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Update service update to use components, enhanced form handling and submission. Added pppoe to broadband and changed validation to allow for longer service number.
2024-07-24 14:14:11 +10:00

184 lines
4.2 KiB

namespace App\Models\Service;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use App\Interfaces\ServiceUsage;
use App\Models\Supplier\Broadband as SupplierBroadband;
use App\Models\Supplier\Type as SupplierType;
use App\Models\Usage\Broadband as UsageBroadband;
use App\Rules\IPv6_CIDR;
* Class Broadband (Service)
* Services that are Internet Broadband
class Broadband extends Type implements ServiceUsage
private const LOGKEY = 'MSB';
protected $table = 'service_broadband';
* Return the service address
* @return string
public function getServiceDescriptionAttribute(): string
return strtoupper($this->service_address) ?: '-';
* Return the service number
* @return string
public function getServiceNameAttribute(): string
return $this->service_number ?: ($this->service_address ?: '-');
* The usage information for broadband
* @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany
public function traffic()
return $this->hasMany(UsageBroadband::class,'service_item_id')
* @deprecated use $o->service_name;
* @return mixed|string
public function getNameAttribute()
abort(500,'deprecated - use $o->service_name');
return $this->service_number ?: $this->service_address;
* The type of technology used to provide this Internet Service
* @param $value
* @return null|string
public function getTechnologyAttribute($value): ?string
return $value ?: $this->supplied()->technology;
* Service update validation
* @return array
public function validation(): array
return [
'service_number' => 'nullable|string|min:10|max:11',
'service_address' => 'nullable|string|min:5',
'service_username' => 'exclude_without:pppoe|nullable|string|min:3',
'service_password' => 'exclude_without:pppoe|nullable|string|min:8',
'pppoe' => 'nullable|in:on',
'connect_at' => 'nullable|date',
'start_at' => 'nullable|date',
'expire_at' => 'nullable|date|after:start_at',
'ipaddress' => 'nullable|ipv4',
'ip6address' => ['nullable',new IPv6_CIDR],
* Return the suppliers offering that this service is providing
* @return SupplierType
* @todo This column provided_adsl_plan_id should either be deprecated or renamed.
public function supplied(): SupplierType
return $this->provided_adsl_plan_id
? SupplierBroadband::findOrFail($this->provided_adsl_plan_id)
: $this->service->offering->supplied;
* Return service usage data
* @param int $days
* @return Collection
public function usage(int $days=31): Collection
$maxdate = $this->usage_last_date();
if (! $maxdate)
return collect();
return $this->traffic()
* Find the last date any traffic was recorded for a service
* @return UsageBroadband|null
private function usage_last_date(): ?UsageBroadband
return $this->traffic
public function usage_summary(int $months=2): Collection
$maxdate = $this->usage_last_date();
if (! $maxdate)
return collect();
Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Getting Usage data for [%d] months from [%s]',self::LOGKEY,$months,$maxdate),['m'=>__METHOD__]);
// Go back an extra month;
$start = $maxdate->date->subMonths($months);
// If we are before the 15th
if ($start->day < 15) {
$start = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d',$start->subMonth()->format('Y-m-').'15');
} else {
$start = $start->subDays($start->day-15);
Log::debug(sprintf('%s:Getting Usage data from [%s]',self::LOGKEY,$start->format('Y-m-d')),['m'=>__METHOD__]);
$result = collect();
foreach ($this->traffic()
->get()->groupBy(function($item) {
return sprintf('%s->%s',$item->trafficMonthStart->format('d M'),$item->trafficMonthEnd->format('d M'));
}) as $key => $o) {
return $result;