module.exports = { props: ['user', 'team', 'billableType'], /** * The component's data. */ data() { return { form: new SparkForm({ stripe_token: '', address: '', address_line_2: '', city: '', state: '', zip: '', country: 'US' }), cardForm: new SparkForm({ name: '', number: '', cvc: '', month: '', year: '' }) }; }, /** * Prepare the component. */ mounted() { Stripe.setPublishableKey(Spark.stripeKey); this.initializeBillingAddress(); }, methods: { /** * Initialize the billing address form for the billable entity. */ initializeBillingAddress() { if (! Spark.collectsBillingAddress) { return; } this.form.address = this.billable.billing_address; this.form.address_line_2 = this.billable.billing_address_line_2; = this.billable.billing_city; this.form.state = this.billable.billing_state; = this.billable.billing_zip; = this.billable.billing_country || 'US'; }, /** * Update the billable's card information. */ update() { this.form.busy = true; this.form.errors.forget(); this.form.successful = false; this.cardForm.errors.forget(); // Here we will build out the payload to send to Stripe to obtain a card token so // we can create the actual subscription. We will build out this data that has // this credit card number, CVC, etc. and exchange it for a secure token ID. const payload = { name:, number: this.cardForm.number, cvc: this.cardForm.cvc, exp_month: this.cardForm.month, exp_year: this.cardForm.year, address_line1: this.form.address, address_line2: this.form.address_line_2, address_city:, address_state: this.form.state, address_zip:, address_country:, }; // Once we have the Stripe payload we'll send it off to Stripe and obtain a token // which we will send to the server to update this payment method. If there is // an error we will display that back out to the user for their information. Stripe.card.createToken(payload, (status, response) => { if (response.error) { this.cardForm.errors.set({number: [ response.error.message ]}); this.form.busy = false; } else { this.sendUpdateToServer(; } }); }, /** * Send the credit card update information to the server. */ sendUpdateToServer(token) { this.form.stripe_token = token; Spark.put(this.urlForUpdate, this.form) .then(() => { Bus.$emit('updateUser'); Bus.$emit('updateTeam'); = ''; this.cardForm.number = ''; this.cardForm.cvc = ''; this.cardForm.month = ''; this.cardForm.year = ''; if ( ! Spark.collectsBillingAddress) { = ''; } }); } }, computed: { /** * Get the billable entity's "billable" name. */ billableName() { return this.billingUser ? :; }, /** * Get the URL for the payment method update. */ urlForUpdate() { return this.billingUser ? '/settings/payment-method' : `/settings/${Spark.pluralTeamString}/${}/payment-method`; }, /** * Get the proper brand icon for the customer's credit card. */ cardIcon() { if (! this.billable.card_brand) { return 'fa-cc-stripe'; } switch (this.billable.card_brand) { case 'American Express': return 'fa-cc-amex'; case 'Diners Club': return 'fa-cc-diners-club'; case 'Discover': return 'fa-cc-discover'; case 'JCB': return 'fa-cc-jcb'; case 'MasterCard': return 'fa-cc-mastercard'; case 'Visa': return 'fa-cc-visa'; default: return 'fa-cc-stripe'; } }, /** * Get the placeholder for the billable entity's credit card. */ placeholder() { if (this.billable.card_last_four) { return `************${this.billable.card_last_four}`; } return ''; } } };