# This file is a template, and might need editing before it works on your project. # Official framework image. Look for the different tagged releases at: # https://hub.docker.com/r/library/php image: registry.leenooks.net/leenooks/php:7.3-fpm-plus # Pick zero or more services to be used on all builds. # Only needed when using a docker container to run your tests in. # Check out: http://docs.gitlab.com/ce/ci/docker/using_docker_images.html#what-is-a-service services: - mariadb:10.3 variables: MYSQL_DATABASE: testing MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: test MYSQL_USER: test MYSQL_PASSWORD: test # This folder is cached between builds # http://docs.gitlab.com/ce/ci/yaml/README.html#cache cache: paths: - vendor/ - node_modules/ # This is a basic example for a gem or script which doesn't use # services such as redis or postgres before_script: # Add gnupg & zip - apt-get update -yqq && apt-get install gnupg2 unzip -yqq # Install dependencies - apt-get install git autoconf -yqq # Install & enable Xdebug for code coverage reports - pecl install xdebug - docker-php-ext-enable xdebug # Install Composer and project dependencies. - [ -n "$GITHUB_TOKEN" ] && cat $GITHUB_TOKEN |base64 -d > auth.json - composer install - composer require doctrine/dbal # Copy over testing configuration. # Don't forget to set the database config in .env.testing correctly # DB_HOST=mysql # DB_DATABASE=project_name # DB_USERNAME=root # DB_PASSWORD=secret # Generate an application key. Re-cache. - php artisan key:generate --env=testing - php artisan config:cache --env=testing # Run database migrations. - php artisan migrate # Run database seed - php artisan db:seed test: tags: - php only: - master script: # run laravel tests - php vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text --colors=never # run frontend tests # if you have any task for testing frontend # set it in your package.json script # comment this out if you don't have a frontend test # npm test