# Custom Error Pages Custom error pages allow you to display a friendly error message to users, rather than the standard Kohana stack trace. ## Prerequisites 1. You will need `'errors' => TRUE` passed to [Kohana::init]. This will convert PHP-errors into exceptions which are easier to handle (The default value is `TRUE`). 2. Custom error pages will only be used to handle throw [HTTP_Exception]'s. If you simply set a status of, for example, 404 via [Respose::status] the custom page will not be used. ## Extending the HTTP_Exception classes Handling [HTTP_Exception]'s in Kohana has become easier with the changes introduced in 3.3. For each [HTTP_Exception] class we can individually override the generation of the [Response] instance. [!!] Note: We can also use HMVC to issue a sub-request to another page rather than generating the [Response] in the [HTTP_Exception] itself. For example, to handle 404 pages we can do this in APPPATH/classes/HTTP/Exception/404.php: class HTTP_Exception_404 extends Kohana_HTTP_Exception_404 { /** * Generate a Response for the 404 Exception. * * The user should be shown a nice 404 page. * * @return Response */ public function get_response() { $view = View::factory('errors/404'); // Remembering that `$this` is an instance of HTTP_Exception_404 $view->message = $this->getMessage(); $response = Response::factory() ->status(404) ->body($view->render()); return $response; } } Another example, this time to handle 401 Unauthorized errors (aka "Not Logged In") we can do this in APPPATH/classes/HTTP/Exception/401.php: class HTTP_Exception_401 extends Kohana_HTTP_Exception_401 { /** * Generate a Response for the 401 Exception. * * The user should be redirect to a login page. * * @return Response */ public function get_response() { $response = Response::factory() ->status(401) ->headers('Location', URL::site('account/login')); return $response; } } Finally, to override the default [Response] for all [HTTP_Exception]'s without a more specific override we can do this in APPPATH/classes/HTTP/Exception.php: class HTTP_Exception extends Kohana_HTTP_Exception { /** * Generate a Response for all Exceptions without a more specific override * * The user should see a nice error page, however, if we are in development * mode we should show the normal Kohana error page. * * @return Response */ public function get_response() { // Lets log the Exception, Just in case it's important! Kohana_Exception::log($this); if (Kohana::$environment >= Kohana::DEVELOPMENT) { // Show the normal Kohana error page. return parent::get_response(); } else { // Generate a nicer looking "Oops" page. $view = View::factory('errors/default'); $response = Response::factory() ->status($this->getCode()) ->body($view->render()); return $response; } } }