assertSame('', Text::auto_p('')); } /** * * @return array Test Data */ function provider_auto_para_does_not_enclose_html_tags_in_paragraphs() { return array( array( array('div'), '
Pick a plum of peppers
', ), array( array('div'), '
', ), ); } /** * This test makes sure that auto_p doesn't enclose HTML tags * in paragraphs * * @test * @covers Text::auto_p * @dataProvider provider_auto_para_does_not_enclose_html_tags_in_paragraphs */ function test_auto_para_does_not_enclose_html_tags_in_paragraphs(array $tags, $text) { $output = Text::auto_p($text); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $this->assertNotTag( array('tag' => $tag, 'ancestor' => array('tag' => 'p')), $output ); } } /** * This test makes sure that auto_p surrounds a single line of text * with paragraph tags * * @test * @covers Text::auto_p */ function test_auto_para_encloses_slot_in_paragraph() { $text = 'Pick a pinch of purple pepper'; $this->assertSame('


', Text::auto_p($text)); } /** * Make sure that multiple new lines are replaced with paragraph tags * * @test * @covers Text::auto_p */ public function test_auto_para_replaces_multiple_newlines_with_paragraph() { $this->assertSame( "

My name is john


I'm a developer

", Text::auto_p("My name is john\n\n\n\nI'm a developer") ); } /** * Data provider for test_limit_words * * @return array Array of test data */ function provider_limit_words() { return array ( array('', '', 100, NULL), array('…', 'The rain in spain', -10, NULL), array('The rain…', 'The rain in spain', 2, NULL), array('The rain...', 'The rain in spain', 2, '...'), ); } /** * * @test * @dataProvider provider_limit_words */ function test_limit_words($expected, $str, $limit, $end_char) { $this->assertSame($expected, Text::limit_words($str, $limit, $end_char)); } /** * Provides test data for test_limit_chars() * * @return array Test data */ function provider_limit_chars() { return array ( array('', '', 100, NULL, FALSE), array('…', 'BOO!', -42, NULL, FALSE), array('making php bet…', 'making php better for the sane', 14, NULL, FALSE), array('Garçon! Un café s.v.p.', 'Garçon! Un café s.v.p.', 50, '__', FALSE), array('Garçon!__', 'Garçon! Un café s.v.p.', 8, '__', FALSE), // @issue 3238 array('making php…', 'making php better for the sane', 14, NULL, TRUE), array('Garçon!__', 'Garçon! Un café s.v.p.', 9, '__', TRUE), array('Garçon!__', 'Garçon! Un café s.v.p.', 7, '__', TRUE), array('__', 'Garçon! Un café s.v.p.', 5, '__', TRUE), ); } /** * Tests Text::limit_chars() * * @test * @dataProvider provider_limit_chars */ function test_limit_chars($expected, $str, $limit, $end_char, $preserve_words) { $this->assertSame($expected, Text::limit_chars($str, $limit, $end_char, $preserve_words)); } /** * Test Text::alternate() * * @test */ function test_alternate_alternates_between_parameters() { list($val_a, $val_b, $val_c) = array('good', 'bad', 'ugly'); $this->assertSame('good', Text::alternate($val_a, $val_b, $val_c)); $this->assertSame('bad', Text::alternate($val_a, $val_b, $val_c)); $this->assertSame('ugly', Text::alternate($val_a, $val_b, $val_c)); $this->assertSame('good', Text::alternate($val_a, $val_b, $val_c)); } /** * Tests Text::alternate() * * @test * @covers Text::alternate */ function test_alternate_resets_when_called_with_no_params_and_returns_empty_string() { list($val_a, $val_b, $val_c) = array('yes', 'no', 'maybe'); $this->assertSame('yes', Text::alternate($val_a, $val_b, $val_c)); $this->assertSame('', Text::alternate()); $this->assertSame('yes', Text::alternate($val_a, $val_b, $val_c)); } /** * Provides test data for test_reducde_slashes() * * @returns array Array of test data */ function provider_reduce_slashes() { return array ( array('/', '//'), array('/google/php/kohana/', '//google/php//kohana//'), ); } /** * Covers Text::reduce_slashes() * * @test * @dataProvider provider_reduce_slashes */ function test_reduce_slashes($expected, $str) { $this->assertSame($expected, Text::reduce_slashes($str)); } /** * Provides test data for test_censor() * * @return array Test data */ function provider_censor() { return array ( // If the replacement is 1 character long it should be repeated for the length of the removed word array("A donkey is also an ***", 'A donkey is also an ass', array('ass'), '*', TRUE), array("Cake### isn't nearly as good as kohana###", "CakePHP isn't nearly as good as kohanaphp", array('php'), '#', TRUE), // If it's > 1 then it's just replaced straight out array("If you're born out of wedlock you're a --expletive--", "If you're born out of wedlock you're a child", array('child'), '--expletive--', TRUE), array('class', 'class', array('ass'), '*', FALSE), ); } /** * Tests Text::censor * * @test * @dataProvider provider_censor */ function test_censor($expected, $str, $badwords, $replacement, $replace_partial_words) { $this->assertSame($expected, Text::censor($str, $badwords, $replacement, $replace_partial_words)); } /** * Provides test data for test_random * * @return array Test Data */ function provider_random() { return array( array('alnum', 8), array('alpha', 10), array('hexdec', 20), array('nozero', 5), array('numeric', 14), array('distinct', 12), array('aeiou', 4), array('‹¡›«¿»', 8), // UTF8 characters array(NULL, 8), // Issue #3256 ); } /** * Tests Text::random() as well as possible * * Obviously you can't compare a randomly generated string against a * pre-generated one and check that they are the same as this goes * against the whole ethos of random. * * This test just makes sure that the value returned is of the correct * values and length * * @test * @dataProvider provider_random */ function test_random($type, $length) { if ($type === NULL) { $type = 'alnum'; } $pool = (string) $type; switch ($pool) { case 'alnum': $pool = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; break; case 'alpha': $pool = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; break; case 'hexdec': $pool = '0123456789abcdef'; break; case 'numeric': $pool = '0123456789'; break; case 'nozero': $pool = '123456789'; break; case 'distinct': $pool = '2345679ACDEFHJKLMNPRSTUVWXYZ'; break; } $this->assertRegExp('/^['.$pool.']{'.$length.'}$/u', Text::random($type, $length)); } /** * Provides test data for test_similar * * @return array */ function provider_similar() { return array ( // TODO: add some more cases array('foo', array('foobar', 'food', 'fooberry')), ); } /** * Tests Text::similar() * * @test * @dataProvider provider_similar * @covers Text::similar */ function test_similar($expected, $words) { $this->assertSame($expected, Text::similar($words)); } /** * Provides test data for test_bytes * * @return array */ public function provider_bytes() { return array ( // TODO: cover the other units array('256.00 B', 256, NULL, NULL, TRUE), array('1.02 kB', 1024, NULL, NULL, TRUE), // In case you need to know the size of a floppy disk in petabytes array('0.00147 GB', 1.44 * 1000 * 1024, 'GB', '%01.5f %s', TRUE), // SI is the standard, but lets deviate slightly array('1.00 MiB', 1024 * 1024, 'MiB', NULL, FALSE), ); } /** * Tests Text::bytes() * * @test * @dataProvider provider_bytes */ function test_bytes($expected, $bytes, $force_unit, $format, $si) { $this->assertSame($expected, Text::bytes($bytes, $force_unit, $format, $si)); } /** * Provides test data for test_widont() * * @return array Test data */ function provider_widont() { return array ( array('No gain, no pain', 'No gain, no pain'), array("spaces?what'rethey?", "spaces?what'rethey?"), array('', ''), ); } /** * Tests Text::widont() * * @test * @dataProvider provider_widont */ function test_widont($expected, $string) { $this->assertSame($expected, Text::widont($string)); } /** * This checks that auto_link_emails() respects word boundaries and does not * just blindly replace all occurences of the email address in the text. * * In the sample below the algorithm was replacing all occurences of * inc the copy in the second list item. * * It was updated in 6c199366efc1115545ba13108b876acc66c54b2d to respect word boundaries * * @test * @covers Text::auto_link_emails * @ticket 2772 */ function test_auto_link_emails_respects_word_boundaries() { $original = ''; $this->assertFalse(strpos('vice', Text::auto_link_emails($original))); } /** * Provides some test data for test_number() * * @return array */ public function provider_number() { return array( array('one', 1), array('twenty-three', 23), array('fourty-two', 42), array('five million, six hundred and thirty-two', 5000632), array('five million, six hundred and thirty', 5000630), array('nine hundred million', 900000000), array('thirty-seven thousand', 37000), array('one thousand and twenty-four', 1024), ); } /** * Checks that Text::number formats a number into english text * * @test * @dataProvider provider_number */ public function test_number($expected, $number) { $this->assertSame($expected, Text::number($number)); } /** * Provides test data for test_auto_link_urls() * * @return array */ public function provider_auto_link_urls() { return array( // First we try with the really obvious url array( 'Some random text', 'Some random text', ), // Then we try with varying urls array( 'Some random', 'Some random', ), array( 'Some random', 'Some random', ), // Check that it doesn't link urls in a href array( 'Look at me Awesome stuff', 'Look at me Awesome stuff', ), array( 'Look at me', 'Look at me', ), // Punctuation at the end of the URL array( 'Wow!', 'Wow!', ), array( 'Zomg!', 'Zomg!', ), array( 'Well this,, is cool', 'Well this,, is cool', ), // @issue 3190 array( '', '', ), array( '', '', ), // @issue 3436 array( '', '', ), // @issue 4208, URLs with a path array( 'Foobar cake', 'Foobar cake', ), array( 'Look at this!', 'Look at this!', ), array( 'Path works?', 'Path works?', ), array( 'Path', 'Path', ), array( 'Path', 'Path', ), ); } /** * Runs tests for Test::auto_link_urls * * @test * @dataProvider provider_auto_link_urls */ public function test_auto_link_urls($expected, $text) { $this->assertSame($expected, Text::auto_link_urls($text)); } /** * Provides test data for test_auto_link_emails() * * @return array */ public function provider_auto_link_emails() { return array( // @issue 3162 array( '', '', ), array( '', '', ), // @issue 3189 array( '', '', ), ); } /** * Runs tests for Test::auto_link_emails * * @test * @dataProvider provider_auto_link_emails */ public function test_auto_link_emails($expected, $text) { // Use html_entity_decode because emails will be randomly encoded by HTML::mailto $this->assertSame($expected, html_entity_decode(Text::auto_link_emails($text))); } /** * Provides test data for test_auto_link * * @return array Test data */ public function provider_auto_link() { return array( array( 'Hi there, my site is and you can email me at', array(''), ), array( 'Hi you came from', FALSE, array(''), ), ); } /** * Tests Text::auto_link() * * @test * @dataProvider provider_auto_link */ public function test_auto_link($text, $urls = array(), $emails = array()) { $linked_text = Text::auto_link($text); if ($urls === FALSE) { $this->assertNotContains('http://', $linked_text); } elseif (count($urls)) { foreach ($urls as $url) { // Assert that all the urls have been caught by text auto_link_urls() $this->assertContains(Text::auto_link_urls($url), $linked_text); } } foreach ($emails as $email) { $this->assertContains('mailto:'.$email, $linked_text); } } }