# Classes TODO: Brief intro to classes. [Models](mvc/models) and [Controllers](mvc/controllers) are classes as well, but are treated slightly differently by Kohana. Read their respective pages to learn more. ## Helper or Library? Kohana 3 does not differentiate between "helper" classes and "library" classes like in previous versions. They are all placed in the `classes/` folder and follow the same conventions. The distinction is that in general, a "helper" class is used statically, (for examples see the [helpers included in Kohana](helpers)), and library classes are typically instantiated and used as objects (like the [Database query builders](../database/query/builder)). The distinction is not black and white, and is irrelevant anyways, since they are treated the same by Kohana. ## Creating a class To create a new class, simply place a file in the `classes/` directory at any point in the [Cascading Filesystem](files), that follows the [Class naming conventions](conventions#class-names-and-file-location). For example, lets create a `Foobar` class. // classes/Foobar.php class Foobar { static function magic() { // Does something } } We can now call `Foobar::magic()` any where and Kohana will [autoload](autoloading) the file for us. We can also put classes in subdirectories. // classes/Professor/Baxter.php class Professor_Baxter { static function teach() { // Does something } } We could now call `Professor_Baxter::teach()` any where we want. For examples of how to create and use classes, simply look at the 'classes' folder in `system` or any module. ## Namespacing your classes TODO: Discuss namespacing to provide transparent extension functionality in your own classes/modules.