hasOneThrough(Account::class,Service::class); } /** * @NOTE: The service_id column could be discarded, if the id column=service_id * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphOne */ public function service() { return $this->morphOne(Service::class,'type','model','id','service_id'); } /* INTERFACE */ public function getContractTermAttribute(): int { return $this->service->offering->contract_term; } public function getServiceExpireAttribute(): ?LeenooksCarbon { return $this->expire_at ?: $this->service->invoice_next_at; } public function hasExpired(): bool { return (! $this->inContract()) && ($this->service->invoice_next_at && $this->service->invoice_next_at->isPast()); } public function inContract(): bool { return $this->expire_at && $this->expire_at->isFuture(); } /* ATTRIBUTES */ /** * We need to cast some dates to LeenooksCarbon to get access to startOfHalf()/endOfHalf() methods * * @param $value * @return LeenooksCarbon */ public function getExpireAtAttribute($value): LeenooksCarbon { return LeenooksCarbon::create($value); } /* METHODS */ /** * The supplier's service that we provide * * @return SupplierType */ public function supplied(): SupplierType { return $this->service->offering->supplied ?: new \App\Models\Supplier\Generic(); } }