
namespace App\Models;

use Intuit\Models\ProviderToken as ProviderTokenBase;

use App\Traits\SiteID;

class ProviderToken extends ProviderTokenBase
	use SiteID;

	protected $dates = [

	protected $with = ['provider'];


	public function provider()
		return $this->belongsTo(ProviderOauth::class,'provider_oauth_id');

	/* METHODS */

	 * Return an API object to interact with this provider
	 * @return mixed
	 * @throws \Exception
	public function API(): mixed
		if (! $this->provider->api_class() || ! $this->access_token)
			throw new \Exception(sprintf('No API details for [%s]',$this->provider->name));

		return new ($this->provider->api_class())($this);

	 * Do we have API details for this provider
	 * @return bool
	public function hasAPIdetails(): bool
		return $this->provider->api_class() && $this->access_token && (! $this->hasAccessTokenExpired());