module.exports = { props: ['tokens', 'availableAbilities'], /** * The component's data. */ data() { return { updatingToken: null, deletingToken: null, updateTokenForm: new SparkForm({ name: '', abilities: [] }), deleteTokenForm: new SparkForm({}) } }, methods: { /** * Show the edit token modal. */ editToken(token) { this.updatingToken = token; this.initializeUpdateFormWith(token); $('#modal-update-token').modal('show'); }, /** * Initialize the edit form with the given token. */ initializeUpdateFormWith(token) { =; this.updateTokenForm.abilities = token.metadata.abilities; }, /** * Update the token being edited. */ updateToken() { Spark.put(`/settings/api/token/${}`, this.updateTokenForm) .then(response => { this.$parent.$emit('updateTokens'); $('#modal-update-token').modal('hide'); }) }, /** * Toggle the ability on the current token being edited. */ toggleAbility(ability) { if (this.abilityIsAssigned(ability)) { this.updateTokenForm.abilities = _.reject( this.updateTokenForm.abilities, a => a == ability ); } else { this.updateTokenForm.abilities.push(ability); } }, /** * Determine if the ability has been assigned to the token being edited. */ abilityIsAssigned(ability) { return _.contains(this.updateTokenForm.abilities, ability); }, /** * Get user confirmation that the token should be deleted. */ approveTokenDelete(token) { this.deletingToken = token; $('#modal-delete-token').modal('show'); }, /** * Delete the specified token. */ deleteToken() { Spark.delete(`/settings/api/token/${}`, this.deleteTokenForm) .then(() => { this.$parent.$emit('updateTokens'); $('#modal-delete-token').modal('hide'); }); } } };