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Template Name: Metronic - Responsive Admin Dashboard Template build with Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.6
Version: 4.5.6
Author: KeenThemes
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<span class="desc">Application deployment</span>
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<span class="desc">Database migration</span>
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<span class="desc">Web server upgrade</span>
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<span class="from"> Lisa Wong </span>
<span class="time">Just Now </span>
<span class="message"> Vivamus sed auctor nibh congue nibh. auctor nibh auctor nibh... </span>
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<span class="from"> Richard Doe </span>
<span class="time">16 mins </span>
<span class="message"> Vivamus sed congue nibh auctor nibh congue nibh. auctor nibh auctor nibh... </span>
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<span class="from"> Bob Nilson </span>
<span class="time">2 hrs </span>
<span class="message"> Vivamus sed nibh auctor nibh congue nibh. auctor nibh auctor nibh... </span>
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<span class="subject">
<span class="from"> Lisa Wong </span>
<span class="time">40 mins </span>
<span class="message"> Vivamus sed auctor 40% nibh congue nibh... </span>
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<img src="../assets/layouts/layout3/img/avatar3.jpg" class="img-circle" alt=""> </span>
<span class="subject">
<span class="from"> Richard Doe </span>
<span class="time">46 mins </span>
<span class="message"> Vivamus sed congue nibh auctor nibh congue nibh. auctor nibh auctor nibh... </span>
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<p> To set fixed mega menu apply <code>page-header-menu-fixed</code> to the body element. </p>
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<span class="caption-subject font-green bold uppercase">Basic Portlet</span>
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<p> Hi! This is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space
between the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element
that I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! This
is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space between
the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element that
I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! </p>
This is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space between
the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element that
I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! This is
an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? </p>
<p> Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space between the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks
the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element that I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise
any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! This is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking
for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space between the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height
of the window and adjusts the height of an element that I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any
other suggestions you may have. </p> Thanks a ton!height of the window and adjusts the height of an element that I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where
to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! This is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is
used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space between the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already
written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element that I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js
or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! This is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the
sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space between the fixed header and fixed footer. </p>
<p> I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element that I could re-purpose or extend for these
full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! This is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn
sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space between the fixed header and fixed footer. I
know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element that I could re-purpose or extend for these
full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton! </p>
<p> Hi! This is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space
between the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element
that I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! This
is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space between
the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element that
I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! </p>
Hi! This is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space
between the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element
that I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! This
is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space between
the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element that
I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! </p>
Hi! This is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space
between the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element
that I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! This
is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space between
the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element that
I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! </p>
Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space between the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks
the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element that I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise
any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! This is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking
for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space between the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height
of the window and adjusts the height of an element that I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any
other suggestions you may have. </p> Thanks a ton!height of the window and adjusts the height of an element that I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where
to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! This is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is
used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space between the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already
written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element that I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js
or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! This is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the
sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space between the fixed header and fixed footer. </p>
<p> I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element that I could re-purpose or extend for these
full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! This is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn
sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space between the fixed header and fixed footer. I
know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element that I could re-purpose or extend for these
full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton! </p>
<p> Hi! This is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space
between the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element
that I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! This
is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space between
the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element that
I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! </p>
Hi! This is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space
between the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element
that I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! This
is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space between
the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element that
I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! </p>
Hi! This is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space
between the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element
that I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! This
is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space between
the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element that
I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! </p>
Hi! This is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space
between the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element
that I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! This
is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space between
the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element that
I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! </p>
Hi! This is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space
between the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element
that I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! This
is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space between
the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element that
I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! </p>
Hi! This is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space
between the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element
that I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! This
is an amazing UI! Is there a way to turn sidebar completely off with a simple body class, like that which is used to minimize the sidebar? Also, Im looking for a way to make portlets fill the vertical space between
the fixed header and fixed footer. I know that full height divs are a chore, but Im wondering if you have already written any code that checks the height of the window and adjusts the height of an element that
I could re-purpose or extend for these full height content areas? If you have, Id love a tip on where to find it in app.js or wherever else. Otherwise any other suggestions you may have. Thanks a ton!Hi! </p>
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<a href="javascript:;" class="name">Bob Nilson</a>
<span class="datetime">20:15</span>
<span class="body"> When could you send me the report ? </span>
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<a href="javascript:;" class="name">Ella Wong</a>
<span class="datetime">20:15</span>
<span class="body"> Its almost done. I will be sending it shortly </span>
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<a href="javascript:;" class="name">Bob Nilson</a>
<span class="datetime">20:15</span>
<span class="body"> Alright. Thanks! :) </span>
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<a href="javascript:;" class="name">Ella Wong</a>
<span class="datetime">20:16</span>
<span class="body"> You are most welcome. Sorry for the delay. </span>
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<a href="javascript:;" class="name">Bob Nilson</a>
<span class="datetime">20:17</span>
<span class="body"> No probs. Just take your time :) </span>
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<a href="javascript:;" class="name">Ella Wong</a>
<span class="datetime">20:40</span>
<span class="body"> Alright. I just emailed it to you. </span>
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<a href="javascript:;" class="name">Bob Nilson</a>
<span class="datetime">20:17</span>
<span class="body"> Great! Thanks. Will check it right away. </span>
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<a href="javascript:;" class="name">Ella Wong</a>
<span class="datetime">20:40</span>
<span class="body"> Please let me know if you have any comment. </span>
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<a href="javascript:;" class="name">Bob Nilson</a>
<span class="datetime">20:17</span>
<span class="body"> Sure. I will check and buzz you if anything needs to be corrected. </span>
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