I'm going to make this one more generic than one library, and have it support ciphers based on what libraries are available, so this more generic name is appropriate.
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// This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
* OpenPGP_Crypt_RSA.php is a wrapper for using the classes from OpenPGP.php with Crypt_RSA
* @package OpenPGP
* @version 0.0.1
* @author Stephen Paul Weber <singpolyma@singpolyma.net>
* @link http://github.com/singpolyma/openpgp-php
// From http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net/
require 'Crypt/RSA.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/openpgp.php';
@include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/openpgp_crypt_symmetric.php'; /* For encrypt/decrypt */
class OpenPGP_Crypt_RSA {
protected $key, $message;
// Construct a wrapper object from a key or a message packet
function __construct($packet) {
if(!is_object($packet)) $packet = OpenPGP_Message::parse($packet);
if($packet instanceof OpenPGP_PublicKeyPacket || $packet[0] instanceof OpenPGP_PublicKeyPacket) { // If it's a key (other keys are subclasses of this one)
$this->key = $packet;
} else {
$this->message = $packet;
function key($keyid=NULL) {
if(!$this->key) return NULL; // No key
if($this->key instanceof OpenPGP_Message) {
foreach($this->key as $p) {
if($p instanceof OpenPGP_PublicKeyPacket) {
if(!$keyid || strtoupper(substr($p->fingerprint, strlen($keyid)*-1)) == strtoupper($keyid)) return $p;
return $this->key;
// Get Crypt_RSA for the public key
function public_key($keyid=NULL) {
return self::convert_public_key($this->key($keyid));
// Get Crypt_RSA for the private key
function private_key($keyid=NULL) {
return self::convert_private_key($this->key($keyid));
// Pass a message to verify with this key, or a key (OpenPGP or Crypt_RSA) to check this message with
// Second optional parameter to specify which signature to verify (if there is more than one)
function verify($packet) {
$self = $this; // For old PHP
if(!is_object($packet)) $packet = OpenPGP_Message::parse($packet);
if(!$this->message) {
$m = $packet;
$verifier = function($m, $s) use($self) {
$key = $self->public_key($s->issuer());
if(!$key) return false;
return $key->verify($m, reset($s->data));
} else {
if(!($packet instanceof Crypt_RSA)) {
$packet = new self($packet);
$m = $this->message;
$verifier = function($m, $s) use($self, $packet) {
if(!($packet instanceof Crypt_RSA)) {
$key = $packet->public_key($s->issuer());
if(!$key) return false;
return $key->verify($m, reset($s->data));
return $m->verified_signatures(array('RSA' => array(
'MD5' => $verifier,
'SHA1' => $verifier,
'SHA224' => $verifier,
'SHA256' => $verifier,
'SHA384' => $verifier,
'SHA512' => $verifier
// Pass a message to sign with this key, or a secret key to sign this message with
// Second parameter is hash algorithm to use (default SHA256)
// Third parameter is the 16-digit key ID to use... defaults to the key id in the key packet
function sign($packet, $hash='SHA256', $keyid=NULL) {
if(!is_object($packet)) {
if($this->key) {
$packet = new OpenPGP_LiteralDataPacket($packet);
} else {
$packet = OpenPGP_Message::parse($packet);
if($packet instanceof OpenPGP_SecretKeyPacket || $packet instanceof Crypt_RSA
|| ($packet instanceof ArrayAccess && $packet[0] instanceof OpenPGP_SecretKeyPacket)) {
$key = $packet;
$message = $this->message;
} else {
$key = $this->key;
$message = $packet;
if(!$key || !$message) return NULL; // Missing some data
if($message instanceof OpenPGP_Message) {
$sign = $message->signatures();
$message = $sign[0][0];
if(!($key instanceof Crypt_RSA)) {
$key = new self($key);
if(!$keyid) $keyid = substr($key->key()->fingerprint, -16, 16);
$key = $key->private_key($keyid);
$sig = new OpenPGP_SignaturePacket($message, 'RSA', strtoupper($hash));
$sig->hashed_subpackets[] = new OpenPGP_SignaturePacket_IssuerPacket($keyid);
$sig->sign_data(array('RSA' => array($hash => function($data) use($key) {return array($key->sign($data));})));
return new OpenPGP_Message(array($sig, $message));
// Pass a message with a key and userid packet to sign
function sign_key_userid($packet, $hash='SHA256', $keyid=NULL) {
if(is_array($packet)) {
$packet = new OpenPGP_Message($packet);
} else if(!is_object($packet)) {
$packet = OpenPGP_Message::parse($packet);
$key = $this->private_key($keyid);
if(!$key || !$packet) return NULL; // Missing some data
if(!$keyid) $keyid = substr($this->key->fingerprint, -16);
$sig = $packet->signature_and_data();
$sig = $sig[1];
if(!$sig) {
$sig = new OpenPGP_SignaturePacket($packet, 'RSA', strtoupper($hash));
$sig->signature_type = 0x13;
$sig->hashed_subpackets[] = new OpenPGP_SignaturePacket_KeyFlagsPacket(array(0x01, 0x02));
$sig->hashed_subpackets[] = new OpenPGP_SignaturePacket_IssuerPacket($keyid);
$packet[] = $sig;
$sig->sign_data(array('RSA' => array($hash => array($key, 'sign'))));
return $packet;
function decrypt($packet) {
if(!is_object($packet)) $packet = OpenPGP_Message::parse($packet);
if($packet instanceof OpenPGP_SecretKeyPacket || $packet instanceof Crypt_RSA
|| ($packet instanceof ArrayAccess && $packet[0] instanceof OpenPGP_SecretKeyPacket)) {
$keys = $packet;
$message = $this->message;
} else {
$keys = $this->key;
$message = $packet;
if(!$keys || !$message) return NULL; // Missing some data
if(!($keys instanceof Crypt_RSA)) {
$keys = new self($keys);
foreach($message as $p) {
if($p instanceof OpenPGP_AsymmetricSessionKeyPacket) {
if($keys instanceof Crypt_RSA) {
$sk = self::try_decrypt_session($keys, substr($p->encyrpted_data, 2));
} else if(strlen(str_replace('0', '', $p->keyid)) < 1) {
foreach($keys->key as $k) {
$sk = self::try_decrypt_session(self::convert_private_key($k), substr($p->encyrpted_data, 2));
if($sk) break;
} else {
$key = $keys->private_key($p->keyid);
$sk = self::try_decrypt_session($key, substr($p->encrypted_data, 2));
if(!$sk) continue;
$r = OpenPGP_Crypt_Symmetric::decryptPacket(OpenPGP_Crypt_Symmetric::getEncryptedData($message), $sk[0], $sk[1]);
if($r) return $r;
return NULL; /* Failed */
static function try_decrypt_session($key, $edata) {
$data = $key->decrypt($edata);
$sk = substr($data, 1, strlen($data)-3);
$chk = unpack('n', substr($data, -2));
$chk = reset($chk);
$sk_chk = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($sk); $i++) {
$sk_chk = ($sk_chk + ord($sk{$i})) % 65536;
if($sk_chk != $chk) return NULL;
return array(ord($data{0}), $sk);
static function crypt_rsa_key($mod, $exp, $hash='SHA256') {
$rsa = new Crypt_RSA();
$rsa->modulus = new Math_BigInteger($mod, 256);
$rsa->k = strlen($rsa->modulus->toBytes());
$rsa->exponent = new Math_BigInteger($exp, 256);
return $rsa;
static function convert_key($packet, $private=false) {
if(!is_object($packet)) $packet = OpenPGP_Message::parse($packet);
if($packet instanceof OpenPGP_Message) $packet = $packet[0];
$mod = $packet->key['n'];
$exp = $packet->key['e'];
if($private) $exp = $packet->key['d'];
if(!$exp) return NULL; // Packet doesn't have needed data
$rsa = self::crypt_rsa_key($mod, $exp);
if($private) {
if($packet->key['p'] && $packet->key['q']) $rsa->primes = array($packet->key['p'], $packet->key['q']);
if($packet->key['u']) $rsa->coefficients = array($packet->key['u']);
return $rsa;
static function convert_public_key($packet) {
return self::convert_key($packet, false);
static function convert_private_key($packet) {
return self::convert_key($packet, true);