echo "Incomplete or Erroneous Language Files
include realpath( 'lang/en.php' );
$english_lang = $lang;
unset( $lang );
$lang_dir = realpath( 'lang' );
$dir = opendir( $lang_dir );
while( ( $file = readdir( $dir ) ) !== false ) {
if( ! preg_match( "/\.php$/", $file ) )
if( $file == 'en.php' // is the mother of all language-files
|| $file == 'auto.php' // and ignore auto.php
echo "$file
echo "";
unset( $lang );
$lang = array();
include realpath( $lang_dir.'/'.$file );
$has_errors = false;
foreach( $english_lang as $key => $string )
if( ! isset( $lang[ $key ] ) ) {
$has_errors = true;
echo "- missing entry: $key
foreach( $lang as $key => $string )
if( ! isset( $english_lang[ $key ] ) ){
$has_errors = true;
echo "- extra entry: $key
if( ! $has_errors )
echo "(No errors)";
echo "
echo "