$token)); // Ignore the token if it doesnt exist. if ($mmto->loaded()) { // Check that the token is for this URI $mo = ORM::factory('Module',array('name'=>Request::current()->controller())); $mmo = $mo->module_method ->where('name','=',strtolower(Request::current()->directory() ? sprintf('%s:%s',Request::current()->directory(),Request::current()->action()) : Request::current()->action())) ->find(); // Ignore the token if this is not the right method. if ($mmo->id == $mmto->method_id) { if (! is_null($mmto->date_expire) AND $mmto->date_expire < time()) { SystemMessage::factory() ->title(_('Token Not Valid')) ->type('warning') ->body(_('Token expired')); Session::instance()->delete('token'); $mmto->delete(); } elseif (! is_null($mmto->uses) AND $mmto->uses < 1) { SystemMessage::factory() ->title(_('Token Not Valid')) ->type('warning') ->body(_('Token expired')); Session::instance()->delete('token'); $mmto->delete(); } else { // If this is a usage count token, reduce the count. if (! is_null($mmto->uses)) $mmto->uses -= 1; // Record the date this token was used $mmto->date_last = time(); $mmto->save(); Session::instance()->set('token',$token); $uo = ORM::factory('Account',$mmto->account_id); $uo->log(sprintf('Token %s used for method %s [%s]',$mmto->token,$mmto->module_method->id,Request::current()->param('id'))); } } } return $uo; } /** * Logs a user in. * * @param string username * @param string password * @param boolean enable autologin * @return boolean */ protected function _login($user,$password,$remember) { if (! is_object($user)) { $username = $user; // Load the user $user = ORM::factory('Account'); $user->where('username','=',$username)->find(); // If no user loaded, return if (! $user->loaded()) return FALSE; } // Create a hashed password if (is_string($password)) $password = $this->hash($password); // If the passwords match, perform a login if ($user->active AND $user->has_any('group',ORM::factory('Group',array('name'=>'Registered Users'))->list_childgrps(TRUE)) AND $user->password === $password) { // @todo This is not currently used. if ($remember === TRUE) { // Create a new autologin token $token = ORM::factory('User_Token'); // Set token data $token->user_id = $user->id; $token->expires = time() + $this->_config['lifetime']; $token->save(); // Set the autologin cookie Cookie::set('authautologin', $token->token, $this->_config['lifetime']); } // Record our session ID, we may need to update our DB when we get a new ID $oldsess = session_id(); // Finish the login $this->complete_login($user); // Do we need to update databases with our new sesion ID $sct = Kohana::$config->load('config')->session_change_trigger; if (session_id() != $oldsess AND count($sct)) foreach ($sct as $t => $c) if (Config::module_exist($t)) foreach (ORM::factory(ucwords($t))->where($c,'=',$oldsess)->find_all() as $o) $o->set('session_id',session_id()) ->update(); return TRUE; } // Login failed return FALSE; } /** * Gets the currently logged in user from the session. * Returns NULL if no user is currently logged in. * * @param boolean Check token users too * @return mixed */ public function get_user($default=NULL,$tokenuser=TRUE) { // If we are a CLI, we are not logged in if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli') throw new Kohana_Exception('Calling :method from the CLI is not allowed!',array(':method'=>__METHOD__)); // Get the current user $uo = parent::get_user($default); // If we are not logged in, see if there is token for the user if (is_null($uo) AND $tokenuser AND ($token=Session::instance()->get('token')) OR ($token=Arr::get($_REQUEST,'token'))) $uo = $this->_get_token_user($token); return $uo; } /** * Authentication is controlled via database queries. * * This method can be used to test two situations: * 1) Is the user logged in? ($role == FALSE) * 2) Can the user run the current controller->action ($role == TRUE) * * @param boolean If authentication should be done for this module:method (ie: controller:action). * @return boolean */ public function logged_in($role=NULL,$debug=NULL) { $status = FALSE; // If we are a CLI, we are not logged in if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli') return $status; // Get the user from the session $uo = $this->get_user(); // If we are not a valid user object, then we are not logged in if (is_object($uo) AND ($uo instanceof Model_Account) AND $uo->loaded()) if (! empty($role)) { if (($x = Request::current()->mmo()) instanceof Model) // If the role has the authorisation to run the method foreach ($x->group->find_all() as $go) if ($go->id == 0 OR $uo->has_any('group',$go->list_childgrps(TRUE))) { $status = TRUE; break; } // There is no role, so the method should be allowed to run as anonymous } else $status = TRUE; return $status; } } ?>