180, 6=>90, 8=>-90, ]; /** * Determine the new name for the image */ public function file_path($short=FALSE,$new=FALSE) { $file = $this->filename; if ($new) $file = sprintf('%s.%s',((is_null($this->date_taken) OR ! $this->date_taken) ? sprintf('UNKNOWN/%07s',$this->file_path_id()) : sprintf('%s_%03s',date('Y/m/d-His',$this->date_taken),$this->subsectime).($this->subsectime ? '' : sprintf('-%05s',$this->id))),$this->type()); return (($short OR preg_match('/^\//',$file)) ? '' : config('photo.dir').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR).$file; } public function gps(array $coordinate,$hemisphere) { if (! $coordinate OR ! $hemisphere) return NULL; for ($i=0; $i<3; $i++) { $part = explode('/', $coordinate[$i]); if (count($part) == 1) $coordinate[$i] = $part[0]; elseif (count($part) == 2) $coordinate[$i] = floatval($part[0])/floatval($part[1]); else $coordinate[$i] = 0; } list($degrees, $minutes, $seconds) = $coordinate; $sign = ($hemisphere == 'W' || $hemisphere == 'S') ? -1 : 1; return round($sign*($degrees+$minutes/60+$seconds/3600),$degrees > 100 ? 3 : 4); } /** * Return an Imagick object or attribute * */ public function io($attr=NULL) { if (is_null($this->_io)) $this->_io = new \Imagick($this->file_path()); return is_null($attr) ? $this->_io : $this->_io->getImageProperty($attr); } /** * Rotate the image * */ private function rotate(\Imagick $imo) { if (array_key_exists($this->orientation,$this->_rotate)) $imo->rotateImage(new \ImagickPixel('none'),$this->_rotate[$this->orientation]); return $imo->getImageBlob(); } /** * Return the image's thumbnail * */ public function thumbnail($rotate=TRUE) { if (! $this->thumbnail) return NULL; if (! $rotate OR ! array_key_exists($this->orientation,$this->_rotate) OR ! extension_loaded('imagick')) return $this->thumbnail; $imo = new \Imagick(); $imo->readImageBlob($this->thumbnail); return $this->rotate($imo); } public function list_duplicate() { $po = DB::table('photo'); if ($this->id) $po->where('id','!=',$this->id); // Ignore photo's pending removal. $po->where(function($query) { $query->where('remove','!=',TRUE) ->orWhere('remove','=',NULL); }); // Where the signature is the same $po->where(function($query) { $query->where('signature','=',$this->signature); // Or they have the same time taken with the same camera if ($this->date_taken AND ($this->model OR $this->make)) { $query->orWhere(function($query) { $query->where('date_taken','=',$this->date_taken ? $this->date_taken : NULL); $query->where('subsectime','=',$this->subsectime ? $this->subsectime : NULL); if (! is_null($this->model)) $query->where('model','=',$this->model); if (! is_null($this->make)) $query->where('make','=',$this->make); }); } }); return $po; } }