While this message may be more helpful, it will break some cases, such as when there are multiple ciphers that could be used and we can just skip CAST5 and move on. Return NULL when CAST5 unsupported, just like for other unsupported ciphers.
211 lines
7.9 KiB
211 lines
7.9 KiB
use phpseclib\Crypt\AES as Crypt_AES;
use phpseclib\Crypt\Blowfish as Crypt_Blowfish;
use phpseclib\Crypt\TripleDES as Crypt_TripleDES;
use phpseclib\Crypt\Twofish as Crypt_Twofish;
use phpseclib\Crypt\Random;
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/openpgp.php';
@include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/openpgp_crypt_rsa.php';
@include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/openpgp_mcrypt_wrapper.php';
@include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/openpgp_openssl_wrapper.php';
class OpenPGP_Crypt_Symmetric {
public static function encrypt($passphrases_and_keys, $message, $symmetric_algorithm=9) {
list($cipher, $key_bytes, $key_block_bytes) = self::getCipher($symmetric_algorithm);
if(!$cipher) throw new Exception("Unsupported cipher");
$prefix = Random::string($key_block_bytes);
$prefix .= substr($prefix, -2);
$key = Random::string($key_bytes);
$to_encrypt = $prefix . $message->to_bytes();
$mdc = new OpenPGP_ModificationDetectionCodePacket(hash('sha1', $to_encrypt . "\xD3\x14", true));
$to_encrypt .= $mdc->to_bytes();
$encrypted = array(new OpenPGP_IntegrityProtectedDataPacket($cipher->encrypt($to_encrypt)));
if(!is_array($passphrases_and_keys) && !($passphrases_and_keys instanceof IteratorAggregate)) {
$passphrases_and_keys = (array)$passphrases_and_keys;
foreach($passphrases_and_keys as $pass) {
if($pass instanceof OpenPGP_PublicKeyPacket) {
if(!in_array($pass->algorithm, array(1,2,3))) throw new Exception("Only RSA keys are supported.");
$crypt_rsa = new OpenPGP_Crypt_RSA($pass);
$rsa = $crypt_rsa->public_key();
$esk = $rsa->encrypt(chr($symmetric_algorithm) . $key . pack('n', self::checksum($key)));
$esk = pack('n', OpenPGP::bitlength($esk)) . $esk;
array_unshift($encrypted, new OpenPGP_AsymmetricSessionKeyPacket($pass->algorithm, $pass->fingerprint(), $esk));
} else if(is_string($pass)) {
$s2k = new OpenPGP_S2K(Random::string(10));
$cipher->setKey($s2k->make_key($pass, $key_bytes));
$esk = $cipher->encrypt(chr($symmetric_algorithm) . $key);
array_unshift($encrypted, new OpenPGP_SymmetricSessionKeyPacket($s2k, $esk, $symmetric_algorithm));
return new OpenPGP_Message($encrypted);
public static function decryptSymmetric($pass, $m) {
$epacket = self::getEncryptedData($m);
foreach($m as $p) {
if($p instanceof OpenPGP_SymmetricSessionKeyPacket) {
if(strlen($p->encrypted_data) > 0) {
list($cipher, $key_bytes, $key_block_bytes) = self::getCipher($p->symmetric_algorithm);
if(!$cipher) continue;
$cipher->setKey($p->s2k->make_key($pass, $key_bytes));
$padAmount = $key_block_bytes - (strlen($p->encrypted_data) % $key_block_bytes);
$data = substr($cipher->decrypt($p->encrypted_data . str_repeat("\0", $padAmount)), 0, strlen($p->encrypted_data));
$decrypted = self::decryptPacket($epacket, ord($data{0}), substr($data, 1));
} else {
list($cipher, $key_bytes, $key_block_bytes) = self::getCipher($p->symmetric_algorithm);
$decrypted = self::decryptPacket($epacket, $p->symmetric_algorithm, $p->s2k->make_key($pass, $key_bytes));
if($decrypted) return $decrypted;
return NULL; /* If we get here, we failed */
public static function decryptSecretKey($pass, $packet) {
$packet = clone $packet; // Do not mutate orinigal
list($cipher, $key_bytes, $key_block_bytes) = self::getCipher($packet->symmetric_algorithm);
if(!$cipher) throw new Exception("Unsupported cipher");
$cipher->setKey($packet->s2k->make_key($pass, $key_bytes));
$cipher->setIV(substr($packet->encrypted_data, 0, $key_block_bytes));
$material = $cipher->decrypt(substr($packet->encrypted_data, $key_block_bytes));
if($packet->s2k_useage == 254) {
$chk = substr($material, -20);
$material = substr($material, 0, -20);
if($chk != hash('sha1', $material, true)) return NULL;
} else {
$chk = unpack('n', substr($material, -2));
$chk = reset($chk);
$material = substr($material, 0, -2);
$mkChk = self::checksum($material);
if($chk != $mkChk) return NULL;
$packet->s2k_useage = 0;
$packet->symmetric_algorithm = 0;
$packet->encrypted_data = NULL;
$packet->input = $material;
return $packet;
public static function decryptPacket($epacket, $symmetric_algorithm, $key) {
list($cipher, $key_bytes, $key_block_bytes) = self::getCipher($symmetric_algorithm);
if(!$cipher) return NULL;
if($epacket instanceof OpenPGP_IntegrityProtectedDataPacket) {
$padAmount = $key_block_bytes - (strlen($epacket->data) % $key_block_bytes);
$data = substr($cipher->decrypt($epacket->data . str_repeat("\0", $padAmount)), 0, strlen($epacket->data));
$prefix = substr($data, 0, $key_block_bytes + 2);
$mdc = substr(substr($data, -22, 22), 2);
$data = substr($data, $key_block_bytes + 2, -22);
$mkMDC = hash("sha1", $prefix . $data . "\xD3\x14", true);
if($mkMDC !== $mdc) return false;
try {
$msg = OpenPGP_Message::parse($data);
} catch (Exception $ex) { $msg = NULL; }
if($msg) return $msg; /* Otherwise keep trying */
} else {
// No MDC mean decrypt with resync
$iv = substr($epacket->data, 2, $key_block_bytes);
$edata = substr($epacket->data, $key_block_bytes + 2);
$padAmount = $key_block_bytes - (strlen($edata) % $key_block_bytes);
$data = substr($cipher->decrypt($edata . str_repeat("\0", $padAmount)), 0, strlen($edata));
try {
$msg = OpenPGP_Message::parse($data);
} catch (Exception $ex) { $msg = NULL; }
if($msg) return $msg; /* Otherwise keep trying */
return NULL; /* Failed */
public static function getCipher($algo) {
$cipher = NULL;
switch($algo) {
case NULL:
case 0:
throw new Exception("Data is already unencrypted");
case 2:
$cipher = new Crypt_TripleDES(Crypt_TripleDES::MODE_CFB);
$key_bytes = 24;
$key_block_bytes = 8;
case 3:
if(class_exists('OpenSSLWrapper')) {
$cipher = new OpenSSLWrapper("CAST5-CFB");
} else if(defined('MCRYPT_CAST_128')) {
$cipher = new MCryptWrapper(MCRYPT_CAST_128);
case 4:
$cipher = new Crypt_Blowfish(Crypt_Blowfish::MODE_CFB);
$key_bytes = 16;
$key_block_bytes = 8;
case 7:
$cipher = new Crypt_AES(Crypt_AES::MODE_CFB);
case 8:
$cipher = new Crypt_AES(Crypt_AES::MODE_CFB);
case 9:
$cipher = new Crypt_AES(Crypt_AES::MODE_CFB);
case 10:
$cipher = new Crypt_Twofish(Crypt_Twofish::MODE_CFB);
if(method_exists($cipher, 'setKeyLength')) {
} else {
$cipher = NULL;
if(!$cipher) return array(NULL, NULL, NULL); // Unsupported cipher
if(!isset($key_bytes)) $key_bytes = isset($cipher->key_size)?$cipher->key_size:$cipher->key_length;
if(!isset($key_block_bytes)) $key_block_bytes = $cipher->block_size;
return array($cipher, $key_bytes, $key_block_bytes);
public static function getEncryptedData($m) {
foreach($m as $p) {
if($p instanceof OpenPGP_EncryptedDataPacket) return $p;
throw new Exception("Can only decrypt EncryptedDataPacket");
public static function checksum($s) {
$mkChk = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($s); $i++) {
$mkChk = ($mkChk + ord($s{$i})) % 65536;
return $mkChk;