
namespace App\Models\Abstracted;

use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;

use App\Casts\PostgresBytea;
use App\Jobs\CatalogMove;
use App\Models\{Make,Person,Software,Tag};

abstract class Catalog extends Model
	protected static $includeSubSecTime = FALSE;

	protected $casts = [
		'created_manual' => 'datetime',
		'subsectime' => 'int',
		'thumbnail' => PostgresBytea::class,

	public const fs = 'nas';

	private ?string $move_reason;

	protected array $init = [];

	/* STATIC */

	public static function boot()

		// Any video saved, queue it to be moved.
		self::saved(function($item) {
			if ($item->scanned && (! $item->duplicate) && (! $item->remove) && ($item->shouldMove() === TRUE)) {
				Log::info(sprintf('Need to Move [%s] to [%s]',$item->file_name_rel(),$item->file_name_rel(FALSE)));


	 * Return the prefix for the file path - dependent on the object
	 * @return string
	public static function dir_prefix(): string
		return config(static::config.'.dir').'/';


	 * People in Multimedia Object
	 * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany
	public function people()
		return $this->belongsToMany(Person::class);

	 * Software used to create Multimedia Object
	 * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo
	public function software()
		return $this->belongsTo(Software::class);

	 * Tags added to Multimedia Object
	 * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany
	public function tags()
		return $this->belongsToMany(Tag::class);

	/* SCOPES */

	 * Find records marked as duplicate
	 * @param $query
	 * @return mixed
	public function scopeDuplicates($query)
		return $query->notRemove()

	 * Search Database for duplicates of this object
	 * @param $query
	 * @return mixed
	public function scopeMyDuplicates($query) {
		if (! $this->exists)
			return $query;

		// Exclude this record

		// Skip ignore dups

			->where(function($q) {
						->orWhere('file_signature','=',$this->attributes['file_signature']); })

			// Where the signature is the same
			->orWhere(function($q) {
				// Or they have the same time taken with the same camera
				if ($this->attributes['created'] && $this->software_id) {

					if (static::$includeSubSecTime)


				} elseif ($this->attributes['created_manual'] && $this->software_id) {

					if (static::$includeSubSecTime)


		return $query;

	 * Multimedia NOT duplicate.
	 * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
	public function scopeNotDuplicate($query)
		return $query->where(

	 * Multimedia NOT pending removal.
	 * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
	public function scopeNotRemove($query)
		return $query->where(fn($q)=>$q->where('remove','<>',TRUE)->orWhere('remove','=',NULL));

	 * Multimedia NOT scanned.
	 * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
	public function scopeNotScanned($query)
		return $query->where(fn($q)=>$q->where('scanned','<>',TRUE)->orWhere('scanned','=',NULL));


	abstract public function getObjectOriginal(string $property): mixed;


	 * Return the time the media was created on the device
	 * This will be (in priority order)
	 * + the value of created_manual (Carbon)
	 * + the value of created
	 * @param string|null $date
	 * @return Carbon|null
	public function getCreatedAttribute(string $date=NULL): ?Carbon
		$result = $this->created_manual ?: ($date ? Carbon::create($date) : NULL);

		if ($result && static::$includeSubSecTime)

		return $result ?: $this->getObjectOriginal('creation_date');

	 * What device was the multimedia created on
	 * @return string
	public function getDeviceAttribute(): string
		$result = '';

		if ($this->software_id) {
			if ($this->software->model_id) {
				if ($this->software->model->make_id) {
					$result .= $this->software->model->make->name;

				$result .= ($result ? ' ' : '').$this->software->model->name;

			$result .= ($result ? ' ' : '').$this->software->name;

		return $result;

	 * Return item dimensions
	public function getDimensionsAttribute(): string
		return $this->width.'x'.$this->height;

	 * Return the file size
	 * @return int|null
	public function getFileSizeAttribute(): ?int
		return (! $this->isReadable()) ? NULL : filesize($this->file_name(FALSE));

	public function getGPSAttribute(): ?string
		return ($this->gps_lat && $this->gps_lon)
			? sprintf('%s/%s',$this->gps_lat,$this->gps_lon)
			: NULL;

	/* METHODS */

	 * Return the filename.
	 * If $short is TRUE, it is the RELATIVE filename that it should be called (and can be compared to $this->filename,
	 * to see if it is in the wrong place). This path (like filename) is without the DIR prefix, and DIR location.
	 * If $short is FALSE, it is the FULL path of the actual file (where $this->filename is the RELATIVE path,
	 * without the DIR prefix, and DIR location)
	 * @param bool $short
	 * @return string
	public function file_name(bool $short=TRUE): string
		if ($short || preg_match('#^/#',$this->filename)) {
			// If the date created is not set, the file name will be based on the ID of the file.
			$file = sprintf('%s.%s',
					? sprintf('UNKNOWN/%07s',$this->file_path_id())
					: $this->created->format('Y/m/d-His').
					($this->subsectime ? sprintf('_%03d',$this->subsectime) : '' ).

			return $file;

		} else
			return Storage::disk(self::fs)

	 * Return the path relative to our HTML root
	 * When $source is TRUE, this is the current filename with the DIR prefix added, without the DIR location,
	 * When $source is FALSE, this is the NEW filename, with the DIR prefix added, without the DIR location.
	 * @param bool $source
	 * @return string
	public function file_name_rel(bool $source=TRUE): string
		return config(static::config.'.dir').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.($source ? $this->filename : $this->file_name());

	 * Calculate a file path ID based on the id of the file
	 * We use this when we cannot determine the create time of the image
	public function file_path_id($sep=3,$depth=9): string
		return trim(chunk_split(sprintf("%0{$depth}s",$this->id),$sep,'/'),'/');

	 * Set values from the media object
	 * @return void
	 * @throws \Exception
	public function init(): void
		foreach ($this->init as $item) {
			switch ($item) {
				case 'creation_date':
					$this->created = $this->getObjectOriginal('creation_date');

				case 'gps':
					$this->gps_lat = $this->getObjectOriginal('gps_lat');
					$this->gps_lon = $this->getObjectOriginal('gps_lon');

				case 'heightwidth':
					$this->height = $this->getObjectOriginal('height');
					$this->width = $this->getObjectOriginal('width');

				case 'signature':
					$this->signature = $this->getObjectOriginal('signature');
					$this->file_signature = $this->getObjectOriginal('file_signature');

				case 'software':
					$ma = NULL;

					if ($x=$this->getObjectOriginal('make'))
						$ma = Make::firstOrCreate([

					$mo = \App\Models\Model::firstOrCreate([
						'name'=>$this->getObjectOriginal('model') ?: NULL,

					$so = Software::firstOrCreate([
						'name'=>$this->getObjectOriginal('software') ?: NULL,

					$this->software_id = $so->id;


				case 'subsectime':
					$this->subsectime = $this->getObjectOriginal($item);

					throw new \Exception('Unknown init item: '.$item);


	 * Does the file require moving
	 * @return bool
	public function isMoveable(): bool
		// No change to the name
		$this->move_reason = 'Filenames match already';
		if ($this->filename === $this->file_name())
			return FALSE;

		// If there is already a file in the target.
		// @todo If the target file is to be deleted, we could move this file
		$this->move_reason = 'Target file exists';
		if (Storage::disk(self::fs)->exists($this->file_name()))
			return FALSE;

		// Test if the source is readable
		$this->move_reason = 'Source is not readable';
		if (! $this->isReadable())
			return FALSE;

		// Test if the dir is writable (so we can remove the file)
		$this->move_reason = 'Source parent dir not writable';
		if (! $this->isParentWritable(dirname($this->file_name_rel(TRUE))))
			return FALSE;

		// Test if the target dir is writable
		// @todo The target dir may not exist yet, so we should check that a parent exists and is writable.
		$this->move_reason = 'Target parent dir is not writable';
		if (! $this->isParentWritable(dirname($this->file_name_rel(FALSE))))
			return FALSE;

		// Otherwise we can move it
		$this->move_reason = NULL;
		return TRUE;

	public function isMoveableReason(): ?string
		return $this->move_reason ?? NULL;

	 * Determine if the parent dir is writable.
	 * $dir should be a relative path, with our DIR prefix (from dirname($this->file_name_rel()))
	 * @param string $dir
	 * @return bool
	public function isParentWritable(string $dir): bool
		$path = Storage::disk(self::fs)->path($dir);

		if (Storage::disk(self::fs)->exists($dir) && is_dir($path) && is_writable($path))
			return TRUE;

		elseif ($dir === '.')
			return FALSE;

			return ($this->isParentWritable(dirname($dir)));

	 * Return if this source file is readable.
	 * @return bool
	public function isReadable(): bool
		return is_readable($this->file_name(FALSE));

	 * Get the id of the next record
	public function next(): ?self
		return static::where('id','>',$this->id)

	 * Get the id of the previous record
	public function previous(): ?self
		return static::where('id','<',$this->id)

	 * Display the media signature
	public function signature($short=FALSE)
		return ($short && $this->signature)
			? stringtrim($this->signature)
			: $this->signature;

	 * Determine if the image should be moved
	public function shouldMove(): bool
		return $this->filename !== $this->file_name();

	 * Find duplicate images based on some attributes of the current image
	private function list_duplicates($includeme=FALSE)
		$o = static::select();

		if ($this->id AND ! $includeme)

		// Ignore photo's pending removal.
		if (! $includeme)

		// Where the signalist_duplicatesture is the same

			// Or they have the same time taken with the same camera
			if ($this->date_created AND ($this->model OR $this->make))
					$query->where('date_created','=',$this->date_created ? $this->date_created : NULL);
					if (Schema::hasColumn($this->getTable(),'subsectime'))
						$query->where('subsectime','=',$this->subsectime ?: NULL);

					if (! is_null($this->model))

					if (! is_null($this->make))


		return $o->get();