Meitar M f8e0e997fc
Provide more guidance for understanding examples, update .travis.yml.
This commit adds an `example/` file with a little bit of
guidance for running the examples themselves. This is helpful because
the examples all rely on the presence of a `phpseclib` installation
available to the PHP interpreter, and while there is a `composer.json`
file to this effect, none of the examples included the Composer
`autoload.php` file.

This commit makes no modifications to the example code itself, but does
`include_once()` the Composer autoload script so that `phpseclib` loads
and avoids causing a fatal error when a new user attempts to run the
examples to learn how to use the library.

This commit also updates the Travis `before_script` build script, dropping
the `--dev` argument to the `composer install` command. Current versions
of Composer emit a deprecation notice when `--dev` is passed.
2018-12-20 13:42:15 -07:00

29 lines
949 B

// USAGE: php examples/deASCIIdeCrypt.php secretkey.asc password message.asc
// This will fail if the algo on key or message is not 3DES or AES
@include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../vendor/autoload.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/openpgp.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/openpgp_crypt_rsa.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/openpgp_crypt_symmetric.php';
$keyASCII = file_get_contents($argv[1]);
$msgASCII = file_get_contents($argv[3]);
$keyEncrypted = OpenPGP_Message::parse(OpenPGP::unarmor($keyASCII, 'PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK'));
// Try each secret key packet
foreach($keyEncrypted as $p) {
if(!($p instanceof OpenPGP_SecretKeyPacket)) continue;
$key = OpenPGP_Crypt_Symmetric::decryptSecretKey($argv[2], $p);
$msg = OpenPGP_Message::parse(OpenPGP::unarmor($msgASCII, 'PGP MESSAGE'));
$decryptor = new OpenPGP_Crypt_RSA($key);
$decrypted = $decryptor->decrypt($msg);