logged_in()) HTTP::redirect(URL::link('user','welcome/index')); // If there is a post and $_POST is not empty if ($_POST) { // If the post data validates using the rules setup in the user model if (Auth::instance()->login($_POST['username'],$_POST['password'])) { // Redirect to the user account if ($redir = Session::instance()->get('afterlogin')) { Session::instance()->delete('afterlogin'); HTTP::redirect($redir); } else HTTP::redirect(URL::link('user','welcome/index')); } else { SystemMessage::factory() ->title(_('Invalid username or password')) ->type('error') ->body(_('The username or password was invalid.')); } } $output .= View::factory('pages/login'); Style::factory() ->type('file') ->data('media/theme/baseadmin/css/pages/login.css'); $this->template->content = $output; $this->template->shownavbar = FALSE; } public function action_noaccess() { SystemMessage::factory() ->title(_('No access to requested resource')) ->type('error') ->body(_('You do not have access to the requested resource, please contact your administrator.')); } } ?>