@component('mail::message',['site'=>$site,'heading'=>'Invoice: #'.$io->lid,'subheading'=>sprintf('Due: %s',$io->due_at->format('Y-m-d'))]) Hi {{ isset($user) ? $user->name_full.',' : '' }} A new invoice has been generated on your account. A summary of that invoice is below: @component('mail::table') | ID | # | Name | Amount | | -: | -: |:-----| ------:| @foreach ($io->summary_products() as $item) | {{ $item['product']->lid }} | {{ $item['services']->count() }} | {{ $item['product']->name }} | ${{ number_format($item['total'],2) }} | @endforeach ||| Sub Total | ${{ number_format($io->sub_total,2) }} | ||| Tax | ${{ number_format($io->tax_total,2) }} | ||| **Total** | **${{ number_format($io->total,2) }}** | @if($io->paid) ||| Payments | ${{ number_format($io->paid,2) }} | ||| Still Due | ${{ number_format($io->due,2) }} | @endif @endcomponent If you would like a PDF copy of that invoice, please click on the link below: @component('mail::button',['url'=>$io->download_link()]) Download @endcomponent Thanks,
{{ config('mail.from.name') }} @endcomponent