# Minion | ver | Stable | Develop | |-------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 3.3.x | [![Build Status - 3.3/master](https://travis-ci.org/kohana/minion.svg?branch=3.3%2Fmaster)](https://travis-ci.org/kohana/minion) | [![Build Status - 3.3/develop](https://travis-ci.org/kohana/minion.svg?branch=3.3%2Fdevelop)](https://travis-ci.org/kohana/minion) | | 3.4.x | [![Build Status - 3.4/master](https://travis-ci.org/kohana/minion.svg?branch=3.4%2Fmaster)](https://travis-ci.org/kohana/minion) | [![Build Status - 3.4/develop](https://travis-ci.org/kohana/minion.svg?branch=3.4%2Fdevelop)](https://travis-ci.org/kohana/minion) | Minion is a framework for running tasks via the CLI. The system is inspired by ruckusing, which had a nice system for defining tasks but lacked the desired flexibility for kohana integration. ## Getting Started First off, download and enable the module in your bootstrap Then copy the bash script `minion` alongside your index.php (most likely the webroot). If you'd rather the executable be in a different location to index.php then simply modify the bash script to point to index.php. You can then run minion like so: ./minion {task} To view a list of minion tasks, run minion without any parameters, or with the `--help` option ./minion ./minion --help To view help for a specific minion task run ./minion {task} --help For security reasons Minion will only run from the cli. Attempting to access it over http will cause a `Kohana_Exception` to be thrown. If you're unable to use the binary file for whatever reason then simply replace `./minion {task}` in the above examples with php index.php --uri=minion --task={task} ## Writing your own tasks All minion tasks must be located in `classes/task/`. They can be in any module, thus allowing you to ship custom minion tasks with your own module / product. Each task must extend the abstract class `Minion_Task` and implement `Minion_Task::_execute()`. See `Minion_Task` for more details. ## Documentation Code should be commented well enough not to need documentation, and minion can extract a class' doccomment to use as documentation on the cli. ## Testing This module is unittested using the [unittest module](http://github.com/kohana/unittest). You can use the `minion` group to only run minion tests. i.e. phpunit --group minion Feel free to contribute tests(!), they can be found in the `tests/minion` directory. :) ## License This is licensed under the [same license as Kohana](http://kohanaframework.org/license).