strtolower($group), 'name' => (string) $name, // Start the benchmark 'start_time' => microtime(TRUE), 'start_memory' => memory_get_usage(), // Set the stop keys without values 'stop_time' => FALSE, 'stop_memory' => FALSE, ); return $token; } /** * Stops a benchmark. * * Profiler::stop($token); * * @param string $token * @return void */ public static function stop($token) { // Stop the benchmark Profiler::$_marks[$token]['stop_time'] = microtime(TRUE); Profiler::$_marks[$token]['stop_memory'] = memory_get_usage(); } /** * Deletes a benchmark. If an error occurs during the benchmark, it is * recommended to delete the benchmark to prevent statistics from being * adversely affected. * * Profiler::delete($token); * * @param string $token * @return void */ public static function delete($token) { // Remove the benchmark unset(Profiler::$_marks[$token]); } /** * Returns all the benchmark tokens by group and name as an array. * * $groups = Profiler::groups(); * * @return array */ public static function groups() { $groups = array(); foreach (Profiler::$_marks as $token => $mark) { // Sort the tokens by the group and name $groups[$mark['group']][$mark['name']][] = $token; } return $groups; } /** * Gets the min, max, average and total of a set of tokens as an array. * * $stats = Profiler::stats($tokens); * * @param array $tokens profiler tokens * @return array min, max, average, total * @uses Profiler::total */ public static function stats(array $tokens) { // Min and max are unknown by default $min = $max = array( 'time' => NULL, 'memory' => NULL); // Total values are always integers $total = array( 'time' => 0, 'memory' => 0); foreach ($tokens as $token) { // Get the total time and memory for this benchmark list($time, $memory) = Profiler::total($token); if ($max['time'] === NULL OR $time > $max['time']) { // Set the maximum time $max['time'] = $time; } if ($min['time'] === NULL OR $time < $min['time']) { // Set the minimum time $min['time'] = $time; } // Increase the total time $total['time'] += $time; if ($max['memory'] === NULL OR $memory > $max['memory']) { // Set the maximum memory $max['memory'] = $memory; } if ($min['memory'] === NULL OR $memory < $min['memory']) { // Set the minimum memory $min['memory'] = $memory; } // Increase the total memory $total['memory'] += $memory; } // Determine the number of tokens $count = count($tokens); // Determine the averages $average = array( 'time' => $total['time'] / $count, 'memory' => $total['memory'] / $count); return array( 'min' => $min, 'max' => $max, 'total' => $total, 'average' => $average); } /** * Gets the min, max, average and total of profiler groups as an array. * * $stats = Profiler::group_stats('test'); * * @param mixed $groups single group name string, or array with group names; all groups by default * @return array min, max, average, total * @uses Profiler::groups * @uses Profiler::stats */ public static function group_stats($groups = NULL) { // Which groups do we need to calculate stats for? $groups = ($groups === NULL) ? Profiler::groups() : array_intersect_key(Profiler::groups(), array_flip( (array) $groups)); // All statistics $stats = array(); foreach ($groups as $group => $names) { foreach ($names as $name => $tokens) { // Store the stats for each subgroup. // We only need the values for "total". $_stats = Profiler::stats($tokens); $stats[$group][$name] = $_stats['total']; } } // Group stats $groups = array(); foreach ($stats as $group => $names) { // Min and max are unknown by default $groups[$group]['min'] = $groups[$group]['max'] = array( 'time' => NULL, 'memory' => NULL); // Total values are always integers $groups[$group]['total'] = array( 'time' => 0, 'memory' => 0); foreach ($names as $total) { if ( ! isset($groups[$group]['min']['time']) OR $groups[$group]['min']['time'] > $total['time']) { // Set the minimum time $groups[$group]['min']['time'] = $total['time']; } if ( ! isset($groups[$group]['min']['memory']) OR $groups[$group]['min']['memory'] > $total['memory']) { // Set the minimum memory $groups[$group]['min']['memory'] = $total['memory']; } if ( ! isset($groups[$group]['max']['time']) OR $groups[$group]['max']['time'] < $total['time']) { // Set the maximum time $groups[$group]['max']['time'] = $total['time']; } if ( ! isset($groups[$group]['max']['memory']) OR $groups[$group]['max']['memory'] < $total['memory']) { // Set the maximum memory $groups[$group]['max']['memory'] = $total['memory']; } // Increase the total time and memory $groups[$group]['total']['time'] += $total['time']; $groups[$group]['total']['memory'] += $total['memory']; } // Determine the number of names (subgroups) $count = count($names); // Determine the averages $groups[$group]['average']['time'] = $groups[$group]['total']['time'] / $count; $groups[$group]['average']['memory'] = $groups[$group]['total']['memory'] / $count; } return $groups; } /** * Gets the total execution time and memory usage of a benchmark as a list. * * list($time, $memory) = Profiler::total($token); * * @param string $token * @return array execution time, memory */ public static function total($token) { // Import the benchmark data $mark = Profiler::$_marks[$token]; if ($mark['stop_time'] === FALSE) { // The benchmark has not been stopped yet $mark['stop_time'] = microtime(TRUE); $mark['stop_memory'] = memory_get_usage(); } return array ( // Total time in seconds $mark['stop_time'] - $mark['start_time'], // Amount of memory in bytes $mark['stop_memory'] - $mark['start_memory'], ); } /** * Gets the total application run time and memory usage. Caches the result * so that it can be compared between requests. * * list($time, $memory) = Profiler::application(); * * @return array execution time, memory * @uses Kohana::cache */ public static function application() { // Load the stats from cache, which is valid for 1 day $stats = Kohana::cache('profiler_application_stats', NULL, 3600 * 24); if ( ! is_array($stats) OR $stats['count'] > Profiler::$rollover) { // Initialize the stats array $stats = array( 'min' => array( 'time' => NULL, 'memory' => NULL), 'max' => array( 'time' => NULL, 'memory' => NULL), 'total' => array( 'time' => NULL, 'memory' => NULL), 'count' => 0); } // Get the application run time $time = microtime(TRUE) - KOHANA_START_TIME; // Get the total memory usage $memory = memory_get_usage() - KOHANA_START_MEMORY; // Calculate max time if ($stats['max']['time'] === NULL OR $time > $stats['max']['time']) { $stats['max']['time'] = $time; } // Calculate min time if ($stats['min']['time'] === NULL OR $time < $stats['min']['time']) { $stats['min']['time'] = $time; } // Add to total time $stats['total']['time'] += $time; // Calculate max memory if ($stats['max']['memory'] === NULL OR $memory > $stats['max']['memory']) { $stats['max']['memory'] = $memory; } // Calculate min memory if ($stats['min']['memory'] === NULL OR $memory < $stats['min']['memory']) { $stats['min']['memory'] = $memory; } // Add to total memory $stats['total']['memory'] += $memory; // Another mark has been added to the stats $stats['count']++; // Determine the averages $stats['average'] = array( 'time' => $stats['total']['time'] / $stats['count'], 'memory' => $stats['total']['memory'] / $stats['count']); // Cache the new stats Kohana::cache('profiler_application_stats', $stats); // Set the current application execution time and memory // Do NOT cache these, they are specific to the current request only $stats['current']['time'] = $time; $stats['current']['memory'] = $memory; // Return the total application run time and memory usage return $stats; } } // End Profiler