Compare commits


3 Commits

19 changed files with 788 additions and 130 deletions

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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class CatalogScan implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeUnique
public function middleware(): array
return [new WithoutOverlapping($this->o::config.'|'.$this->o->id)];
return [new WithoutOverlapping($this->uniqueId())];
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class CatalogScan implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeUnique
public function uniqueId(): string
return $this->o->id;
return $this->o::config.'|'.$this->o->id;
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class CatalogScan implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeUnique
// Check the details are valid
if ($this->o->file_signature === $this->o->getObjectOriginal('file_signature')) {
// For sanity, we'll check a couple of other attrs
if (($this->o->width != $this->o->getObjectOriginal('width')) || ($this->o->height != $this->o->getObjectOriginal('height'))) {
if (($this->o->width && ($this->o->width != $this->o->getObjectOriginal('width'))) || (($this->o->height && $this->o->height != $this->o->getObjectOriginal('height')))) {
Log::alert(sprintf('Dimensions [%s] (%s x %s) mismatch for [%s]',
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class CatalogScan implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeUnique
} else {
} elseif ($this->o->file_signature) {
Log::alert(sprintf('File Signature [%s] doesnt match [%s] for [%s]',

View File

@ -2,16 +2,22 @@
namespace App\Media;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
abstract class Base
protected const BLOCK_SIZE = 4096;
protected const record_size = 16384; // Limiting the maximum amount of data we read into memory
/** Full path to the file */
protected string $filename;
protected int $filesize;
protected string $type;
protected ?string $type;
private mixed $fh;
private int $fp;
protected ?string $unused_data;
public function __construct(string $filename,string $type)
@ -39,4 +45,106 @@ abstract class Base
throw new \Exception('Unknown key: '.$key);
* Unpack data into our cache
* @param string|null $data
* @return Collection
* @throws \Exception
protected function cache(?string $data=NULL): Collection
$data = $data ?: $this->data();
if (! count($this->cache) && $this->size) {
$this->cache = collect(unpack($this->unpack(),$data));
if ($this->size > ($x=$this->unpack_size()))
$this->unused_data = substr($data,$x);
return $this->cache;
protected function data(int $size=4096): string
// Quick validation
if (($size ?: $this->size) > static::record_size)
throw new \Exception(sprintf('Refusing to read [%d] which is more than %d of data',$size ?: $this->size,self::record_size));
$data = '';
if ($this->fopen()) {
while ((! is_null($read=$this->fread())) && (strlen($data) <= ($size ?: $this->size)))
$data .= $read;
return $data;
protected function fclose(): bool
return TRUE;
* Open the file and seek to the atom
* @return bool
protected function fopen(): bool
$this->fh = fopen($this->filename,'r');
$this->fp = 0;
return TRUE;
* Read the atom from the file
* @param int $size
* @return string|NULL
protected function fread(int $size=4096): ?string
if ($this->fp === $this->size)
return NULL;
if ($this->fp+$size > $this->size)
$size = $this->size-$this->fp;
$read = fread($this->fh,$size);
$this->fp += $size;
return $read;
protected function fseek(int $offset): int
$this->fp = $offset;
return fseek($this->fh,$this->offset+$this->fp);
protected function ftell(): int
return ftell($this->fh);
protected function unpack(array $unpack=[]): string
return collect($unpack ?: static::unpack)->map(fn($v,$k)=>$v[0].$k)->join('/');
protected function unpack_size(array $unpack=[]): int
return collect($unpack ?: static::unpack)->map(fn($v,$k)=>$v[1])->sum();

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ class Factory {
public const map = [
'video/quicktime' => QuickTime::class,
'video/x-msvideo' => MSVideo::class,

app/Media/MSVideo.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
namespace App\Media;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use App\Media\MSVideo\Container;
use App\Media\MSVideo\Containers\rlist\{avih, isft, movi, strh};
use App\Media\MSVideo\Containers\Unknown;
class MSVideo extends Base
private const LOGKEY = 'MFM';
protected string $debug;
private const container_classes = 'App\\Media\\MSVideo\\Containers\\';
public function __construct(string $filename,string $type)
$this->size = $this->filesize;
$this->offset = 0;
$this->containers = collect();
$format = $this->fread(4);
switch ($format) {
case 'RIFF': // AVI, WAV, etc
case 'SDSS': // SDSS is identical to RIFF, just renamed. Used by SmartSound QuickTracks (
case 'RMP3': // RMP3 is identical to RIFF, just renamed. Used by [unknown program] when creating RIFF-MP3s
$be = FALSE; // Big Endian ints
$data = unpack('Vsize/a4subtype',$this->fread(8));
// RMP3 is identical to WAVE, just renamed. Used by [unknown program] when creating RIFF-MP3s
if ($data['subtype'] === 'RMP3')
$data['subtype'] = 'WAVE';
// AMV files are RIFF-AVI files with parts of the spec deliberately broken, such as chunk size fields hardcoded to zero (because players known in hardware that these fields are always a certain size
if ($data['subtype'] !== 'AMV ') {
// Handled separately in ParseRIFFAMV()
$this->containers = $this->get_containers(self::container_classes,Unknown::class,$x=$this->ftell(),$this->filesize-$x,$be);
$data = unpack('Nsize/a4subtype',$this->fread(8));
throw new \Exception('Cannot handle this RIFF file format yet: '.$format);
public function __get(string $key): mixed
switch ($key) {
case 'audio_channels':
return $this->getAudioAtoms()
case 'audio_codec':
case 'audio_samplerate':
return $this->getAudioAtoms()
// Signatures are calculated by the sha of the MDAT atom.
case 'signature':
$container = $this->find_containers(movi::class,1);
return $container?->{$key};
// Creation Time is in the MOOV/MVHD atom
case 'creation_date':
return NULL; // I dont think create date is in an AVI file
case 'duration':
return $this->getVideoAtoms()
// Height/Width is in the rlist/avih container
case 'height':
case 'width':
$container = $this->find_containers(avih::class,1);
return $container?->{$key};
case 'gps_altitude':
case 'gps_lat':
case 'gps_lon':
return NULL; // No GPFS details in an AVI file?
case 'make':
case 'model':
return NULL; // Make/Model of camera not in an avi file
case 'software':
$container = $this->find_containers(isft::class,1);
return $container?->software;
case 'time_scale':
$container = $this->find_containers(avih::class,1);
return $container?->time_scale;
case 'type':
return parent::__get($key);
case 'video_codec':
case 'video_framerate':
return $this->getVideoAtoms()
throw new \Exception('Unknown key: '.$key);
protected function get_containers(string $class_prefix,string $unknown,int $offset,int $size,bool $be=TRUE,string $bytes=NULL,string $passthru=NULL,\Closure $callback=NULL): Collection
$rp = 0;
if (! $bytes) {
$fh = fopen($this->filename,'r');
$result = collect();
while ($rp < $size) {
$read = $bytes ? substr($bytes,$rp,8) : fread($fh,8);
$rp += 8;
$header = unpack(sprintf('a4name/%ssize',($be ? 'N' : 'V')),$read);
if (strlen($header['name'] < 4))
throw new \Exception(sprintf('Name is less than 4 chars: [%s]',$header['name']));
if (($header['size'] === 0) && ($header['name'] !== 'JUNK'))
throw new \Exception(sprintf('Chunk [%s] is unexpectedly zero',$header['name']));
// all structures are packed on word boundaries
if (($header['size']%2) != 0)
// We cant have a php function named 'list', so we change it to rlist
if ($header['name'] === 'LIST')
$header['name'] = 'RLIST';
// Load our class for this supplier
$class = $class_prefix.$header['name'];
$data = $bytes
? substr($bytes,$rp,$header['size'])
: ($header['size'] && ($header['size'] <= self::record_size) ? fread($fh,$header['size']) : NULL);
if ($header['size'] >= 8) {
$o = class_exists($class)
? new $class($offset+$rp,$header['size'],$this->filename,$be,$data,$passthru)
: new $unknown($offset+$rp,$header['size'],$this->filename,$header['name'],$be,$data);
$rp += $header['size'];
// Only need to seek if we didnt read all the data
if ((! $bytes) && ($header['size'] > self::record_size))
} else {
dd([get_class($this) => $data]);
// Work out if data from the last container next to be passed onto the next one
if ($callback)
$passthru = $callback($o);
if (! $bytes) {
return $result;
* Find all the video track atoms
* @return Collection
* @throws \Exception
public function getAudioAtoms(): Collection
return $this->find_containers(strh::class)
* Find all the video track atoms
* @return Collection
* @throws \Exception
public function getVideoAtoms(): Collection
return $this->find_containers(strh::class)
* Recursively look through our object hierarchy of containers looking for a specific one
* @param string $subcontainer
* @param int|NULL $expect
* @param int $depth
* @return Collection|Container|NULL
* @throws \Exception
protected function find_containers(string $subcontainer,?int $expect=NULL,int $depth=100): Collection|Container|NULL
if (! isset($this->containers) || ($depth < 0))
return NULL;
$subcontainero = $this->containers->filter(fn($item)=>get_class($item)===$subcontainer);
$subcontainero = $subcontainero
->filter(fn($item)=>$item ? $item->count() : NULL)
if (! $subcontainero->count())
return $subcontainero;
if ($expect && ($subcontainero->count() !== $expect))
throw new \Exception(sprintf('! Expected %d sub containers of %s, but have %d',$expect,$subcontainer,$subcontainero->count()));
return ($expect === 1) ? $subcontainero->pop() : $subcontainero;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
namespace App\Media\MSVideo;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use App\Media\MSVideo;
abstract class Container extends MSVideo
protected int $offset;
protected int $size;
protected string $filename;
protected bool $be; // Endian, TRUE=Big Endian
protected Collection $cache;
protected Collection $containers;
public function __construct(int $offset,int $size,string $filename,int $be)
$this->offset = $offset;
// Quick validation
if ($size < 0)
throw new \Exception(sprintf('Container cannot be negative. (%d)',$size));
$this->size = $size;
$this->filename = $filename;
$this->cache = collect();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
namespace App\Media\MSVideo\Containers;
// A container we dont know how to handle
use App\Media\MSVideo\Container;
class Unknown extends Container
private string $container;
public function __construct(int $offset,int $size,string $filename,string $container,bool $be,?string $data)
$this->container = $container;
// For debugging
if (FALSE)
$this->debug = hex_dump($data ?: $this->data());

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
namespace App\Media\MSVideo\Containers;
* One other type of chunk that is commonly encountered in an AVI chunk is the padding or JUNK chunk (so named
* because its chunk identifier is JUNK). This chunk is used to pad data out to specific boundaries (for example,
* CD-ROMs use 2048-byte boundaries). The size of the chunk is the number of bytes of padding it contains. If you are
* reading AVI data, do not use use the data in the JUNK chunk. Skip it when reading and preserve it when writing.
use App\Media\MSVideo\Container;
class junk extends Container
public function __construct(int $offset,int $size,string $filename,bool $be,?string $data)
// For debugging
if (FALSE)
$this->debug = hex_dump($data ?: $this->data());

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
namespace App\Media\MSVideo\Containers;
* Indicate the format of the data stream(s) stored in the file
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use App\Media\MSVideo\Container;
use App\Media\MSVideo\Containers\rlist\movi;
class rlist extends Container
private const container_classes = 'App\\Media\\MSVideo\\Containers\\rlist\\';
public function __construct(int $offset,int $size,string $filename,bool $be,?string $data)
$this->containers = $this->parseContainer($data);
// For debugging
if (FALSE)
$this->debug = hex_dump($data ?: $this->data(min($size,256)));
private function parseContainer(string $bytes=NULL): Collection
$this->be = FALSE; // @todo
$rp = 0;
if (! $bytes) {
$fh = fopen($this->filename,'r');
$result = collect();
// Our first container should be hrl
$read = $bytes ? substr($bytes,$rp,4) : fread($fh,4);
$rp += 4;
$header = unpack('a4name',$read);
switch ($header['name']) {
case 'hdrl':
case 'strl':
case 'INFO':
while ($rp < $this->size) {
$read = $bytes ? substr($bytes,$rp,8) : fread($fh,8);
$rp += 8;
$header = unpack('a4name/Vsize',$read);
// We cant have a php function named 'list', so we change it to rlist
if ($header['name'] === 'LIST')
$header['name'] = 'RLIST';
$class = self::container_classes.$header['name'];
$data = $bytes
? substr($bytes,$rp,$header['size'])
: ($header['size'] && ($header['size'] <= self::record_size) ? fread($fh,$header['size']) : NULL);
if ($header['size']) {
$o = class_exists($class)
? new $class($this->offset+$rp,$header['size'],$this->filename,$this->be,$data)
: new Unknown($this->offset+$rp,$header['size'],$this->filename,$header['name'],$this->be,$data);
$rp += $header['size'];
// Only need to seek if we didnt read all the data
if ((! $bytes) && ($header['size'] > self::record_size))
} else {
dd([get_class($this) => $data,'header'=>$header,'ptr'=>$rp,'size'=>$this->size,'bytes'=>$bytes]);
case 'movi':
$result->push(new movi($this->offset,$this->size,$this->filename,$this->be));
throw new \Exception('Unhandled header type: '.$header['name']);
if (! $bytes) {
return $result;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
namespace App\Media\MSVideo\Containers\rlist;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use App\Media\MSVideo\Container;
class avih extends Container
protected const unpack = [
public function __construct(int $offset,int $size,string $filename,bool $be,?string $data)
$this->cache = $this->cache($data);
// For debugging
if (FALSE)
$this->debug = hex_dump($data ?: $this->data());
public function __get(string $key): mixed
switch ($key) {
case 'height':
case 'width':
return Arr::get($this->cache,$key);
return parent::__get($key);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
namespace App\Media\MSVideo\Containers\rlist;
use App\Media\MSVideo\Container;
class isft extends Container
public function __construct(int $offset,int $size,string $filename,bool $be,?string $data)
$this->cache = collect(['software'=>rtrim($data)]);
// For debugging
if (FALSE)
$this->debug = hex_dump($data ?: $this->data());
public function __get(string $key): mixed
switch ($key) {
case 'software':
return $this->cache->get('software');
return parent::__get($key);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
namespace App\Media\MSVideo\Containers\rlist;
use App\Media\MSVideo\Containers\junk as JunkContainer;
class junk extends JunkContainer

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
namespace App\Media\MSVideo\Containers\rlist;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use App\Media\MSVideo\Container;
class movi extends Container
public function __construct(int $offset,int $size,string $filename,bool $be)
// For debugging
if (FALSE)
$this->debug = hex_dump($data ?: $this->data());
public function __get(string $key): mixed
switch ($key) {
case 'signature':
return $this->signature();
return parent::__get($key);
* Calculate the signature of the data
* @param string $alg
* @return string
private function signature(string $alg='sha1'): string
if (! Arr::has($this->cache,'signature')) {
if ($this->size) {
$hash = hash_init($alg);
while (!is_null($read = $this->fread(16384)))
hash_update($hash, $read);
$this->cache['signature'] = hash_final($hash);
} else {
$this->cache['signature'] = NULL;
return $this->cache['signature'];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
namespace App\Media\MSVideo\Containers\rlist;
use App\Media\MSVideo\Containers\rlist as ListContainer;
class rlist extends ListContainer

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
namespace App\Media\MSVideo\Containers\rlist;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use App\Media\MSVideo\Container;
class strh extends Container
protected const unpack = [
'type'=>['a4',4], // FCC type
'handler'=>['a4',4], // FourCC of codec to be used
'init_frames'=>['V',4], // Number of the First block of the stream that is present in the file.
'start'=>['V',4], // Start time of stream.
'length'=>['V',4], // Size of stream in units as defined in dwRate and dwScale
'buffer_size'=>['V',4], // Size of Buffer necessary to store blocks of that stream. Can be 0 (in that case the application has to guess)
'sample_size'=>['V',4], // number of bytes of one stream atom
public function __construct(int $offset,int $size,string $filename,bool $be,?string $data)
$this->cache = $this->cache($data);
$this->type = Arr::get($this->cache,'type');
// For debugging
if (FALSE)
$this->debug = hex_dump($data ?: $this->data());
public function __get(string $key): mixed
switch ($key) {
case 'audio_samplerate':
case 'video_framerate':
return Arr::get($this->cache,'rate') / Arr::get($this->cache,'scale',1);
case 'audio_codec':
case 'video_codec':
return Arr::get($this->cache,'handler');
case 'duration':
return Arr::get($this->cache,'length');
return parent::__get($key);

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ namespace App\Media;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use App\Media\QuickTime\Atoms\{mdat,moov,Unknown};
use App\Traits\FindQuicktimeAtoms;
use App\Media\QuickTime\FindQuicktimeAtoms;

View File

@ -4,23 +4,17 @@ namespace App\Media\QuickTime;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use App\Media\QuickTime;
use App\Media\QuickTime\Atoms\moov\{mvhd,trak};
use App\Traits\FindQuicktimeAtoms;
abstract class Atom
abstract class Atom extends QuickTime
use FindQuicktimeAtoms;
protected const record_size = 16384;
protected const BLOCK_SIZE = 4096;
protected int $offset;
protected int $size;
protected string $filename;
private mixed $fh;
private int $fp;
protected Collection $cache;
protected Collection $atoms;
@ -65,80 +59,4 @@ abstract class Atom
throw new \Exception('Unknown key: '.$key);
protected function data(): string
// Quick validation
if ($this->size > self::record_size)
throw new \Exception(sprintf('Refusing to read more than %d of data',self::record_size));
$data = '';
if ($this->fopen()) {
while (! is_null($read=$this->fread()))
$data .= $read;
return $data;
protected function fclose(): bool
return TRUE;
* Open the file and seek to the atom
* @return bool
protected function fopen(): bool
$this->fh = fopen($this->filename,'r');
$this->fp = 0;
return TRUE;
* Read the atom from the file
* @param int $size
* @return string|NULL
protected function fread(int $size=4096): ?string
if ($this->fp === $this->size)
return NULL;
if ($this->fp+$size > $this->size)
$size = $this->size-$this->fp;
$read = fread($this->fh,$size);
$this->fp += $size;
return $read;
protected function fseek(int $offset): int
$this->fp = $offset;
return fseek($this->fh,$this->offset+$this->fp);
protected function unpack(array $unpack=[]): string
return collect($unpack ?: static::unpack)->map(fn($v,$k)=>$v[0].$k)->join('/');
protected function unpack_size(array $unpack=[]): int
return collect($unpack ?: static::unpack)->map(fn($v,$k)=>$v[1])->sum();

View File

@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ abstract class SubAtom extends Atom
use ObjectIssetFix;
protected ?string $unused_data;
protected const atom_record = [
@ -35,25 +33,4 @@ abstract class SubAtom extends Atom
throw new \Exception('Unknown key: '.$key);
* Unpack data into our cache
* @param string|null $data
* @return Collection
* @throws \Exception
protected function cache(?string $data=NULL): Collection
$data = $data ?: $this->data();
if (! count($this->cache) && $this->size) {
$this->cache = collect(unpack($this->unpack(),$data));
if ($this->size > ($x=$this->unpack_size()))
$this->unused_data = substr($data,$x);
return $this->cache;

View File

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ class minf extends SubAtom
private const subatom_classes = 'App\\Media\\QuickTime\\Atoms\\moov\\trak\\mdia\\minf\\';
protected ?string $type;
public function __construct(int $offset,int $size,string $filename,?string $data,string $arg=NULL)

View File

@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
namespace App\Traits;
namespace App\Media\QuickTime;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use App\Media\QuickTime\Atom;
trait FindQuicktimeAtoms
protected function get_atoms(string $class_prefix,string $unknown,int $offset,int $size,string $atom=NULL,string $passthru=NULL,\Closure $callback=NULL): Collection
@ -25,34 +23,39 @@ trait FindQuicktimeAtoms
$result = collect();
$prelude = 8;
while ($rp < $size) {
$read = $atom ? substr($atom,$rp,8) : fread($fh,8);
$read = $atom ? substr($atom,$rp,$prelude) : fread($fh,$prelude);
$header = unpack('Nsize/a4atom',$read);
$rp += strlen($read);
$header = unpack('Nsize/a4atom',$read);
// For mdat atoms, if size = 1, the true size is in the 64 bit extended header, in the next 8 bytes
if (($header['atom'] === 'mdat') && ($header['size'] === 1)) {
$eheader = unpack('Jsize',fread($fh,8));
$rp += 8;
$prelude = 16;
// For mdat atoms, if size = 1, the true size is in the 64 bit extended header
if (($header['atom'] === 'mdat') && ($header['size'] === 1))
throw new \Exception(sprintf('%s:! We havent handed large QT files yet.',self::LOGKEY));
$header['size'] = $eheader['size'];
// Load our class for this supplier
$class = $class_prefix.$header['atom'];
$data = $atom
? substr($atom,$rp,$header['size']-8)
: ($header['size']-8 && ($header['size']-8 <= self::BLOCK_SIZE) ? fread($fh,$header['size']-8) : NULL);
? substr($atom,$rp,$header['size']-$prelude)
: ($header['size']-$prelude && ($header['size']-$prelude <= self::record_size) ? fread($fh,$header['size']-$prelude) : NULL);
if ($header['size'] >= 8) {
if ($header['size'] >= $prelude) {
$o = class_exists($class)
? new $class($offset+$rp,$header['size']-8,$this->filename,$data,$passthru)
: new $unknown($offset+$rp,$header['size']-8,$this->filename,$header['atom'],$data);
? new $class($offset+$rp,$header['size']-$prelude,$this->filename,$data,$passthru)
: new $unknown($offset+$rp,$header['size']-$prelude,$this->filename,$header['atom'],$data);
$rp += $header['size']-8;
$rp += $header['size']-$prelude;
// Only need to seek if we didnt read all the data
if ((! $atom) && ($header['size'] > self::BLOCK_SIZE))
if ((! $atom) && ($header['size']-8 > static::record_size))
} else {