2009-06-30 20:46:00 +10:00
2009-06-30 21:52:55 +10:00
// $Header: /cvsroot/phpldapadmin/phpldapadmin/lib/AJAXTree.php,v 2008/12/12 06:46:15 wurley Exp $
2009-06-30 20:46:00 +10:00
* @package phpLDAPadmin
* @author The phpLDAPadmin development team
* @author Xavier Bruyet
class AJAXTree extends PLMTree {
* draw a node of the tree
* @param $level a string of 0 and 1 ; $level == "000101" will draw " | |<node>"
* @param $first_child is this the first child ?
* @param $last_child is this the last child ?
protected function draw_dn($dn,$level=0,$first_child=true,$last_child=true) {
debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s)',33,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$dn,$level);
$ldapserver = $this->getLdapServer();
# level pre-treatment
$code = '';
if (is_string($level)) {
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($level); $i++) {
if ($level[$i] == '0') {
$code .= '0';
} elseif ($level[$i] == '1') {
$code .= '1';
} elseif ($level > 0) {
$code = '0' * $level;
$level = strlen($code);
# get entry to display as node
$entry = $this->getEntry($dn);
if (! $entry) {
$entry = $this->getEntry($dn);
if (! $entry)
return '';
# some informations
$rdn = $entry->getRdn();
$encoded_dn = rawurlencode($dn);
$formatted_dn = $this->get_formatted_dn($entry,$level-1);
$child_count = $this->get_children_number($entry);
$nb = 0;
if ($first_child) $nb += 1;
if ($last_child) $nb += 2;
# informations array[$nb]
# nb == 1 => the node is the first child
# nb == 2 => the node is the last child
# nb == 3 => the node is the unique child
# nb == 0 => the node is a child
$expand_imgs = array('js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_expand.png', 'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_expand.png', 'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_expand_corner.png', ($level > 0) ? 'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_expand_corner.png' : 'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_expand_corner_first.png');
$collapse_imgs = array('js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_collapse.png', 'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_collapse.png', 'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_collapse_corner.png', ($level > 0) ? 'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_collapse_corner.png' : 'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_collapse_corner_first.png');
$tree_imgs = array('js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_split.png', 'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_split.png', 'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_corner.png', 'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_corner.png');
$new_code = array('1', '1', '0', '0');
# links
$edit_href_params = htmlspecialchars(sprintf('cmd=template_engine&server_id=%s&dn=%s',$this->server_id,$encoded_dn));
$edit_href = "cmd.php?$edit_href_params";
$openclose_params = htmlspecialchars(sprintf('server_id=%s&dn=%s&code=%s',$this->server_id,$encoded_dn,$code.$new_code[$nb]));
# each node has a unique id based on dn
$node_id = 'node'.base64_encode($ldapserver->server_id.'-'.$dn);
$node_id = str_replace('=','_',$node_id);
if ($level == 0)
printf('<tr><td class="spacer"></td><td colspan="%s">',$this->getDepth()+3-1);
printf('<div id="jt%s" class="treemenudiv">',$node_id);
echo $this->get_indentation($code);
if ($entry->isOpened()) {
if (! $child_count) {
echo '<img align="top" border="0" class="imgs" id="jt'.$node_id.'node" src="'.$tree_imgs[$nb].'" alt="--" />';
} else {
echo '<a href="#" onclick="return opencloseTreeNode(\''.$node_id.'\',\''.$openclose_params.'\');">';
echo '<img align="top" border="0" class="imgs" id="jt'.$node_id.'node" src="'.$collapse_imgs[$nb].'" alt="+-" />';
echo '</a>';
} else {
if (($child_count !== false) && (!$child_count)/* && (!$ldapserver->isShowCreateEnabled())*/) {
echo '<img align="top" border="0" class="imgs" id="jt'.$node_id.'node" src="'.$tree_imgs[$nb].'" alt="--" />';
} else {
echo '<a href="#" onclick="return opencloseTreeNode(\''.$node_id.'\',\''.$openclose_params.'\');">';
echo '<img align="top" border="0" class="imgs" id="jt'.$node_id.'node" src="'.$expand_imgs[$nb].'" alt="+-" />';
echo '</a>';
echo '<a href="'.$edit_href.'" onclick="return displayMainPage(\''.$edit_href_params.'\');" title="'.$dn.'" >';
2009-06-30 21:52:55 +10:00
printf('<img align="top" border="0" class="imgs" id="jt%sfolder" src="%s/%s" alt="->" />',$node_id,IMGDIR,$entry->getIcon($ldapserver));
2009-06-30 20:46:00 +10:00
echo '</a>';
echo ' ';
echo '<a href="'.$edit_href.'" onclick="return displayMainPage(\''.$edit_href_params.'\');" title="'.$dn.'" class="phplm">';
echo $formatted_dn;
echo ($child_count ? ' ('.$child_count.')' : '');
echo '</a>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div id="jt'.$node_id.'son" style="display: '.($entry->isOpened() ? 'block' : 'none').'" class="treemenudiv">';
if ($entry->isOpened()) {
echo '</div>';
if ($level == 0) {
echo '</td></tr>';
public function draw_children($parent_entry,$code) {
debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s)',33,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$parent_entry,$code);
$children = array();
foreach($parent_entry->getChildren() as $childDn)
$children[] = $this->getEntry($childDn);
$first_child = $this->get_plm_before_first_child($parent_entry,$code);
$last_child = $this->get_plm_after_last_child($parent_entry,$code);
2009-06-30 21:52:55 +10:00
# If compression is on, we need to compress this output - but only if called by draw_tree_node
if (function_exists('isCompress') && isCompress() && get_request('cmd','REQUEST') == 'draw_tree_node')
2009-06-30 20:46:00 +10:00
echo $first_child;
for ($i=0; $i<count($children); $i++) {
$first = ($i == 0) && (! $first_child);
$last = ($i == (count($children)-1)) && (! $last_child);
echo $last_child;
2009-06-30 21:52:55 +10:00
# If compression is on, we need to compress this output
if (function_exists('isCompress') && isCompress() && get_request('cmd','REQUEST') == 'draw_tree_node') {
$output = ob_get_clean();
echo gzencode($output);
2009-06-30 20:46:00 +10:00
* return the indentation bafore a node
* @param $code a string of 0 and 1 ; $code == "000101" will return " | |"
protected function get_indentation($code) {
$indent = '';
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($code); $i++) {
if ($code[$i] == '0') {
$indent .= '<img align="top" border="0" class="imgs" src="js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_space.png" alt=" " />';
} elseif ($code[$i] == '1') {
$indent .= '<img align="top" border="0" class="imgs" src="js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_vertline.png" alt="| " />';
return $indent;
protected function draw_javascript() {
echo '
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="js/phplayersmenu/libjs/layersmenu-browser_detection.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javaScript">
var collapsedNodes = new Array();
var nodeLayer = null;
var sonLayer = null;
var oldstyle = \'\';
var newstyle = \'\';
var oldimg = \'\';
var newimg = \'\';
function readCollapsedNodes() {
collapsedNodes = new Array();
cn = document.cookie.split(\'collapsedNodes=\');
if (cn.length < 2) return;
vl = cn[1];
if (vl.indexOf(\';\') != -1) {
vl = vl.split(\';\');
vl = vl[0];
if (vl) {
collapsed = vl.split(\'|\');
for (i = 0; i < collapsed.length; i++) {
collapsedNodes[i] = collapsed[i];
function writeCollapsedNodes() {
document.cookie = \'collapsedNodes=\' + collapsedNodes.join(\'|\') + \';path=/\';
function addCollapsedNode(nodeId) {
for (i = 0; i < collapsedNodes.length; i++) {
if (collapsedNodes[i] == nodeId) return;
collapsedNodes[collapsedNodes.length] = nodeId;
function delCollapsedNode(nodeId) {
newCollapsedNodes = new Array();
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < collapsedNodes.length; i++) {
if (collapsedNodes[i] != nodeId) {
newCollapsedNodes[j++] = collapsedNodes[i];
collapsedNodes = newCollapsedNodes;
function updateNewStyle() {
nodeLayer.src = newimg;
sonLayer.style.display = newstyle;
function cancelNewStyle() {
nodeLayer.src = oldimg;
sonLayer.style.display = oldstyle;
function alertTreeNodeContents(html) {
if (html.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, \'\')) {
includeHTML(sonLayer, html);
function opencloseTreeNode(nodeid, params) {
cancelHttpRequest(); // cancel last request
// get the node element
if ((!DOM || Opera56 || Konqueror22) && !IE4) return;
if (!IE4) {
sonLayer = document.getElementById(\'jt\' + nodeid + \'son\');
nodeLayer = document.getElementById(\'jt\' + nodeid + \'node\');
//folderLayer = document.getElementById(\'jt\' + nodeid + \'folder\');
} else {
sonLayer = document.all(\'jt\' + nodeid + \'son\');
nodeLayer = document.all(\'jt\' + nodeid + \'node\');
//folderLayer = document.all(\'jt\' + nodeid + \'folder\');
if (!sonLayer || !nodeLayer) return false;
// update global variables
oldstyle = sonLayer.style.display;
oldimg = nodeLayer.src;
var action = 0; // (action = 1) => expand ; (action = 2) => collapse
if (oldimg.indexOf(\'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_expand.png\') > -1) {
newimg = \'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_collapse.png\';
action = 1;
} else if (oldimg.indexOf(\'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_expand_first.png\') > -1) {
newimg = \'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_collapse_first.png\';
action = 1;
} else if (oldimg.indexOf(\'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_expand_corner.png\') > -1) {
newimg = \'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_collapse_corner.png\';
action = 1;
} else if (oldimg.indexOf(\'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_expand_corner_first.png\') > -1) {
newimg = \'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_collapse_corner_first.png\';
action = 1;
} else if (oldimg.indexOf(\'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_collapse.png\') > -1) {
newimg = \'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_expand.png\';
action = 2;
} else if (oldimg.indexOf(\'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_collapse_first.png\') > -1) {
newimg = \'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_expand_first.png\';
action = 2;
} else if (oldimg.indexOf(\'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_collapse_corner.png\') > -1) {
newimg = \'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_expand_corner.png\';
action = 2;
} else if (oldimg.indexOf(\'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_collapse_corner_first.png\') > -1) {
newimg = \'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_expand_corner_first.png\';
action = 2;
//folderLayer.src = \'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_folder_open.png\';
//folderLayer.src = \'js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_folder_closed.png\';
2009-06-30 21:52:55 +10:00
nodeLayer.src = \''.IMGDIR.'ajax-spinner.gif\';
2009-06-30 20:46:00 +10:00
// perform action
if (action == 2) {
newstyle = \'none\';
//makeGETRequest(\'cmd.php\', params+\'&cmd=draw_tree_node&action=0\', \'alertTreeNodeContents\', \'cancelNewStyle\');
} else if (action == 1) {
newstyle = \'block\';
if (sonLayer.innerHTML == \'\') {
makeGETRequest(\'cmd.php\', params+\'&cmd=draw_tree_node&action=1\', \'alertTreeNodeContents\', \'cancelNewStyle\');
} else {
//makeGETRequest(\'cmd.php\', params+\'&cmd=draw_tree_node&action=2\', \'alertTreeNodeContents\', \'cancelNewStyle\');
return false;
function getMainPageDiv() {
if (!IE4) {
return document.getElementById(\'main_page\');
} else {
return document.all(\'main_page\');
function alertMainPage(html) {
var mainPageDiv = getMainPageDiv();
if (mainPageDiv) includeHTML(mainPageDiv, html);
function cancelMainPage() {
var mainPageDiv = getMainPageDiv();
if (mainPageDiv) includeHTML(mainPageDiv, \'\');
function displayMainPage(urlParameters) {
var mainPageDiv = getMainPageDiv();
2009-06-30 21:52:55 +10:00
if (mainPageDiv) includeHTML(mainPageDiv, \'<img src="'.IMGDIR.'ajax-progress.gif"><br><small>'._('Retrieving DN').'...<\/small>\');
2009-06-30 20:46:00 +10:00
makeGETRequest(\'cmd.php\', urlParameters+\'&meth=get_body\', \'alertMainPage\', \'cancelMainPage\');
return false;
// close initial collapsed nodes
for (k = 0; k < collapsedNodes.length; k++) {
opencloseTreeNode(collapsedNodes[k], \'#\');
// -->
protected function get_plm_before_first_child($entry,$level) {
if (strlen($level) == 0) return '';
$ldapserver = $this->getLdapServer();
$output = '';
if (!$ldapserver->isReadOnly() && ($entry->getChildrenNumber() > 10) && ($ldapserver->isShowCreateEnabled())) {
$encoded_dn = rawurlencode($entry->getDn());
$href = sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=template_engine&server_id=%s&container=%s',$ldapserver->server_id,$encoded_dn);
$output .= $this->get_indentation($level);
$output .= '<img align="top" border="0" class="imgs" src="js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_split.png" alt="--" />';
$output .= '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($href).'" title="'.$entry->getDn().'">';
2009-06-30 21:52:55 +10:00
$output .= sprintf('<img align="top" border="0" class="imgs" src="%s/star.png" alt="->" />',IMGDIR);
2009-06-30 20:46:00 +10:00
$output .= '</a>';
$output .= ' ';
$output .= '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($href).'" title="'._('Create new entry here').'" class="phplm">';
$output .= _('Create new entry here');
$output .= '</a>';
return $output;
protected function get_plm_after_last_child($entry,$level) {
if (strlen($level) == 0) return '';
$ldapserver = $this->getLdapServer();
$output = '';
if (!$ldapserver->isReadOnly() && !$entry->isLeaf() && $ldapserver->isShowCreateEnabled()) {
$encoded_dn = rawurlencode($entry->getDn());
$href = sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=template_engine&server_id=%s&container=%s',$ldapserver->server_id,$encoded_dn);
$output .= $this->get_indentation($level);
$output .= '<img align="top" border="0" class="imgs" src="js/phplayersmenu/menuimages/tree_corner.png" alt="--" />';
$output .= '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($href).'" title="'.$entry->getDn().'">';
2009-06-30 21:52:55 +10:00
$output .= sprintf('<img align="top" border="0" class="imgs" src="%s/star.png" alt="->" />',IMGDIR);
2009-06-30 20:46:00 +10:00
$output .= '</a>';
$output .= ' ';
$output .= '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($href).'" title="'._('Create new entry here').'" class="phplm">';
$output .= _('Create new entry here');
$output .= '</a>';
return $output;