR Kohana :: $config -> load ( 'debug' ) -> etag )
$this -> check_cache ( sha1 ( $this -> response -> body ()));
2013-04-22 15:50:28 +10:00
* Generate a view path to help View :: factory () calls
* The purpose of this method is to ensure that we have a consistant
* layout for our view files , including those that are needed by
* plugins
* @ param string Plugin Name ( optional )
2013-04-25 10:22:36 +10:00
* @ deprecated
2013-04-22 15:50:28 +10:00
public function viewpath ( $plugin = '' ) {
$request = Request :: current ();
$path = $request -> controller ();
if ( $request -> directory ())
$path .= ( $path ? '/' : '' ) . $request -> directory ();
if ( $plugin )
$path .= ( $path ? '/' : '' ) . $plugin ;
$path .= ( $path ? '/' : '' ) . $request -> action ();
return strtolower ( $path );