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2012-06-19 12:07:43 +10:00
<script type="text/javascript">
Array.prototype._toString = Array.prototype.toString;
Array.prototype.toString = function(){ return "[" + this._toString() + "]"; };
Number.prototype._toString = Number.prototype.toString;
Number.prototype.toString = function(radix){ if(!radix || radix==10){ return ""+this._toString() } if(radix==2){ return "0b"+this._toString(radix); } if(radix==8){ return "0o"+this._toString(radix); } if(radix==16){ return "0x"+this._toString(radix); } return this._toString(radix) + "#" + radix._toString(); };
(function(){ // env is private
parseFloat = function(str){
var obj = null;
function getRadixObject(whole, numberStr, base){
obj = {number:numberStr, radix:base};
return "";
function getBaseString(whole, base, numberStr){
var baseNum = (base == '0b') ? 2 : (base == '0o') ? 8 : 16;
return numberStr+"#"+baseNum;
var str = str.replace(/(0b|0o|0x)(([0-9a-zA-Z]+\.[0-9a-zA-Z]*|\.[0-9a-zA-Z]+|[0-9a-zA-Z]+))/, getBaseString);
var radix;
var poundRegExp = /([0-9a-zA-Z]+\.[0-9a-zA-Z]*|\.[0-9a-zA-Z]+|[0-9a-zA-Z]+)\#([0-9a-zA-Z]+)/g;
// define obj in getRadixObject
str.replace(poundRegExp, getRadixObject);
radix = obj.radix;
str = obj.number;
radix = 10;
var decimal = str.indexOf('.');
var left = str.substring(0,decimal);
if(left == ""){
left = "0";
var right = str.substring(decimal+1, str.length);
if(right == ""){
right = "0";
var num = parseInt(left, radix);
var dec = parseInt(right, radix);
var length = dec._toString().length;
dec /= Math.pow(radix, right.length);
return num+dec;
return parseInt(str, radix);
var env = {
window: undefined, "delete": undefined, "new": undefined, // invalidate access to the globals for security so that window.blah is invalid as is delete window
prompt: function(label, defaultValue){
// summary
// prompt the user for input without making IE8 mad.
// params
// label: the String name of the variable you are asking the user to input
// defaultValue: primitive, the prompt will show this value initially
label = label || '';
defaultValue = defaultValue || '';
return this.outerPrompt(label, defaultValue);
return window.prompt(label, defaultValue);
val: function(local, name, obj){
// summary
// allow the user to use locals, globals, or give input for undefined values
// params:
// local, a primitive object, is what value might've been passed to val as a local parameter.
// name is the String name of the object. It is passed to see if there is an available global or to set the global.
var objValue = obj[name];
local = (objValue == undefined) ? (local == undefined ? window[name] : local) : objValue ;
if(typeof local == 'undefined'){
return undefined;
local=this.prompt('Enter the value for ' + name, undefined, name);
return local == null ? undefined : (isNaN(Number(local)) ? local : Number(local));
return local;
_makeKeywordsLiteral: function (text){
// summary
// surround reserved words with hex characters
// ==, then >=. the <=, then !=, then = and surround them with \x0n first
text = text.replace(/(!=(?!=)|==|>=|<=|=)/g, "\x02$1\x02");
return text.replace(/\b(abstract|boolean|break|byte|case|catch|char|class|const|continue|debugger|default|do|double|else|enum|export|extends|false|final|finally|float|for|function|goto|if|implements|import|in| instanceof|int|interface|long|native|null|package|private|protected|public|return|short|static|super| switch|synchronized|this|throw|throws|transient|true|try|typeof|var|void|volatile|while|with)\b/g, "\x02$1\x02");
switchToGermanNumbers: function(text){
// summary
// change the format of some javascript allowed numbers to an alternate form 3.5 goes to 3,5
var num = 0;
var numbers = [];
function substituteCommas(whole, junk, text){
numbers['_'+num+'_'] = text.replace(/\,/g, ';');
return junk+'_'+(num++)+'_';
function substituteNumbers(wholematch, stuff, junk, text, stuff2){
return stuff+numbers[text]+stuff2;
if(typeof text != "string"){
text = text.toString();
text = this._makeKeywordsLiteral(text);
//text = text.replace(/(!=(?!=)|==|>=|<=|=)/g, "\x02$1\x02");
// same as semiColonRegExp
var commaRegExp = /([^\x02\s]*)(\([^\(\)]+\)|\[[^\[\]]+\])/;
text = text.replace(commaRegExp , substituteCommas);
text = text.replace(/((\W)*)(\_[0-9]+\_)((\W)*)/g, substituteNumbers);
text = text.replace(/([0-9]*)\.([0-9]+)/g, "$1"+','+"$2");
// get rid of keyword characters (duplicate code from parse())
return text.replace(/\x02((.|\s)*?)\x02/g, "$1");
normalizeTextLanguage: function(text){
// summary
// change text to use javascript list separators and decimal points instead of commas
// params
// text is a string like "pow(3,1; 4);"
// for that input, this method should return "pow(3.1, 4);"
var num = 0;
var numbers = [];
function substituteSemicolons(whole, junk, text){
numbers['_'+num+'_'] = text.replace(/\;/g, ',');
return junk+'_'+(num++)+'_';
function substituteNumbers(wholematch, stuff, junk, text, stuff2){
return stuff+numbers[text]+stuff2;
text = this._makeKeywordsLiteral(text);
// change all comma-type decimals into periods
text = text.replace(/([0-9]*)\,([0-9]+)/g, "$1"+'.'+"$2");
var semiColonRegExp = /([^\x02\s]*)(\([^\(\)]+\)|\[[^\[\]]+\])/; // /([^\x02\s]+)(\([^\(\)]+\)|\[[^\[\]]+\])/; // /[^\x02\s]+\([^\(\)]+\)|[^\x02\s]+\[[^\[\]]+\]/; // /[^\x02]\s*\([^\(]+\)/;
text = text.replace(semiColonRegExp, substituteSemicolons);
text = text.replace(/((\W)*)(\_[0-9]+\_)((\W)*)/g, substituteNumbers);
// get rid of keyword characters (duplicate code from parse())
return text.replace(/\x02((.|\s)*?)\x02/g, "$1");
preparse: function(text){
// summary
// change the numbers to javascript allowed numbers if it is from a different locale
text = this.normalizeTextLanguage(text);
return text;
// parseFloat(Number(4.5).toString(3)) should return 4.5
postparse: function(text){
// summary
// make the javascript numbers match the locale
text = this.switchToGermanNumbers(text);
return text;
toDecimalRegExp: function(whole, base, number){
// summary
// get the decimal number from a float
function getBase(base){
case '0b':
return 2;
case '0o':
return 8;
case '0x':
return 16;
return 10;
//return parseInt(base, getBase(base));
return parseFloat(base+number);
parse: function(text){
// summary
// This parses augmented mathematical syntax and converts it to executable JavaScript.
// params:
// text should be a String which represents an expression, a function, a number, etc
// this array holds the substitutions that represent an expression's parentheses and functions in a simplified way.
var numbers = [],
// characters
functionContentsChar = '\x03',
// these are the regular expression needed to find and replace operators
factorialRE = /((\w|\.)+)\s*\!/,
unaryRightsideRE = /(^|[\+\-\/\*\!\^\u221A]+\s*)([\+\-]+)\s*((\w|\.)+)(?!.*[\+\-])/,
unaryRE = /(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9_\.\s]+\s*)([\+\-]+|\u221A)\s*((\w|\.)+)/, // /(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9_\.]\s*)([\+\-]+|\u221A)\s*((\w|\.)+)/,
caretRE = /((\w|\.)+)\s*([\^])\s*((\w|\.)+)/, // /((\w|\.)+)\s*([\^])\s*(-?\s*(\w|\.)+)/,
radicalRE = /((\w|\.)+)\s*(\u221A)\s*([+-]?\s*(\w|\.)+)/, // /((\w|\.)+)\s*(\u221A)\s*([+-]?\s*(\w|\.)+)(?!.*\u221A)/,
binaryHighRE = /((\w|\.)+)\s*([*/])\s*((\w|\.)+)/,
binaryLowRE = /((\w|\.)+)\s*([\+\-])+\s*((\w|\.)+)/;
// get rid of all new and delete statements
text = exterminateNewAndDelete(text);
// make all keywords and operators literal (like '!=' or 'return') by surrounding them with unprintable characters
text = this._makeKeywordsLiteral(text);
function getBaseTen(whole, numberStr, base){
return ""+parseFloat(numberStr+"#"+parseInt(base));
text = text.replace(/(0b)([0-1]+\.[0-1]*|\.[0-1]+|[0-1]+)/g, this.toDecimalRegExp);
text = text.replace(/(0o)([0-7]+\.[0-7]*|\.[0-7]+|[0-7]+)/g, this.toDecimalRegExp);
text = text.replace(/(0x)([0-9a-zA-Z]+\.[0-9a-zA-Z]*|\.[0-9a-zA-Z]+|[0-9a-zA-Z]+)/g, this.toDecimalRegExp);
text = text.replace(/([0-9a-zA-Z]+\.[0-9a-zA-Z]*|\.[0-9a-zA-Z]+|[0-9a-zA-Z]+)\#([0-9a-zA-Z]+)/g, getBaseTen);
// parse the input to form JavaScript
return MathParser(text);
function MathParser(text){
// Pi is better represented by \u03C0, but isn't computable
text = text.replace(/\u03C0/g,"Math.PI");
text = text.replace(/\u03F5/g,"Math.E");
// Microsoft word will give you these '\u2013' for a subtraction sign sometimes, so I'll fix that here
text = text.replace(/\u2013/g, "-");
// add unreadable characters in front of functions so it is easier to manipulate
text = text.replace(/(((\w|\.)+\s*)\()/g,putFuncChar);
// change 10e-10 or 10e10 or 10e+10 to an constant right away
text = scientificNotationSimplifier(text);
// recursively track down and replace all simplified parts of the expression until everything is simple; then move the simple text into the correct JavaScript format
text = parseRecursive(text);
// now resubstitute the real text back into the string now that it is arranged correctly
while (hasArrayIndexBasedOnUnderscore(text)){
text = text.replace(/\_(\d+)\_/g, function(whole, one){return numbers[parseInt(one)]});
// get rid of the function character from the functions now
text = text.replace(/\x01/g,"");
// get rid of keyword characters too
text = text.replace(/\x02((.|\s)*?)\x02/g, "$1");
return text;
function exterminateNewAndDelete(text){
return text.replace(/\b(delete|new|this\.*)\b/, "");
// A simple grouping has no parentheses inside the initial pair.
function isSimpleGrouping(text){
return (/^\([^()]*\)|\W\([^()]*\)/).test(text);
function ReplaceSimpleGrouping(text){
return text.replace((/(^|\W)(\([^()]*\))/), replaceWithNum);
function replaceWithNum(wholeMatch, partMatch1, partMatch2){
return partMatch1+"_"+(numbers.length-1)+"_";
function replaceFuncWithNum(wholeMatch){
return "_"+(numbers.length-1)+"_";
// A simple function has no parentheses within its parentheses, and has the special character \x01 leading up to the name and (...)
function isSimpleFunction(text){
return (/\x01((\w|\.)+\s*)\([^()]*\)/).test(text);
function ReplaceSimpleFunction(text){
return text.replace(/\x01((\w|\.)+\s*)\([^()]*\)/, replaceFuncWithNum);
function FactorialParser(text){
// loop this untill all ! are gone (in main)
return text.replace(factorialRE, "\x01"+"factorial($1)");
function putFuncChar(wholematch){
return '\x01'+wholematch;
function putInPiece(wholematch){
return numbers[currentNum];
function caretParser(text){
return text.replace(caretRE, replaceBinaryOp);
// the unary radical is inside the unaryOperatorParse(text) function
function radicalOperatorParse(text){
return text.replace(radicalRE, replaceBinaryOp);
function replaceBinaryOp(wholeMatch, operand1, nothing1, operator, operand2){
case '^':
return "\x01"+"pow("+operand1+","+operand2+")";
case '\u221A':
return "\x01"+"pow("+operand2+", 1/"+operand1+")";
case '*':
case '/':
return replaceFuncWithNum(wholeMatch);
case '+':
case '-':
case 'e':
return replaceFuncWithNum(simplifyPlusAnsMinus(wholeMatch));
// e is treated as a binary operator
function scientificNotationSimplifier(text){
//return text.replace(/((\w|\.)+)\s*([\e])\s*([+-]*\s*(\w|\.)+)/g, replaceBinaryOp);
return text.replace(/(([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*))(e)([+-]*([0-9]+))/g, replaceBinaryOp);
// this handles * and /
function binaryHighPriorityOperatorParse(text){
return text.replace(binaryHighRE, replaceBinaryOp);
// this handles + and - with two operands
function binaryLowPriorityOperatorParse(text){
return text.replace(binaryLowRE, replaceBinaryOp);
// this replaces the one operand +'s, -'s, and radicals
function replaceUnaryOp(wholeMatch, garbage, operator0, operand0){
// see what operator it is
case '\u221A':
return garbage+"\x01"+"sqrt("+operand0+")";
case '+':
case '-':
return garbage+replaceFuncWithNum(simplifyPlusAnsMinus(wholeMatch.substr(garbage.length)));
// this handles one operand operators -, +, radical
function unaryOperatorParse(text){
return text.replace(unaryRE, replaceUnaryOp);
// this handles one operand operators on the right side of everything
function unaryOperatorRightsideParse(text){
return text.replace(unaryRightsideRE, replaceUnaryOp);
function parseRecursive(text){
// keep going until there is nothing left that can be simplified
while (isSimpleGrouping(text)||isSimpleFunction(text)||factorialRE.test(text)||caretRE.test(text)||radicalRE.test(text)||unaryRE.test(text)||binaryHighRE.test(text)||binaryLowRE.test(text)){
var sTextOrginal = text;
var debugText = text;
text = ReplaceSimpleFunction(text);
var s = numbers[numbers.length-1],
pL = s.indexOf("("),
funcName = s.substring(s.indexOf("\x01")+1, pL),//take out the function character
content = s.substring(pL+1, s.length-1);
numbers[numbers.length-1] = funcName+"("+parseRecursive(functionContentsChar+content)+")";
text = ReplaceSimpleGrouping(text);
var s = numbers[numbers.length-1],
content = s.substring(1, s.length-1);
numbers[numbers.length-1] = "("+parseRecursive(content)+")";
// factorials must come first for 5^2! cases, it equals 25
text = FactorialParser(text);
text = caretParser(text);
text = radicalOperatorParse(text);
text = unaryOperatorRightsideParse(text);
// put parentheses around the unary operators so 0--2 will pass
numbers[numbers.length-1] = "("+numbers[numbers.length-1]+")";
text = unaryOperatorParse(text);
// put parentheses around the unary operators so 0--2 will pass
numbers[numbers.length-1] = "("+numbers[numbers.length-1]+")";
text = binaryHighPriorityOperatorParse(text);
text = binaryLowPriorityOperatorParse(text);
// it should never ever make it to this point. If it does, I'll want to know about it.
throw("Parse Error");
// make assignments within function calls be arranged to be (x=y, undefined)
if(text.charAt(0) == functionContentsChar){
text = text.substring(1, text.length);
if(text.indexOf('=') >= 0){
text = ReplaceFunctionContentAssignments(text);
return text;
function ReplaceFunctionContentAssignments(text){
return text.replace(/((\w|\.)+)\x02=\x02((\w|\.)+)/g, "("+"$1"+'\x02=\x02'+"$3"+", {_name:'"+"$1"+"', _value:"+"$3"+"})");
function hasArrayIndexBasedOnUnderscore(text){
return /\_\d+\_/.test(text);
function simplifyPlusAnsMinus(text){
function hasUnsimplifiedPlusMinus(text){
return /\-\s*\-/.test(text)||/\+\s*\+/.test(text)||/\+\s*\-/.test(text)||/\-\s*\+/.test(text);
text = text.replace(/((\-\s*\-)|(\+\s*\+))/g, "+");
text = text.replace(/((\+\s*\-)|(\-\s*\+))/g, "-");
return text;
eval: function(text){
// summary
// create an anonymous function to run the code the parser generates from the user input.
// params
// text, type String, is the user input that needs to be parsed
// this try catch is necessary to ensure that any incorrect input will receive NaN (it won't cause a self destruct from a user typo)
var value = this.Function(undefined, '', 'return ' + text).call(this); // make sure it is called within the correct scope.
//value = ((value instanceof Array || typeof value == "array") ? ("["+value+"]") : value.toString())
return this.postparse(value);
return NaN;
normalizedFunction: function(name, args, body){
// summary
// create an anonymous function to run the code the parser generates from the user input.
// params
// name: this argument is simply a String that represents the name of the function being evaluated. It can be undefined, but in that case the function is a one time use.
// args: the function arguments (a String)
// body: the function body, also a String
var argMultiVals = '',
// make an array of parameters with what's given (if nothing is given, make an empty array)
params = args ? (args||'').split(/\W+/) : [];
argMultiVals += 'var _localObjectContainer = {};\n'+
'for(var _objCnt = 0; _objCnt < arguments.length; _objCnt++){\n'+
'if(typeof arguments[_objCnt] == "object" && "_name" in arguments[_objCnt] && "_value" in arguments[_objCnt]){\n'+
'_localObjectContainer.graphing = arguments[_objCnt]._graphing;\n'+
// make the parameters fit into the val function so it can use either globals, locals, or if all are null, prompt the user for input
for(var i=0; i < params.length; i++){
var param = params[i];
argMultiVals += param + '=val(' + param + ',"' + param + '", _localObjectContainer);\n';
argMultiVals += 'if(typeof '+param+' == "undefined"){\n'+
'return null;}\n';
var _f_ = window.Function.apply(this,
'with(Math){with(this.dojox.math){with(this){\n' +
argMultiVals +
this.parse(body) +
return this[name] = _f_;
return _f_;
Function: function(name, args, body){
// summary
// create an anonymous function to run the code the parser generates from the user input. It also normalizes the language format.
// params
// name: this argument is simply a String that represents the name of the function being evaluated. It can be undefined, but in that case the function is a one time use.
// args: the function arguments (a String)
// body: the function body, also a String
body = this.preparse(body);
return this.normalizedFunction(name, args, body);
for(var i in window){
if(!(i in env) && i != "alert" && i != "confirm"){ env[i] = undefined; } // invalidate access to the window object's attributes for security so that document.blah is invalid
<script type="text/javascript">
document.documentElement.removeChild(document.documentElement.firstChild); // remove HEAD to remove debugger access for extra security