load('config')->appname; } /** * Show a date using a site configured format */ public static function Date($date) { return (is_null($date) OR ! $date) ? '' : date(Kohana::$config->load('config')->date_format,$date); } /** * Show a date using a site configured format * @note We need this function here, since we call self:: methods, which need to resolve to the child class. */ public static function Datetime($date) { return sprintf('%s %s',self::Date($date),self::Time($date)); } /** * Return the site configured id */ public static function ID($format=FALSE) { return $format ? sprintf('%02s',Kohana::$config->load('config')->id) : Kohana::$config->load('config')->id; } /** * Return the site configured language */ public static function Language() { foreach (Request::factory()->accept_lang() as $k=>$v) { if (strlen($k) == 2) $k = sprintf('%s_%s',strtolower($k),strtoupper($k)); else { list($k,$v) = preg_split('/[-_]/',$k,2); $k = sprintf('%s_%s',strtolower($k),strtoupper($v)); } if ($x=ORM::factory('Language',array('iso'=>$k))) return $x; } // @todo Return Default Language return Kohana::$config->load('config')->language; } /** * Return the protocol that the site is using * * @param string URL to be included in the return */ public static function Protocol($url='') { static $secure = NULL; if (! $secure AND Request::current()) $secure = Request::current()->secure() ? 'https://' : 'http://'; return $secure.($url ? $url : ''); } /** * Return the site theme */ public static function Theme() { return 'theme/'.Kohana::$config->load('config')->theme; } /** * Show a time using a site configured format */ public static function Time($date) { return date(Kohana::$config->load('config')->time_format,($date ? $date : time())); } } ?>