# Debugging Kohana includes several tools to help you debug your application. The most basic of these is [Debug::vars]. This simple method will display any number of variables, similar to [var_export](http://php.net/var_export) or [print_r](http://php.net/print_r), but using HTML for extra formatting. // Display a dump of the $foo and $bar variables echo Debug::vars($foo, $bar); Kohana also provides a method to show the source code of a particular file using [Debug::source]. // Display this line of source code echo Debug::source(__FILE__, __LINE__); If you want to display information about your application files without exposing the installation directory, you can use [Debug::path]: // Displays "APPPATH/cache" rather than the real path echo Debug::path(APPPATH.'cache'); If you are having trouble getting something to work correctly, you could check your Kohana logs and your webserver logs, as well as using a debugging tool like [Xdebug](http://www.xdebug.org/).