<!-- $o = App\Models\Service --> <div class="card"> @if($o->external_billing) <div class="ribbon-wrapper ribbon-lg"> <div class="ribbon bg-danger"> EXTERNAL BILLING </div> </div> @endif <div class="card-header bg-light"> <h3 class="card-title">Service Information</h3> </div> <div class="card-body bg-light"> <table class="table table-sm"> <tr> <th>Account</th> <td><a href="{{url('u/home',$o->account->user_id)}}">{{ $o->account->sid }}</a></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Status</th> <td>{!! $o->status_html !!}</td> </tr> @if ($o->order_status == 'ORDER-SENT') <tr> <th>Order Reference</th> <td>{{ $o->order_info_reference ?? '' }}</td> </tr> @endif @if ($o->start_at AND $o->isPending()) <tr> <th>Pending Connection</th> <td>{{ $o->start_at->format('Y-m-d') }}</td> </tr> @endif @if ($o->stop_at) <tr> <th>Cancellation Date</th> <td>{{ $o->stop_at->format('Y-m-d') }}</td> </tr> @endif @if (($o->active OR $o->isPending()) AND ! $o->external_billing) <tr> <th>Billed</th> <td>{{ $o->billing_period }}</td> </tr> @if($o->active AND $o->invoice_to) <tr> <th>Invoiced To</th> <td>{{ $o->invoice_to->format('Y-m-d') }}</td> </tr> @if($o->paid_to) <tr> <th>Paid Until</th> <td>{{ $o->paid_to->format('Y-m-d') }}</td> </tr> @endif @endif <tr> <th>Next Invoice</th> <td>@if ($o->suspend_billing)<strike>@endif{{ $o->invoice_next->format('Y-m-d') }}@if ($o->suspend_billing)</strike> <strong>SUSPENDED</strong>@endif</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Next Estimated Invoice</th> <td>${{ number_format($o->next_invoice_items(TRUE)->sum('total'),2) }} <sup>*</sup></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Payment Method</th> <td>@if ($o->billing)Direct Debit @else Invoice @endif</td> </tr> @elseif($o->wasCancelled()) <tr> <th>Cancelled</th> <!-- @todo This should show the cancelled date --> <td>{!! $o->stop_at ? $o->stop_at->format('Y-m-d') : ($o->paid_to ? $o->paid_to->format('Y-m-d') : '').'<sup>*</sup>' !!}</td> </tr> @endif </table> </div> @if($o->active OR $o->isPending()) <div class="card-footer sm"> <strong><sup>*</sup>NOTE:</strong> Estimated Invoice does not include any setup, connection nor all current billing cycle usage charges. </div> @endif </div>