module.exports = { /** * Load mixins for the component. */ mixins: [ require('./../mixins/braintree'), require('./../mixins/plans'), require('./../mixins/register') ], /** * The component's data. */ data() { return { query: null, coupon: null, invalidCoupon: false, registerForm: $.extend(true, new SparkForm({ braintree_type: '', braintree_token: '', plan: '', team: '', team_slug: '', name: '', email: '', password: '', password_confirmation: '', terms: false, coupon: null, invitation: null }), Spark.forms.register) }; }, watch: { /** * Watch the team name for changes. */ '': function (val, oldVal) { if (this.registerForm.team_slug == '' || this.registerForm.team_slug == oldVal.toLowerCase().replace(/[\s\W-]+/g, '-') ) { this.registerForm.team_slug = val.toLowerCase().replace(/[\s\W-]+/g, '-'); } } }, /** * The component has been created by Vue. */ created() { this.getPlans(); this.query = URI(document.URL).query(true); if ( { this.getCoupon(); =; } if (this.query.invitation) { this.getInvitation(); this.registerForm.invitation = this.query.invitation; } }, /** * Prepare the component. */ mounted() { this.configureBraintree(); }, methods: { configureBraintree() { if ( ! Spark.cardUpFront) { return; } this.braintree('braintree-container', response => { this.registerForm.braintree_type = response.type; this.registerForm.braintree_token = response.nonce; this.register(); }); }, /** * Get the coupon specified in the query string. */ getCoupon() { axios.get('/coupon/' + .then(response => { =; }) .catch(response => { this.invalidCoupon = true; }); }, /** * Attempt to register with the application. */ register() {'/register', this.registerForm) .then(response => { window.location = response.redirect; }); } }, computed: { /** * Get the displayable discount for the coupon. */ discount() { if ( { return Vue.filter('currency')(; } } } };