= 0) AND ($arr[$k] <= 0x007f)) { echo chr($arr[$k]); } // 2 byte sequence elseif ($arr[$k] <= 0x07ff) { echo chr(0xc0 | ($arr[$k] >> 6)); echo chr(0x80 | ($arr[$k] & 0x003f)); } // Byte order mark (skip) elseif ($arr[$k] == 0xFEFF) { // nop -- zap the BOM } // Test for illegal surrogates elseif ($arr[$k] >= 0xD800 AND $arr[$k] <= 0xDFFF) { // Found a surrogate throw new UTF8_Exception("UTF8::from_unicode: Illegal surrogate at index: ':index', value: ':value'", array( ':index' => $k, ':value' => $arr[$k], )); } // 3 byte sequence elseif ($arr[$k] <= 0xffff) { echo chr(0xe0 | ($arr[$k] >> 12)); echo chr(0x80 | (($arr[$k] >> 6) & 0x003f)); echo chr(0x80 | ($arr[$k] & 0x003f)); } // 4 byte sequence elseif ($arr[$k] <= 0x10ffff) { echo chr(0xf0 | ($arr[$k] >> 18)); echo chr(0x80 | (($arr[$k] >> 12) & 0x3f)); echo chr(0x80 | (($arr[$k] >> 6) & 0x3f)); echo chr(0x80 | ($arr[$k] & 0x3f)); } // Out of range else { throw new UTF8_Exception("UTF8::from_unicode: Codepoint out of Unicode range at index: ':index', value: ':value'", array( ':index' => $k, ':value' => $arr[$k], )); } } $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $result; }