getAttributes(); $rdn_attr = $entry->getRdnAttribute(); echo ' '; printf(' %s%s','RDN',_(':')); echo ''; } protected function drawDefaultCreatingEntryShownAttributes($entry) { $attrs = array(); // put required attributes first foreach ($this->shown_attributes as $sa) { if ($sa->isRequired()) $attrs[] = $sa; } foreach ($this->shown_attributes as $sa) { if (!$sa->isRequired()) $attrs[] = $sa; } $has_required_attrs = false; $has_optional_attrs = false; foreach ($attrs as $attr) { if ($attr->isRequired()) { if (!$has_required_attrs) { echo ' '; $has_required_attrs = true; } } else { if (!$has_optional_attrs) { if (!$has_required_attrs) { // no required attributes } echo ' '; $has_optional_attrs = true; } } $this->draw('', $attr); echo "\n"; } if (!$has_optional_attrs) { // no optional attributes } } public function drawDefaultCreatingEntryStepFormSubmitButton($entry, $step) { echo ' '; if ($step == 1) { echo '
'; printf('', _('Proceed >>')); echo '
'; } else { echo '
'; printf('', _('Create Object')); echo '
'; } } /*******************************/ /* Paint a DefaultEditingEntry */ /*******************************/ protected function drawDefaultEditingEntryInternalAttributes($entry) { $counter = 0; echo ' '; foreach ($this->internal_attributes as $attr) { $this->draw('', $attr); $counter++; echo "\n"; } if ($counter == 0) { echo '('; echo _('No internal attributes'); echo ')'; } } protected function drawDefaultEditingEntryShownAttributes($entry) { echo ' '; parent::drawDefaultEditingEntryShownAttributes($entry); } protected function drawDefaultEditingEntryFormSubmitButton($entry) { echo ' '; echo '
'; } /*********************************/ /* Paint a TemplateCreatingEntry */ /*********************************/ protected function drawTemplateCreatingEntryShownAttributes($entry) { if ($entry->getSelectedTemplateName()) { echo ' '; } parent::drawTemplateCreatingEntryShownAttributes($entry); } /********************************/ /* Paint a TemplateEditingEntry */ /********************************/ protected function drawTemplateEditingEntryShownAttributes($entry) { echo ' '; parent::drawTemplateEditingEntryShownAttributes($entry); } /**************************/ /* Paint an Attribute */ /**************************/ protected function drawAttribute($attribute) { if ($attribute->isVisible()) { if (($this->context == ENTRY_WRITER_EDITING_CONTEXT) && $attribute->hasBeenModified()) { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } $this->draw('Informations', $attribute); } $this->draw('Values', $attribute); if ($attribute->isVisible()) { echo ''; if (($this->context == ENTRY_WRITER_EDITING_CONTEXT) && $attribute->hasBeenModified()) { //echo ''; } if ($attribute->hasProperty('spacer') && $attribute->getProperty('spacer')) { echo ' '; } } } protected function drawAttributeInformations($attribute) { echo ''; $this->draw('Icon', $attribute, ''); echo ''; echo ''; $this->draw('Name', $attribute); echo _(':'); echo '
'; if ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->GetValue('appearance', 'show_attribute_notes')) { $this->draw('Notes', $attribute); } echo ''; } protected function drawAttributeNotes($attribute) { $attr_note = ''; $alias_note = $this->get('AliasNote', $attribute); if ($alias_note) { if (trim($attr_note)) $attr_note .= ', '; $attr_note .= $alias_note; } $required_note = $this->get('RequiredNote', $attribute); if ($required_note) { if (trim($attr_note)) $attr_note .= ', '; $attr_note .= $required_note; } $rdn_note = $this->get('RdnNote', $attribute); if ($rdn_note) { if (trim($attr_note)) $attr_note .= ', '; $attr_note .= $rdn_note; } if ($attr_note) printf('%s', $attr_note); if ($attribute->isReadOnly() && $this->ldapserver->isAttrReadOnly($attribute->getName())) { printf('(%s)', _('This attribute has been flagged as read only by the phpLDAPadmin administrator'), _('read only')); } } protected function drawAttributeStartValueLine($attribute) { echo ''; } protected function drawAttributeEndValueLine($attribute) { echo ''; } protected function drawAttributeValue($attribute, $i) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s, %d)',1,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$attribute->getName(),$i); $val = $attribute->getValue($i); if (!is_string($val)) $val = ''; if ($attribute->isVisible()) { echo '
'; } $this->draw('OldValue', $attribute, $i); $this->draw('NewValue', $attribute, $i); if ($attribute->isVisible()) { echo ''; if (($i == 0) && $attribute->isRequired() && $attribute->getEntry() && !$attribute->getEntry()->isReadOnly()) { echo ' '; $this->draw('RequiredSymbol', $attribute); } echo '
'; } } protected function drawAttributeMenu($attribute) { if ($attribute->getHint() /*&& $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->GetValue('appearance', 'show_hints')*/) { echo 'Hint '.$attribute->getHint().''; } parent::drawAttributeMenu($attribute); } /***************************/ /* Paint a BinaryAttribute */ /***************************/ /***************************/ /* Paint a DateAttribute */ /***************************/ /***************************/ /* Paint a DnAttribute */ /***************************/ /***************************/ /* Paint a GidAttribute */ /***************************/ /***************************/ /* Paint a JpegAttribute */ /***************************/ /******************************/ /* Paint a MultiLineAttribute */ /******************************/ /********************************/ /* Paint a ObjectClassAttribute */ /********************************/ /*****************************/ /* Paint a PasswordAttribute */ /*****************************/ /***********************************/ /* Paint a RandomPasswordAttribute */ /***********************************/ /******************************/ /* Paint a SelectionAttribute */ /******************************/ /***************************/ /* Paint a ShadowAttribute */ /***************************/ } ?>