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2009-06-30 18:07:14 +10:00
$lang = array();
// Search form
$lang['simple_search_form_str'] = 'Einfache Suche';//'Simple Search Form';
$lang['advanced_search_form_str'] = 'Experten Suche';//'Advanced Search Form';
$lang['server'] = 'Server';//'Server';
$lang['search_for_entries_whose'] = 'Suche nach Eintr&auml;gen die';//'Search for entries whose';
$lang['base_dn'] = 'Base DN';//'Base DN';
$lang['search_scope'] = 'Suchart';//'Search Scope';
$lang['search_ filter'] = 'Suchfilter';//'Search Filter';
$lang['show_attributes'] = 'Zeige Attribute';//'Show Attributtes';
$lang['Search'] = 'Suchen';//'Search';
$lang['equals'] = 'gleich';//'equals';
$lang['starts_with'] = 'beginnt mit';//'starts with';
$lang['contains'] = 'enth&auml;';//'contains';
$lang['ends_with'] = 'endet mit';//'ends with';
$lang['sounds_like'] = '&auml;nlich wie';//'sounds like';
// Tree browser
$lang['request_new_feature'] = 'Anfragen von neuen M&ouml;glichkeiten';//'Request a new feature';
$lang['see_open_requests'] = 'Siehe offene Anfragen';//'see open requests';
$lang['report_bug'] = 'Einen Fehler berichten';//'Report a bug';
$lang['see_open_bugs'] = 'Siehe offene Fehler';//'see open bugs';
$lang['schema'] = 'schema';//'schema';
$lang['search'] = 'suche';//'search';
$lang['refresh'] = 'aktualisieren';//'refresh';
$lang['create'] = 'Neu';//'create';
$lang['info'] = 'info';//'info';
$lang['import'] = 'import';//'import';
$lang['logout'] = 'logout';// 'Abmelden' 'logout';
$lang['create_new'] = 'Neuen erzeugen';//'Create New';
// Entry display
$lang['delete_this_entry'] = 'Diesen Eintrag l&ouml;schen';//'Delete this entry';
$lang['delete_this_entry_tooltip'] = 'You will be prompted to confirm this decision';
$lang['copy_this_entry'] = 'Diesen Eintrag kopieren';//'Copy this entry';
$lang['copy_this_entry_tooltip'] = 'Copy this object to another location, a new DN, or another server';
$lang['export_to_ldif'] = 'Exportieren nach LDIF';//'Export to LDIF';
$lang['export_to_ldif_tooltip'] = 'Speichere einen LDIF-Abzug diese Objektes';//'Save an LDIF dump of this object';
$lang['export_subtree_to_ldif_tooltip'] = 'Speicher eine LDIF-Abzug ab diesem Objekt und alle seine Untereintr&auml;ge';//'Save an LDIF dump of this object and all of its children';
$lang['export_subtree_to_ldif'] = 'Export Unterbaum nach LDIF';//'Export subtree to LDIF';
$lang['export_to_ldif_mac'] = 'Zeilenende f&uuml;r Macintosh';//'Macintosh style line ends';
$lang['export_to_ldif_win'] = 'Zeilenende f&uuml;r Windows';//'Windows style line ends';
$lang['export_to_ldif_unix'] = 'Zeilenende f&uuml;r Unix';//'Unix style line ends';
$lang['create_a_child_entry'] = 'Erzeuge einen Untereintrag';//'Create a child entry';
$lang['add_a_jpeg_photo'] = 'Ein JPEG-Foto hinzuf&uuml;gen';//'Add a jpegPhoto';
$lang['rename_entry'] = 'Eintrag umbenennen';//'Rename Entry';
$lang['rename'] = 'Umbenennen';//'Rename';
$lang['add'] = 'Hinzuf&uuml;gen';//'Add';
$lang['view'] = 'Ansehen';//'View';
$lang['add_new_attribute'] = 'Neues Attribut hinz&uuml;gen';//'Add New Attribute';
$lang['add_new_attribute_tooltip'] = 'F&uuml;ge ein neues Attribut/Wert zu diesem Eintrag hinzu';// 'Add a new attribute/value to this entry';
$lang['internal_attributes'] = 'Interne Attribute';//'Internal Attributes';
$lang['hide_internal_attrs'] = 'Verdecke interne Attribute';//'Hide internal attributes';
$lang['show_internal_attrs'] = 'Zeige interne Attribute';//'Show internal attributes';
$lang['internal_attrs_tooltip'] = 'Attribute werden automatisch vom System erzeugt.';//'Attributes set automatically by the system';
$lang['entry_attributes'] = 'Attribute des Eintrages';//'Entry Attributes';
$lang['click_to_display'] = 'Klicken zum Ansehen';//'click to display';
$lang['hidden'] = 'verdeckt';//'hidden';
$lang['none'] = 'Keine';//'none';
$lang['save_changes'] = '&Auml;nderungen speichern';//'Save Changes';
$lang['add_value'] = 'Wert hinzuf&uuml;gen';//'add value';
$lang['add_value_tooltip'] = 'F&uuml;g einen weiteren Wert zu dem Attribut hinzu';//'Add an additional value to this attribute';
//$lang['refresh'] = 'Refresh';
$lang['refresh_this_entry'] = 'Aktualisiere den Entrag';//'Refresh this entry';
$lang['delete_hint'] = 'Hinweis: Um ein Attribute zu l&ouml;schen, leeren Sie den Inhalt des Wertes.';//'Hint: <b>To delete an attribute</b>, empty the text field and click save.';
$lang['viewing_read_only'] = 'Zeige Eintrag im Nurlesemodus';//'Viewing entry in read-only mode.';
$lang['change_entry_rdn'] = '&Auml;ndere den RDN des Eintrages';//'Change this entry\'s RDN';
$lang['no_new_attrs_available'] = 'Keine weiteren Attribute verf&uuml;gbar f&uuml;r diesen Eintrag';//'no new attributes available for this entry';
$lang['binary_value'] = 'Bin&auml;rwert';//'Binary value';
$lang['add_new_binary_attr'] = 'Neuen Bin&auml;rwert hinzuf&uuml;gen';//'Add New Binary Attribute';
$lang['add_new_binary_attr_tooltip'] = 'ABCDEFGH';//'Add a new binary attribute/value from a file';
$lang['alias_for'] = 'Alias f&uuml;r';//'Alias for';
$lang['download_value'] = 'Wert herunterladen';//'download value';
$lang['delete_attribute'] = 'L&ouml;sche Attribut';//'delete attribute';
$lang['true'] = 'Wahr';//'true';
$lang['false'] = 'Falsch';//'false';
$lang['none_remove_value'] = 'nichts, entferne den Wert';//?? //'none, remove value';
$lang['really_delete_attribute'] = 'L&ouml;sche das Attribut wirklich';//'Really delete attribute';
// Schema browser
$lang['the_following_objectclasses'] = 'Die folgenden objectClass werden vom LDAP-Server unterst&uuml;tzt.';//'The following <b>objectClasses</b> are supported by this LDAP server.';
$lang['the_following_attributes'] = 'Die folgenden Attribute werden vom LDAP-Server unterst&uuml;tzt.';//'The following <b>attributeTypes</b> are supported by this LDAP server.';
$lang['the_following_matching'] = 'Die folgenden Suchregeln werden vom LDAP-Server unterst&uuml;tzt.';//'The following <b>matching rules</b> are supported by this LDAP server.';
$lang['the_following_syntaxes'] = 'Die folgenden Syntaxe werden vom LDAP-Server unterst&uuml;tzt.';//'The following <b>syntaxes</b> are supported by this LDAP server.';
$lang['jump_to_objectclass'] = 'Gehe zur objectClass';//'Jump to an objectClass';
$lang['jump_to_attr'] = 'Gehe zum Attribut';//'Jump to an attribute';
$lang['schema_for_server'] = 'Schema f&uuml;r Server';//'Schema for server';
$lang['required_attrs'] = 'Notwendige Attribute';//'Required Attributes';
$lang['optional_attrs'] = 'Optionale Attribute';//'Optional Attributes';
$lang['OID'] = 'OID';//'OID';
$lang['desc'] = 'Beschreibung';//'Description';
$lang['is_obsolete'] = 'Diese objectClass ist veraltet';//'This objectClass is <b>obsolete</b>';
$lang['inherits'] = 'Abgeleitet von';//'Inherits';
$lang['jump_to_this_oclass'] = 'Gehe zur objectClass Definition';//'Jump to this objectClass definition';
// General
$lang['chooser_link_tooltip'] = "Click to popup a dialog to select an entry (DN) graphically";