load('encrypt')->$name; if ( ! isset($config['key'])) { // No default encryption key is provided! throw new Kohana_Exception('No encryption key is defined in the encryption configuration group: :group', array(':group' => $name)); } if ( ! isset($config['mode'])) { // Add the default mode $config['mode'] = MCRYPT_MODE_NOFB; } if ( ! isset($config['cipher'])) { // Add the default cipher $config['cipher'] = MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128; } // Create a new instance Encrypt::$instances[$name] = new Encrypt($config['key'], $config['mode'], $config['cipher']); } return Encrypt::$instances[$name]; } /** * Creates a new mcrypt wrapper. * * @param string $key encryption key * @param string $mode mcrypt mode * @param string $cipher mcrypt cipher */ public function __construct($key, $mode, $cipher) { // Find the max length of the key, based on cipher and mode $size = mcrypt_get_key_size($cipher, $mode); if (isset($key[$size])) { // Shorten the key to the maximum size $key = substr($key, 0, $size); } // Store the key, mode, and cipher $this->_key = $key; $this->_mode = $mode; $this->_cipher = $cipher; // Store the IV size $this->_iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size($this->_cipher, $this->_mode); } /** * Encrypts a string and returns an encrypted string that can be decoded. * * $data = $encrypt->encode($data); * * The encrypted binary data is encoded using [base64](http://php.net/base64_encode) * to convert it to a string. This string can be stored in a database, * displayed, and passed using most other means without corruption. * * @param string $data data to be encrypted * @return string */ public function encode($data) { // Set the rand type if it has not already been set if (Encrypt::$_rand === NULL) { if (Kohana::$is_windows) { // Windows only supports the system random number generator Encrypt::$_rand = MCRYPT_RAND; } else { if (defined('MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM')) { // Use /dev/urandom Encrypt::$_rand = MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM; } elseif (defined('MCRYPT_DEV_RANDOM')) { // Use /dev/random Encrypt::$_rand = MCRYPT_DEV_RANDOM; } else { // Use the system random number generator Encrypt::$_rand = MCRYPT_RAND; } } } if (Encrypt::$_rand === MCRYPT_RAND) { // The system random number generator must always be seeded each // time it is used, or it will not produce true random results mt_srand(); } // Create a random initialization vector of the proper size for the current cipher $iv = mcrypt_create_iv($this->_iv_size, Encrypt::$_rand); // Encrypt the data using the configured options and generated iv $data = mcrypt_encrypt($this->_cipher, $this->_key, $data, $this->_mode, $iv); // Use base64 encoding to convert to a string return base64_encode($iv.$data); } /** * Decrypts an encoded string back to its original value. * * $data = $encrypt->decode($data); * * @param string $data encoded string to be decrypted * @return FALSE if decryption fails * @return string */ public function decode($data) { // Convert the data back to binary $data = base64_decode($data, TRUE); if ( ! $data) { // Invalid base64 data return FALSE; } // Extract the initialization vector from the data $iv = substr($data, 0, $this->_iv_size); if ($this->_iv_size !== strlen($iv)) { // The iv is not the expected size return FALSE; } // Remove the iv from the data $data = substr($data, $this->_iv_size); // Return the decrypted data, trimming the \0 padding bytes from the end of the data return rtrim(mcrypt_decrypt($this->_cipher, $this->_key, $data, $this->_mode, $iv), "\0"); } } // End Encrypt