Since Kohana maintains many concurrent versions at once, there is no single `master` branch. All versions have branches named with a prefix of its version:
and so on. All development of versions happens in the develop branch of that version. Before a release, new features are added here. After a major release is actually released, only bugfixes can happen here. New features and API changes must happen in the develop branch of the next version.
- **3.3/master** - master branches are for releases. Only release merge commits can be applied to this branch. You should never make a non-merge commit to this branch, and all merge commits should come from the release branch or hotfix branch (detailed below). This branch lasts forever.
- **3.3/hotfix/*** - hotfix branches are for emergency maintenance after a release. If an important security or other kind of important issue is discovered after a release, it should be done here, and merged to master. This branch should be created from master and merged back into master and develop when complete. This branch is deleted after it's done.
- **3.3/develop** - If a version is not released, this branch is for merging features into. If the version is released, this branch is for applying bugfix commits to. This branch lasts forever.
- **3.3/release/*** - release branches are for maintenance work before a release. This branch should be branched from the develop branch only. Change the version number/code name here, and apply any other maintenance items needed before actually releasing. Merges from master should only come from this branch. It should be merged to develop when it's complete as well. This branch is deleted after it's done.
- **3.3/feature/*** - Details on these branches are outlined below. This branch is deleted after it's done.
If an bug/issue applies to multiple versions of Kohana, it is first fixed in the lowest supported version it applies to, then merged to each higher branch it applies to. Each merge should only happen one version up. 3.1 should merge to 3.2, and 3.2 should merge to 3.3. 3.1 should not merge directly to 3.3.
All features and bugfixes must be fully tested and reference an issue in [GitHub](, **there are absolutely no exceptions**.
It's highly recommended that you write/run unit tests during development as it can help you pick up on issues early on. See the Unit Testing section below.
## Creating new features
New features or API breaking modifications should be developed in separate branches so as to isolate them
until they're stable.
**Features without tests written will be rejected! There are NO exceptions.**
This will run the unit tests for core and all the modules and tell you if anything failed. If you haven't changed anything and you get failures, please create a new issue on [the tracker]( and paste the output (including the error) in the issue.