server_id = $server_id; } /** * Check if there is sufficent information to Authenticate to the LDAP server. * * Given a server, returns whether or not we have enough information * to authenticate against the server. For example, if the user specifies * auth_type of 'cookie' in the config for that server, it checks the $_COOKIE array to * see if the cookie username and password is set for the server. If the auth_type * is 'session', the $_SESSION array is checked. If the auth_type is 'http', the * $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] and $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] is checked. * * There are three cases for this function depending on the auth_type configured for * the specified server. If the auth_type is session or cookie or http, then getLoggedInDN() * is called to verify that the user has logged in. If the auth_type is config, then the * $ldapservers configuration in config.php is checked to ensure that the user has specified * login information. In any case, if phpLDAPadmin has enough information to login * to the server, true is returned. Otherwise false is returned. * * @return bool * @see getLoggedInDN */ function haveAuthInfo() { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) { debug_log('Entered with ()',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); debug_log('We are a (%s) auth_type',80,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$this->auth_type); } # Set default return $return = false; # For session or cookie auth_types, we check the session or cookie to see if a user has logged in. if (in_array($this->auth_type,array('session','cookie'))) { /* we don't look at getLoggedInPass() cause it may be null for anonymous binds * getLoggedInDN() will never return null if someone is really logged in. */ if ($this->getLoggedInDN()) $return = true; else $return = false; /* whether or not the login_dn or pass is specified, we return * true here. (if they are blank, we do an anonymous bind anyway) */ } elseif ($this->auth_type == 'http') { # This is temp, to avoid multiple displays of this message static $shown = false; if (! $this->getLoggedInDN() && ! $shown) { system_message(array( 'title'=>_('No HTTP AUTH information'), 'body'=>_('Your configuration file has authentication set to http_auth, however, there was none presented to phpLDAPadmin'), 'type'=>'error')); $shown = true; } if ($this->getLoggedInDN()) $return = true; else $return = false; } elseif ($this->auth_type == 'config') { $return = true; } else { error(sprintf(_('Error: You have an error in your config file. The only four allowed values for auth_type in the $servers section are \'http\', \'session\', \'cookie\', and \'config\'. You entered \'%s\', which is not allowed.'),htmlspecialchars($this->auth_type)),'error',null,true); } if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Returning (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$return); return $return; } /** * Connect to the LDAP server. * * @param bool $process_error Whether to call an error page, if the connection fails * @param bool $connect_id The ID for this connection * @param bool $reconnect Use a cached connetion, or create a new one. * @returns resource|false Connection resource to LDAP server, or false if no connection made. */ function connect($process_error=true,$connect_id='user',$reconnect=false,$readonly=true,$dn=null,$pass=null) { global $CACHE; if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s,%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, $process_error,$connect_id,$reconnect); # Quick return if we have already connected. if (isset($this->connection[$connect_id]['resource']) && ! $reconnect) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Returning CACHED connection resource [%s](%s)',16,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, $this->connection[$connect_id]['resource'],$connect_id); return $this->connection[$connect_id]['resource']; } # No identifiable connection exists, lest create a new one. if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Creating new connection [%s] for Server ID [%s]',16,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, $connect_id,$this->server_id); $this->connection[$connect_id]['resource'] = null; # Grab the AUTH INFO based on the auth_type for this server if ($connect_id == 'anonymous') { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('This IS an anonymous login',80,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_dn'] = null; $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_pass'] = null; } elseif ($this->auth_type == 'config') { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('This IS a "config" login',80,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); if (! $this->login_dn) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('No login_dn for CONFIG auth_type, so well do anonymous',80,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); $connect_id = 'anonymous'; } else { $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_dn'] = $this->login_dn; $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_pass'] = $this->login_pass; if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('CONFIG auth_type settings, DN [%s], PASS [%s]',80,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_dn'], $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_pass'] ? md5($this->connection[$connect_id]['login_pass']) : ''); } } elseif ($this->auth_type == 'http') { if (! $dn && ! $pass) $connect_id = 'anonymous'; else { $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_dn'] = $dn; $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_pass'] = $pass; } } else { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('This IS some other login',80,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); # Did we pass the dn/pass to this function? if ($dn) { $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_dn'] = $dn; $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_pass'] = $pass; if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Login settings were passed to this function, DN [%s], PASS [%s]',80,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_dn'], $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_pass'] ? md5($this->connection[$connect_id]['login_pass']) : ''); # Was this an anonyous bind (the cookie stores 0 if so)? } elseif ($this->getLoggedInDN() == 'anonymous') { $connect_id = 'anonymous'; $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_dn'] = null; $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_pass'] = null; if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Already logged in as anonymous',80,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); } else { $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_dn'] = $this->getLoggedInDN(); $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_pass'] = $this->getLoggedInPass(); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Already logged in as DN [%s], PASS [%s]',80,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_dn'], $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_pass'] ? md5($this->connection[$connect_id]['login_pass']) : ''); } } # Work out if we are doing a SASL AUTH if ($this->sasl_auth) { $this->connection[$connect_id]['sasl_auth'] = true; $this->connection[$connect_id]['sasl_mech'] = $this->sasl_mech; $this->connection[$connect_id]['sasl_realm'] = $this->sasl_realm; $this->connection[$connect_id]['sasl_authz_id'] = $this->sasl_authz_id; $this->connection[$connect_id]['sasl_authz_id_regex'] = $this->sasl_authz_id_regex; $this->connection[$connect_id]['sasl_authz_id_replacement'] = $this->sasl_authz_id_replacement; $this->connection[$connect_id]['sasl_props'] = $this->sasl_props; } else { $this->connection[$connect_id]['sasl_auth'] = false; } if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Summary config settings, DN [%s], PASS [%s]',80,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_dn'], $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_pass'] ? md5($this->connection[$connect_id]['login_pass']) : ''); # Test if we have info to login. if ($connect_id != 'anonymous' && ! $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_dn'] && ! $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_pass']) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('We dont have enough auth info for server [%s]',80,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$this->server_id); return false; } # If we get here, we need to login - now figure out which server. if (! $readonly) { $host = $this->hostwr ? $this->hostwr : $this->host; $port = $this->hostwr && $this->portwr ? $this->portwr : $this->port; $connect_id = 'write'; } else { $host = $this->host; $port = $this->port; } # Our connect_id may have changed, lets just check and see if we have already connected. if (isset($this->connection[$connect_id]['resource']) && ! $reconnect) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Returning CACHED connection resource [%s](%s)',16,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, $this->connection[$connect_id]['resource'],$connect_id); return $this->connection[$connect_id]['resource']; } run_hook('pre_connect',array('server_id'=>$this->server_id,'connect_id'=>$connect_id)); if ($port) $resource = @ldap_connect($host,$port); else $resource = @ldap_connect($host); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('LDAP Resource [%s], Host [%s], Port [%s]',16,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, $resource,$host,$port); # Go with LDAP version 3 if possible (needed for renaming and Novell schema fetching) @ldap_set_option($resource,LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION,3); /* Disabling this makes it possible to browse the tree for Active Directory, and seems * to not affect other LDAP servers (tested with OpenLDAP) as phpLDAPadmin explicitly * specifies deref behavior for each ldap_search operation. */ @ldap_set_option($resource,LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS,0); # Try to fire up TLS is specified in the config if ($this->isTLSEnabled()) { function_exists('ldap_start_tls') or error(_('Your PHP install does not support TLS.'),'error'); @ldap_start_tls($resource) or error(_('Could not start TLS. Please check your LDAP server configuration.'),'error',null,true); } $bind_result = false; /** * Implementation of SASL ldap_bind() * This option requires PHP 5.x compiled with --with-ldap-sasl=DIR */ if (isset($this->connection[$connect_id]['sasl_auth']) && $this->connection[$connect_id]['sasl_auth'] == true) { # No support for ldap_sasl_bind? if (! function_exists('ldap_sasl_bind')) error(_('Your PHP installation does not support ldap_sasl_bind() function. This function is present in PHP 5.x when compiled with --with-ldap-sasl.'),'error'); # Fill variables $props = $this->connection[$connect_id]['sasl_props']; $mech = $this->connection[$connect_id]['sasl_mech']; $realm = $this->connection[$connect_id]['sasl_realm']; $authz_id = null; if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Resource [%s], Using SASL bind method. Bind DN [%s]',9,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, $resource,$this->connection[$connect_id]['login_dn']); # do we need to rewrite authz_id? if (isset($this->connection[$connect_id]['sasl_authz_id']) && strlen($this->connection[$connect_id]['sasl_authz_id']) > 0) $authz_id = $this->connection[$connect_id]['sasl_authz_id']; else { # ok, here we go if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Resource [%s], Rewriting bind DN [%s] -> authz_id with regex [%s] and replacement [%s].',9,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, $resource,$this->connection[$connect_id]['login_dn'], $this->connection[$connect_id]['sasl_authz_id_regex'], $this->connection[$connect_id]['sasl_authz_id_replacement']); $authz_id = @preg_replace($this->connection[$connect_id]['sasl_authz_id_regex'], $this->connection[$connect_id]['sasl_authz_id_replacement'], $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_dn']); # invalid regex? if (is_null($authz_id)) { error(sprintf(_('It seems that sasl_authz_id_regex "%s"." contains invalid PCRE regular expression.'), $this->connection[$connect_id]['sasl_authz_id_regex']).((isset($php_errormsg)) ? ' Error message: '.$php_errormsg : '') ,'error','index.php'); } } if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Resource [%s], SASL OPTIONS: mech [%s], realm [%s], authz_id [%s], props [%s]',9,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, $resource,$mech,$realm,$authz_id,$props); $bind_result = @ldap_sasl_bind($resource, $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_dn'],$this->connection[$connect_id]['login_pass'], $mech,$realm,$authz_id,$props); } else { $bind_result = @ldap_bind($resource,$this->connection[$connect_id]['login_dn'], $this->connection[$connect_id]['login_pass']); } if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Resource [%s], Bind Result [%s]',16,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$resource,$bind_result); if (! $bind_result) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Leaving with FALSE, bind FAILed',16,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); if ($process_error) { switch (ldap_errno($resource)) { case 0x31: error(_('Bad username or password. Please try again.'),'error'); break; case 0x32: error(_('Insufficient access rights.'),'error'); break; case -1: error(sprintf(_('Could not connect to "%s" on port "%s"'),$host,$port),'error'); break; default: error(sprintf(_('Could not bind to the LDAP server (%s).'),ldap_err2str($resource)),'error'); } } else { return false; } } if (is_resource($resource) && ($bind_result)) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Bind successful',16,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); $this->connection[$connect_id]['resource'] = $resource; } if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Leaving with Connect [%s], Resource [%s]',16,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, $connect_id,$this->connection[$connect_id]['resource']); if (isset($this->connection[$connect_id]['resource'])) return $this->connection[$connect_id]['resource']; else return false; } /** * Gets the root DN of the specified LDAPServer, or null if it * can't find it (ie, the server won't give it to us, or it isnt * specified in the configuration file). * * Tested with OpenLDAP 2.0, Netscape iPlanet, and Novell eDirectory 8.7 ( * Please report any and all bugs!! * * Please note: On FC systems, it seems that php_ldap uses /etc/openldap/ldap.conf in * the search base if it is blank - so edit that file and comment out the BASE line. * * @return array dn|null The root DN of the server on success (string) or null on error. * @todo Sort the entries, so that they are in the correct DN order. */ function getBaseDN() { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with ()',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); # Return the cached entry if we've been here before. if (! is_null($this->_baseDN)) { debug_log('Return CACHED BaseDN [%s]',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,implode('|',$this->_baseDN)); return $this->_baseDN; } if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Checking config for BaseDN',80,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); # If the base is set in the configuration file, then just return that. if (count($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->ldapservers->GetValue($this->server_id,'server','base')) > 0) { $this->_baseDN = $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->ldapservers->GetValue($this->server_id,'server','base'); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Return BaseDN from Config [%s]',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,implode('|',$this->_baseDN)); return $this->_baseDN; # We need to figure it out. } else { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Connect to LDAP to find BaseDN',80,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); if ($this->connect()) { $r = $this->search(null,'','objectClass=*',array('namingContexts'),'base'); $r = array_pop($r); if (is_array($r)) $r = array_change_key_case($r); if (isset($r['namingcontexts'])) { if (! is_array($r['namingcontexts'])) $r['namingcontexts'] = array($r['namingcontexts']); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('LDAP Entries:%s',80,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,implode('|',$r['namingcontexts'])); $this->_baseDN = $r['namingcontexts']; return $this->_baseDN; } else { return array(''); } } else { return array(''); } } } /** * Returns true if the specified server is configured to be displayed * in read only mode. * * If a user has logged in via anonymous bind, and config.php specifies * * $config->custom->appearance['anonymous_bind_implies_read_only'] = true; * * then this also returns true. Servers can be configured read-only in * config.php thus: * * $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','read_only',false); * * * @return bool */ function isReadOnly() { # Set default return $return = false; if ($this->read_only == true) $return = true; elseif ($this->getLoggedInDN() === 'anonymous' && ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->GetValue('appearance','anonymous_bind_implies_read_only') === true)) $return = true; if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (), Returning (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$return); return $return; } /** * Returns true if the user has configured the specified server to enable mass deletion. * * Mass deletion is enabled in config.php this: * * $config->custom->commands['all'] = array('entry_delete' => array('mass_delete' => true)); * * Notice that mass deletes are not enabled on a per-server basis, but this * function checks that the server is not in a read-only state as well. * * @return bool */ function isMassDeleteEnabled() { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with ()',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); if ($this->connect(false) && $this->haveAuthInfo() && ! $this->isReadOnly() && $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('entry_delete', 'mass_delete')) return true; else return false; } /** * Gets whether the admin has configured phpLDAPadmin to show the "Create New" link in the tree viewer. * * $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'appearance','show_create','true|false'); * * If NOT set, then default to show the Create New item. * If IS set, then return the value (it should be true or false). * * The entry creation command must be available. * * $config->custom->commands['all'] = array('entry_create' => true); * * * @default true * @return bool True if the feature is enabled and false otherwise. */ function isShowCreateEnabled() { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with ()',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); if (! $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->isCommandAvailable('entry_create')) return false; else return $this->show_create; } /** * Fetch whether the user has configured a certain server as "low bandwidth". * * Users may choose to configure a server as "low bandwidth" in config.php thus: * * $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','low_bandwidth','true|false'); * * * @default false * @return bool */ function isLowBandwidth() { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with ()',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); return $this->low_bandwidth; } /** * Should this LDAP server be shown in the tree? * * * $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','visible','true|false'); * * * @default true * @return bool True if the feature is enabled and false otherwise. */ function isVisible() { if ($this->visible) $return = true; else $return = false; if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (), Returning (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$return); return $return; } /** * This function will query the ldap server and request the subSchemaSubEntry which should be the Schema DN. * * If we cant connect to the LDAP server, we'll return false. * If we can connect but cant get the entry, then we'll return null. * * @return array|false Schema if available, null if its not or false if we cant connect. */ function getSchemaDN($dn='') { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s)',25,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$dn); # If we already got the SchemaDN, then return it. if ($this->_schemaDN) return $this->_schemaDN; if (! $this->connect()) return false; $this->lastop = 'read'; $search = @ldap_read($this->connect(),$dn,'objectClass=*',array('subschemaSubentry')); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Search returned (%s)',24,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,is_resource($search)); # Fix for broken ldap.conf configuration. if (! $search && ! $dn) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Trying to find the DN for "broken" ldap.conf',80,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); if (isset($this->_baseDN)) { foreach ($this->_baseDN as $base) { $search = @ldap_read($this->connect(),$base,'objectClass=*',array('subschemaSubentry')); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Search returned (%s) for base (%s)',24,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, is_resource($search),$base); if ($search) break; } } } if (! $search) return null; if (! @ldap_count_entries($this->connect(),$search)) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Search returned 0 entries. Returning NULL',25,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); return null; } $entries = @ldap_get_entries($this->connect(),$search); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Search returned [%s]',24,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$entries); if (! $entries || ! is_array($entries)) return null; $entry = isset($entries[0]) ? $entries[0] : false; if (! $entry) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entry is false, Returning NULL',80,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); return null; } $sub_schema_sub_entry = isset($entry[0]) ? $entry[0] : false; if (! $sub_schema_sub_entry) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Sub Entry is false, Returning NULL',80,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); return null; } $this->_schemaDN = isset($entry[$sub_schema_sub_entry][0]) ? $entry[$sub_schema_sub_entry][0] : false; if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Returning (%s)',25,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$this->_schemaDN); return $this->_schemaDN; } /** * Fetches the raw schema array for the subschemaSubentry of the server. Note, * this function has grown many hairs to accomodate more LDAP servers. It is * needfully complicated as it now supports many popular LDAP servers that * don't necessarily expose their schema "the right way". * * Please note: On FC systems, it seems that php_ldap uses /etc/openldap/ldap.conf in * the search base if it is blank - so edit that file and comment out the BASE line. * * @param string $schema_to_fetch - A string indicating which type of schema to * fetch. Five valid values: 'objectclasses', 'attributetypes', * 'ldapsyntaxes', 'matchingruleuse', or 'matchingrules'. * Case insensitive. * @param dn $dn (optional) This paremeter is the DN of the entry whose schema you * would like to fetch. Entries have the option of specifying * their own subschemaSubentry that points to the DN of the system * schema entry which applies to this attribute. If unspecified, * this will try to retrieve the schema from the RootDSE subschemaSubentry. * Failing that, we use some commonly known schema DNs. Default * value is the Root DSE DN (zero-length string) * @return array an array of strings of this form: * Array ( * [0] => "( NAME 'gidPool' DESC 'Pool ... * [1] => "( NAME 'sambaAccount' DESC 'Sa ... * etc. */ function getRawSchema($schema_to_fetch,$dn='') { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s)',25,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$schema_to_fetch,$dn); $valid_schema_to_fetch = array('objectclasses','attributetypes','ldapsyntaxes','matchingrules','matchingruleuse'); if (! $this->connect()) return false; # error checking $schema_to_fetch = strtolower($schema_to_fetch); if (!is_null($this->_schema_entries) && isset($this->_schema_entries[$schema_to_fetch])) { $schema = $this->_schema_entries[$schema_to_fetch]; if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Returning CACHED (%s)',25,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$schema); return $schema; } # This error message is not localized as only developers should ever see it if (! in_array($schema_to_fetch,$valid_schema_to_fetch)) error(sprintf('Bad parameter provided to function to %s::getRawSchema(). "%s" is not valid for the schema_to_fetch parameter.', get_class($this),htmlspecialchars($schema_to_fetch)),'error','index.php'); # Try to get the schema DN from the specified entry. $schema_dn = $this->getSchemaDN($dn); # Do we need to try again with the Root DSE? if (! $schema_dn) $schema_dn = $this->getSchemaDN(''); # Store the eventual schema retrieval in $schema_search $schema_search = null; if ($schema_dn) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Using Schema DN (%s)',24,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$schema_dn); foreach (array('(objectClass=*)','(objectClass=subschema)') as $schema_filter) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Looking for schema with Filter (%s)',24,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$schema_filter); $schema_search = @ldap_read($this->connect(),$schema_dn,$schema_filter,array($schema_to_fetch),0,0,0,LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS); if (is_null($schema_search)) continue; $schema_entries = @ldap_get_entries($this->connect(),$schema_search); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Search returned [%s]',24,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$schema_entries); if (is_array($schema_entries) && isset($schema_entries['count']) && $schema_entries['count']) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Found schema with (DN:%s) (FILTER:%s) (ATTR:%s)',24,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, $schema_dn,$schema_filter,$schema_to_fetch); break; } if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Didnt find schema with filter (%s)',24,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$schema_filter); unset($schema_entries); $schema_search = null; } } /* Second chance: If the DN or Root DSE didn't give us the subschemaSubentry, ie $schema_search * is still null, use some common subSchemaSubentry DNs as a work-around. */ if (is_null($schema_search)) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Attempting work-arounds for "broken" LDAP servers...',24,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); foreach ($this->getBaseDN() as $base) { $ldap['W2K3 AD'][expand_dn_with_base($base,'cn=Aggregate,cn=Schema,cn=configuration,')] = '(objectClass=*)'; $ldap['W2K AD'][expand_dn_with_base($base,'cn=Schema,cn=configuration,')] = '(objectClass=*)'; $ldap['W2K AD'][expand_dn_with_base($base,'cn=Schema,ou=Admin,')] = '(objectClass=*)'; } # OpenLDAP and Novell $ldap['OpenLDAP']['cn=subschema'] = '(objectClass=*)'; foreach ($ldap as $ldap_server_name => $ldap_options) { foreach ($ldap_options as $ldap_dn => $ldap_filter) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Attempting [%s] (%s) (%s)
',24,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, $ldap_server_name,$ldap_dn,$ldap_filter); $schema_search = @ldap_read($this->connect(),$ldap_dn,$ldap_filter, array($schema_to_fetch), 0, 0, 0, LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS); if (is_null($schema_search)) continue; $schema_entries = @ldap_get_entries($this->connect(),$schema_search); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Search returned [%s]',24,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$schema_entries); if ($schema_entries && isset($schema_entries[0][$schema_to_fetch])) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Found schema with filter of (%s)',24,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$ldap_filter); break; } if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Didnt find schema with filter (%s)',24,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$ldap_filter); unset($schema_entries); $schema_search = null; } if ($schema_search) break; } } if (is_null($schema_search)) { /* Still cant find the schema, try with the RootDSE * Attempt to pull schema from Root DSE with scope "base", or * Attempt to pull schema from Root DSE with scope "one" (work-around for Isode M-Vault X.500/LDAP) */ foreach (array('base','one') as $ldap_scope) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Attempting to find schema with scope (%s), filter (objectClass=*) and a blank base.',24,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, $ldap_scope); switch ($ldap_scope) { case 'base': $schema_search = @ldap_read($this->connect(),'','(objectClass=*)',array($schema_to_fetch),0,0,0,LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS); break; case 'one': $schema_search = @ldap_list($this->connect(),'','(objectClass=*)',array($schema_to_fetch),0,0,0,LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS); break; } if (is_null($schema_search)) continue; $schema_entries = @ldap_get_entries($this->connect(),$schema_search); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Search returned [%s]',24,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$schema_entries); if ($schema_entries && isset($schema_entries[0][$schema_to_fetch])) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Found schema with filter of (%s)',24,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,'(objectClass=*)'); break; } if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Didnt find schema with filter (%s)',24,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,'(objectClass=*)'); unset($schema_entries); $schema_search = null; } } $schema_error_message = 'Please contact the phpLDAPadmin developers and let them know:
We\'ll then add support for your LDAP server in an upcoming release.'; $schema_error_message_array = array('objectclasses','attributetypes'); # Shall we just give up? if (is_null($schema_search)) { # We need to have objectclasses and attribues, so display an error, asking the user to get us this information. if (in_array($schema_to_fetch,$schema_error_message_array)) { error(sprintf('Our attempts to find your SCHEMA for "%s" have FAILED.

%s',$schema_to_fetch,$schema_error_message),'error','index.php'); } else { $return = false; if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Returning because schema_search is NULL (%s)',25,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$return); return $return; } } # Did we get something unrecognizable? if (gettype($schema_search) != 'resource') { if (in_array($schema_to_fetch,$schema_error_message_array)) { error(sprintf('Our attempts to find your SCHEMA for "%s" has return UNEXPECTED results.

(We expected a "resource" for $schema_search, instead, we got (%s))


Dump of $schema_search:
', $schema_to_fetch,gettype($schema_search),$schema_error_message,serialize($schema_search)),'error','index.php'); } else { $return = false; if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Returning because schema_search type is not a resource (%s)',25,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$return); return $return; } } if (! $schema_entries) { $return = false; if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Returning false since ldap_get_entries() returned false.',25,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$return); return $return; } if(! isset($schema_entries[0][$schema_to_fetch])) { if (in_array($schema_to_fetch,$schema_error_message_array)) { error(sprintf('Our attempts to find your SCHEMA for "%s" has return UNEXPECTED results.

(We expected a "%s" in the $schema array but it wasnt there.)


Dump of $schema_search:
', $schema_to_fetch,gettype($schema_search),$schema_error_message,serialize($schema_entries)),'error','index.php'); } else { $return = false; if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Returning because (%s) isnt in the schema array. (%s)',25,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$schema_to_fetch,$return); return $return; } } /* Make a nice array of this form: Array ( [0] => "( NAME 'gidPool' DESC 'Pool ...)" [1] => "( NAME 'sambaAccount' DESC 'Sa ...)" etc.) */ $schema = $schema_entries[0][$schema_to_fetch]; unset($schema['count']); $this->_schema_entries[$schema_to_fetch] = $schema; if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Returning (%s)',25,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$schema); return $schema; } /** * Return the attribute used for login */ function getLoginAttr() { return $this->login_attr; } /** * Fetches whether the login_attr feature is enabled for a specified server. * * This is configured in config.php thus: * * $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'login','attr',''); * * * By virtue of the fact that the login_attr is not blank and not 'dn', the * feature is configured to be enabled. * * @default uid * @return bool */ function isLoginAttrEnabled() { if ((strcasecmp($this->getLoginAttr(),'dn') != 0) && trim($this->getLoginAttr())) $return = true; else $return = false; if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (), Returning (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$return); return $return; } /** * Fetches whether the login_attr feature is enabled for a specified server. * * This is configured in config.php thus: * * $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'login','attr','string'); * * * @return bool */ function isLoginStringEnabled() { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('login_attr is [%s]',80,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$this->getLoginAttr()); if (! strcasecmp($this->getLoginAttr(),'string')) $return = true; else $return = false; if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (), Returning (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$return); return $return; } /** * Fetches the login_attr string if enabled for a specified server. * * This is configured in config.php thus: * * $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'login','login_string','uid=,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com'); * * * @return string|false */ function getLoginString() { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with ()',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); return $this->login_string; } /** * Fetch whether the user has configured a certain server login to be non anonymous * * * $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'login','anon_bind','true|false'); * * * @default true * @return bool */ function isAnonBindAllowed() { # If only_login_allowed_dns is set, then we cant have anonymous. if (count($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->ldapservers->GetValue($this->server_id,'login','allowed_dns')) > 0) $return = false; else $return = $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->ldapservers->GetValue($this->server_id,'login','anon_bind'); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (), Returning (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$return); return $return; } /** * Fetches whether TLS has been configured for use with a certain server. * * Users may configure phpLDAPadmin to use TLS in config,php thus: * * $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'login','tls','true|false'); * * * @default false * @return bool */ function isTLSEnabled() { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with ()',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); return $this->tls; } /** * Returns true if the user has configured the specified server to enable branch (non-leaf) renames. * * This is configured in config.php thus: * * $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','branch_rename','true|false'); * * * @default false * @param int $server_id The ID of the server of interest from config.php. * @return bool */ function isBranchRenameEnabled() { debug_log('Entered with (), Returning (%s).',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$this->branch_rename); return $this->branch_rename; } /** * Gets an associative array of ObjectClass objects for the specified * server. Each array entry's key is the name of the objectClass * in lower-case and the value is an ObjectClass object. * * @param string $dn (optional) It is easier to fetch schema if a DN is provided * which defines the subschemaSubEntry attribute (all entries should). * * @return array An array of ObjectClass objects. * * @see ObjectClass * @see getSchemaObjectClass */ function SchemaObjectClasses($dn='') { debug_log('Entered with (%s)',25,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$dn); # Set default return $return = null; if ($return = get_cached_item($this->server_id,'schema','objectclasses')) { debug_log('Returning CACHED [%s] (%s)',25,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$this->server_id,'objectclasses'); return $return; } $raw_oclasses = $this->getRawSchema('objectclasses',$dn); if ($raw_oclasses) { # build the array of objectClasses $return = array(); foreach ($raw_oclasses as $class_string) { if (is_null($class_string) || ! strlen($class_string)) continue; $object_class = new ObjectClass($class_string,$this); $return[strtolower($object_class->getName())] = $object_class; } # Now go through and reference the parent/child relationships foreach ($return as $oclass) { foreach ($oclass->getSupClasses() as $parent_name) { if (isset($return[strtolower($parent_name)])) $return[strtolower($parent_name)]->addChildObjectClass($oclass->getName()); } } ksort($return); # cache the schema to prevent multiple schema fetches from LDAP server set_cached_item($this->server_id,'schema','objectclasses',$return); } debug_log('Returning (%s)',25,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$return); return $return; } /** * Gets a single ObjectClass object specified by name. * * @param string $oclass_name The name of the objectClass to fetch. * @param string $dn (optional) It is easier to fetch schema if a DN is provided * which defines the subschemaSubEntry attribute (all entries should). * * @return ObjectClass The specified ObjectClass object or false on error. * * @see ObjectClass * @see SchemaObjectClasses */ function getSchemaObjectClass($oclass_name,$dn='') { $oclass_name = strtolower($oclass_name); $oclasses = $this->SchemaObjectClasses($dn); # Default return value $return = false; if (isset($oclasses[$oclass_name])) $return = $oclasses[$oclass_name]; debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s), Returning (%s).',25,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$oclass_name,$dn,$return); return $return; } /** * Gets a single AttributeType object specified by name. * * @param string $oclass_name The name of the AttributeType to fetch. * @param string $dn (optional) It is easier to fetch schema if a DN is provided * which defines the subschemaSubEntry attribute (all entries should). * * @return AttributeType The specified AttributeType object or false on error. * * @see AttributeType * @see SchemaAttributes */ function getSchemaAttribute($attr_name,$dn=null) { $attr_name = real_attr_name(strtolower($attr_name)); $schema_attrs = $this->SchemaAttributes($dn); # Default return value $return = false; if (isset($schema_attrs[$attr_name])) $return = $schema_attrs[$attr_name]; debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s), Returning (%s).',25,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$attr_name,$dn,$return); return $return; } /** * Gets an associative array of AttributeType objects for the specified * server. Each array entry's key is the name of the attributeType * in lower-case and the value is an AttributeType object. * * @param int $server_id The ID of the server whose AttributeTypes to fetch * @param string $dn (optional) It is easier to fetch schema if a DN is provided * which defines the subschemaSubEntry attribute (all entries should). * * @return array An array of AttributeType objects. */ function SchemaAttributes($dn=null) { debug_log('Entered with (%s)',25,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$dn); # Set default return $return = null; if ($return = get_cached_item($this->server_id,'schema','attributes')) { debug_log('(): Returning CACHED [%s] (%s)',25,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$this->server_id,'attributes'); return $return; } $raw_attrs = $this->getRawSchema('attributeTypes',$dn); if ($raw_attrs) { # build the array of attribueTypes $syntaxes = $this->SchemaSyntaxes($dn); $attrs = array(); /** * bug 856832: create two arrays - one indexed by name (the standard * $attrs array above) and one indexed by oid (the new $attrs_oid array * below). This will help for directory servers, like IBM's, that use OIDs * in their attribute definitions of SUP, etc */ $attrs_oid = array(); foreach ($raw_attrs as $attr_string) { if (is_null($attr_string) || ! strlen($attr_string)) continue; $attr = new AttributeType($attr_string); if (isset($syntaxes[$attr->getSyntaxOID()])) { $syntax = $syntaxes[$attr->getSyntaxOID()]; $attr->setType($syntax->getDescription()); } $attrs[strtolower($attr->getName())] = $attr; /** * bug 856832: create an entry in the $attrs_oid array too. This * will be a ref to the $attrs entry for maintenance and performance * reasons */ $attrs_oid[$attr->getOID()] = &$attrs[strtolower($attr->getName())]; } # go back and add data from aliased attributeTypes foreach ($attrs as $name => $attr) { $aliases = $attr->getAliases(); if (is_array($aliases) && count($aliases) > 0) { /* foreach of the attribute's aliases, create a new entry in the attrs array * with its name set to the alias name, and all other data copied.*/ foreach ($aliases as $alias_attr_name) { $new_attr = clone $attr; $new_attr->setName($alias_attr_name); $new_attr->addAlias($attr->getName()); $new_attr->removeAlias($alias_attr_name); $new_attr_key = strtolower($alias_attr_name); $attrs[$new_attr_key] = $new_attr; } } } # go back and add any inherited descriptions from parent attributes (ie, cn inherits name) foreach ($attrs as $key => $attr) { $sup_attr_name = $attr->getSupAttribute(); $sup_attr = null; if (trim($sup_attr_name)) { /* This loop really should traverse infinite levels of inheritance (SUP) for attributeTypes, * but just in case we get carried away, stop at 100. This shouldn't happen, but for * some weird reason, we have had someone report that it has happened. Oh well.*/ $i = 0; while ($i++<100 /** 100 == INFINITY ;) */) { if (isset($attrs_oid[$sup_attr_name])) { $attr->setSupAttribute($attrs_oid[$sup_attr_name]->getName()); $sup_attr_name = $attr->getSupAttribute(); } if (! isset($attrs[strtolower($sup_attr_name)])){ error(sprintf('Schema error: attributeType "%s" inherits from "%s", but attributeType "%s" does not exist.', $attr->getName(),$sup_attr_name,$sup_attr_name),'error','index.php'); return; } $sup_attr = $attrs[strtolower($sup_attr_name)]; $sup_attr_name = $sup_attr->getSupAttribute(); # Does this superior attributeType not have a superior attributeType? if (is_null($sup_attr_name) || strlen(trim($sup_attr_name)) == 0) { /* Since this attribute's superior attribute does not have another superior * attribute, clone its properties for this attribute. Then, replace * those cloned values with those that can be explicitly set by the child * attribute attr). Save those few properties which the child can set here:*/ $tmp_name = $attr->getName(); $tmp_oid = $attr->getOID(); $tmp_sup = $attr->getSupAttribute(); $tmp_aliases = $attr->getAliases(); $tmp_single_val = $attr->getIsSingleValue(); $tmp_desc = $attr->getDescription(); /* clone the SUP attributeType and populate those values * that were set by the child attributeType */ $attr = clone $sup_attr; $attr->setOID($tmp_oid); $attr->setName($tmp_name); $attr->setSupAttribute($tmp_sup); $attr->setAliases($tmp_aliases); $attr->setDescription($tmp_desc); /* only overwrite the SINGLE-VALUE property if the child explicitly sets it * (note: All LDAP attributes default to multi-value if not explicitly set SINGLE-VALUE) */ if ($tmp_single_val) $attr->setIsSingleValue(true); /* replace this attribute in the attrs array now that we have populated new values therein */ $attrs[$key] = $attr; # very important: break out after we are done with this attribute $sup_attr_name = null; $sup_attr = null; break; } } } } ksort($attrs); # Add the used in and required_by values. $schema_object_classes = $this->SchemaObjectClasses(); if (! is_array($schema_object_classes)) return array(); foreach ($schema_object_classes as $object_class) { $must_attrs = $object_class->getMustAttrNames($schema_object_classes); $may_attrs = $object_class->getMayAttrNames($schema_object_classes); $oclass_attrs = array_unique(array_merge($must_attrs,$may_attrs)); # Add Used In. foreach ($oclass_attrs as $attr_name) { if (isset($attrs[strtolower($attr_name)])) $attrs[strtolower($attr_name)]->addUsedInObjectClass($object_class->getName()); else { #echo "Warning, attr not set: $attr_name
"; } } # Add Required By. foreach ($must_attrs as $attr_name) { if (isset($attrs[strtolower($attr_name)])) $attrs[strtolower($attr_name)]->addRequiredByObjectClass($object_class->getName()); else { #echo "Warning, attr not set: $attr_name
"; } } # Force May foreach ($object_class->force_may as $attr_name) { if (isset($attrs[strtolower($attr_name->name)])) $attrs[strtolower($attr_name->name)]->setForceMay(); else { #echo "Warning, attr not set: $attr_name
"; } } } $return = $attrs; # cache the schema to prevent multiple schema fetches from LDAP server set_cached_item($this->server_id,'schema','attributes',$return); } debug_log('Returning (%s)',25,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$return); return $return; } /** * Returns an array of MatchingRule objects for the specified server. * The key of each entry is the OID of the matching rule. */ function MatchingRules($dn=null) { # Set default return $return = null; if ($return = get_cached_item($this->server_id,'schema','matchingrules')) { debug_log('Returning CACHED [%s] (%s).',25,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$this->server_id,'matchingrules'); return $return; } # build the array of MatchingRule objects $raw_matching_rules = $this->getRawSchema('matchingRules',$dn); if ($raw_matching_rules) { $rules = array(); foreach ($raw_matching_rules as $rule_string) { if (is_null($rule_string) || 0 == strlen($rule_string)) continue; $rule = new MatchingRule($rule_string); $key = strtolower($rule->getName()); $rules[$key] = $rule; } ksort($rules); /* For each MatchingRuleUse entry, add the attributes who use it to the * MatchingRule in the $rules array.*/ $raw_matching_rule_use = $this->getRawSchema('matchingRuleUse'); if ($raw_matching_rule_use != false) { foreach ($raw_matching_rule_use as $rule_use_string) { if ($rule_use_string == null || 0 == strlen($rule_use_string)) continue; $rule_use = new MatchingRuleUse($rule_use_string); $key = strtolower($rule_use->getName()); if (isset($rules[$key])) $rules[$key]->setUsedByAttrs($rule_use->getUsedByAttrs()); } } else { /* No MatchingRuleUse entry in the subschema, so brute-forcing * the reverse-map for the "$rule->getUsedByAttrs()" data.*/ $attrs = $this->SchemaAttributes($dn); if (is_array($attrs)) foreach ($attrs as $attr) { $rule_key = strtolower($attr->getEquality()); if (isset($rules[$rule_key])) $rules[$rule_key]->addUsedByAttr($attr->getName()); } } $return = $rules; # cache the schema to prevent multiple schema fetches from LDAP server set_cached_item($this->server_id,'schema','matchingrules',$return); } debug_log('Entered with (%s), Returning (%s).',25,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$dn,$return); return $return; } /** * Returns an array of Syntax objects that this LDAP server uses mapped to * their descriptions. The key of each entry is the OID of the Syntax. */ function SchemaSyntaxes($dn=null) { # Set default return $return = null; if ($return = get_cached_item($this->server_id,'schema','syntaxes')) { debug_log('Returning CACHED [%s] (%s).',25,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$this->server_id,'syntaxes'); return $return; } $raw_syntaxes = $this->getRawSchema('ldapSyntaxes',$dn); if ($raw_syntaxes) { # build the array of attributes $return = array(); foreach ($raw_syntaxes as $syntax_string) { $syntax = new Syntax($syntax_string); $key = strtolower(trim($syntax->getOID())); if (! $key) continue; $return[$key] = $syntax; } ksort($return); # cache the schema to prevent multiple schema fetches from LDAP server set_cached_item($this->server_id,'schema','syntaxes',$return); } debug_log('Entered with (%s), Returning (%s).',25,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$dn,$return); return $return; } /** * Add objects * */ function add($dn,$entry_array) { $this->lastop = 'write'; foreach ($entry_array as $attr => $val) { $entry_array[$attr] = dn_unescape($val); } $result = @ldap_add($this->connect(true,$this->lastop,false,false),dn_escape($dn),$entry_array); if ($result) { $tree = get_cached_item($this->server_id,'tree'); $tree->addEntry($dn); set_cached_item($this->server_id,'tree','null',$tree); } return $result; } /** * Modify objects */ function modify($dn,$update_array) { $this->lastop = 'write'; return @ldap_modify($this->connect(true,$this->lastop,false,false),dn_escape($dn),$update_array); } /** * Modify attributes */ function attrModify($dn,$update_array) { $this->lastop = 'write'; return @ldap_mod_add($this->connect(true,$this->lastop,false,false),dn_escape($dn),$update_array); } function attrDelete($dn,$update_array) { $this->lastop = 'write'; return @ldap_mod_del($this->connect(true,$this->lastop,false,false),dn_escape($dn),$update_array); } function attrReplace($dn,$update_array) { $this->lastop = 'write'; return @ldap_mod_replace($this->connect(true,$this->lastop,false,false),dn_escape($dn),$update_array); } /** * Delete objects */ function delete($dn) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$dn); $this->lastop = 'write'; $result = @ldap_delete($this->connect(true,$this->lastop,false,false),dn_escape($dn)); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Delete Result (%s)',16,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$result); if ($result) { $tree = get_cached_item($this->server_id,'tree'); $tree->delEntry($dn); set_cached_item($this->server_id,'tree','null',$tree); } return $result; } /** * Rename objects * */ function rename($dn,$new_rdn,$container,$deleteoldrdn) { $this->lastop = 'write'; if (! @ldap_rename($this->connect(true,$this->lastop,false,false),$dn,$new_rdn,$container,$deleteoldrdn)) { system_message(array( 'title'=>_('Could not rename the entry.'), 'body'=>ldap_error_msg($this->error(),$this->errno()), 'type'=>'error')); } else { # Update the tree $tree = get_cached_item($this->server_id,'tree'); $newdn = sprintf('%s,%s',$new_rdn,$container); $tree->renameEntry($dn, $newdn); set_cached_item($this->server_id,'tree','null',$tree); return true; } } /** * Return error from last operation * @todo: This may not infact return the right error - especially if a different connect(params) were used. */ function error() { return ldap_error($this->connect(false,$this->lastop)); } /** * Return errno from last operation * @todo: This may not infact return the right error - especially if a different connect(params) were used. */ function errno() { return ldap_errno($this->connect(false,$this->lastop)); } /** * Gets whether an entry exists based on its DN. If the entry exists, * returns true. Otherwise returns false. * * If we are not aware of the dn, and a read results in a hit, then * we'll update the info for the tree. * * @param string $dn The DN of the entry of interest. * @return bool */ function dnExists($dn) { # Set default return $return = false; $this->lastop = 'read'; $tree = get_cached_item($this->server_id,'tree'); if (! $tree) $tree = Tree::getInstance($this->server_id); $entry_dn = $tree->getEntry($dn); if ($entry_dn) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Returning CACHED HIT (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$this->server_id,$dn); return true; } elseif ($tree->isMissed($dn)) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Returning CACHED MISS (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$this->server_id,$dn); return false; # We havent looked for this dn. } else { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Search for (%s) [%s]',16,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$this->server_id,$dn); # if the entry is not in the tree, we are doing a global search $search_result = @ldap_read($this->connect(false),dn_escape($dn),'objectClass=*',array('dn')); if ($search_result) { $num_entries = ldap_count_entries($this->connect(false),$search_result); if ($num_entries > 0) $return = true; else $return = false; } else { $return = false; } } if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s), Returning (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$this->server_id,$dn,$return); return $return; } /** * Gets a list of child entries for an entry. Given a DN, this function fetches the list of DNs of * child entries one level beneath the parent. For example, for the following tree: * * * dc=example,dc=com * ou=People * cn=Dave * cn=Fred * cn=Joe * ou=More People * cn=Mark * cn=Bob * * * Calling getContainerContents("ou=people,dc=example,dc=com") * would return the following list: * * * cn=Dave * cn=Fred * cn=Joe * ou=More People * * * @param string $dn The DN of the entry whose children to return. * @param int $size_limit (optional) The maximum number of entries to return. * If unspecified, no limit is applied to the number of entries in the returned. * @param string $filter (optional) An LDAP filter to apply when fetching children, example: "(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)" * @return array An array of DN strings listing the immediate children of the specified entry. */ function getContainerContents($dn,$size_limit=0,$filter='(objectClass=*)',$deref=LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s,%s,%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$dn,$size_limit,$filter,$deref); $return = array(); $search = $this->search(null,dn_escape($dn),$filter,array('dn'),'one',true,$deref,/*($size_limit > 0 ? $size_limit+1 : $size_limit)*/$size_limit); if ($search) { foreach ($search as $searchdn => $entry) { $child_dn = $entry['dn']; $return[] = $child_dn; } } if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Returning (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$return); return $return; } /** * A handy ldap searching function very similar to PHP's ldap_search() with the * following exceptions: Callers may specify a search scope and the return value * is an array containing the search results rather than an LDAP result resource. * * Example usage: * * $samba_users = $ldapserver->search(null,"ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", * "(&(objectClass=sambaAccount)(objectClass=posixAccount))", * array("uid","homeDirectory")); * print_r( $samba_users ); * * // prints (for example): * // Array ( * // [uid=jsmith,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com] => Array ( * // [dn] => "uid=jsmith,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" * // [uid] => "jsmith" * // [homeDirectory] => "\\server\jsmith" * // ) * // [uid=byoung,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com] => Array ( * // [dn] => "uid=byoung,ou=Samba,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" * // [uid] => "byoung" * // [homeDirectory] => "\\server\byoung" * // ) * // ) * * * WARNING: This function will use a lot of memory on large searches since the entire result set is * stored in a single array. For large searches, you should consider sing the less memory intensive * PHP LDAP API directly (ldap_search(), ldap_next_entry(), ldap_next_attribute(), etc). * * @param resource $resource If an existing LDAP results should be used. * @param string $filter The LDAP filter to use when searching (example: "(objectClass=*)") (see RFC 2254) * @param string $base_dn The DN of the base of search. * @param array $attrs An array of attributes to include in the search result (example: array( "objectClass", "uid", "sn" )). * @param string $scope The LDAP search scope. Must be one of "base", "one", or "sub". Standard LDAP search scope. * @param bool $sort_results Specify false to not sort results by DN * or true to have the returned array sorted by DN (uses ksort) * or an array of attribute names to sort by attribute values * @param int $deref When handling aliases or referrals, this specifies whether to follow referrals. Must be one of * LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS, LDAP_DEREF_NEVER, LDAP_DEREF_SEARCHING, or LDAP_DEREF_FINDING. See the PHP LDAP API for details. * @param int $size_limit Size limit for search */ function search($resource=null,$base_dn=null,$filter,$attrs=array(),$scope='sub',$sort_results=true,$deref=LDAP_DEREF_NEVER,$size_limit=0) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, is_resource($this),$base_dn,$filter,$attrs,$scope,$sort_results,$deref); $this->lastop = 'read'; # If we dont have a resource, we'll connect with default settings if (! is_resource($resource)) $resource = $this->connect(false); # If the baseDN is null, we'll just search the first DN. if (is_null($base_dn)) foreach ($this->getBaseDN() as $baseDN) { $base_dn = $baseDN; break; } if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('%s search PREPARE.',16,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$scope); switch ($scope) { case 'base': $search = @ldap_read($resource,$base_dn,$filter,$attrs,0,$size_limit,0,$deref); break; case 'one': $search = @ldap_list($resource,$base_dn,$filter,$attrs,0,$size_limit,0,$deref); break; case 'sub': default: $search = @ldap_search($resource,$base_dn,$filter,$attrs,0,$size_limit,0,$deref); break; } if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Search scope [%s] base [%s] filter [%s] attrs [%s] COMPLETE (%s).',16,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, $scope,$base_dn,$filter,$attrs,is_null($search)); if (! $search) return array(); $return = array(); # @todo: this needs to convert everything to lowercase to work. if (is_array($sort_results)) # we sort with the more important attribute (the first one) at the end for ($i = count($sort_results) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) if (($sort_results[$i] == 'dn') || in_array($sort_results[$i], $attrs)) ldap_sort($resource, $search, $sort_results[$i]); # Get the first entry identifier if ($entry_id = ldap_first_entry($resource,$search)) { # Iterate over the entries while ($entry_id) { # Get the distinguished name of the entry $dn = ldap_get_dn($resource,$entry_id); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Got DN [%s].',64,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$dn); $return[$dn]['dn'] = $dn; # Get the attributes of the entry $attrs = ldap_get_attributes($resource,$entry_id); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Got ATTRS [%s].',64,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$attrs); # Get the first attribute of the entry if ($attr = ldap_first_attribute($resource,$entry_id,$attrs)) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Processing First ATTR [%s].',64,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$attr); # Iterate over the attributes while ($attr) { /* It seems that OpenDS complains when you do a ldap_get_values on these attributes - we'll skip them as a workaround */ if (in_array($attr,array('isMemberOf'))) { $attr = ldap_next_attribute($resource,$entry_id,$attrs); continue; } if ($this->isAttrBinary($attr)) $values = ldap_get_values_len($resource,$entry_id,$attr); else $values = ldap_get_values($resource,$entry_id,$attr); # Get the number of values for this attribute $count = $values['count']; unset($values['count']); if ($count == 1) $return[$dn][$attr] = $values[0]; else $return[$dn][$attr] = $values; $attr = ldap_next_attribute($resource,$entry_id,$attrs); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Processing Next ATTR [%s].',64,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$attr); } # end while attr } $entry_id = ldap_next_entry($resource,$entry_id); } # End while entry_id } if (($sort_results === true) && is_array($return)) ksort($return); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Returning (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$return); return $return; } /** * Determines if an attribute's value can contain multiple lines. Attributes that fall * in this multi-line category may be configured in config.php. Hence, this function * accesses the global variable $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->custom->appearance['multi_line_attributes']; * * Usage example: * * if ($ldapserver->isMultiLineAttr('postalAddress')) * echo ""; * else * echo ""; * * * @param string $attr_name The name of the attribute of interestd (case insensivite) * @param string $val (optional) The current value of the attribute (speeds up the * process by searching for carriage returns already in the attribute value) * @return bool */ function isMultiLineAttr($attr_name,$val=null) { # Set default return $return = false; # First, check the optional val param for a \n or a \r if (! is_null($val) && (strpos($val,"\n") || strpos($val,"\r"))) $return = true; # Next, compare strictly by name first else foreach ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->GetValue('appearance','multi_line_attributes') as $multi_line_attr_name) if (strcasecmp($multi_line_attr_name,$attr_name) == 0) { $return = true; break; } # If unfound, compare by syntax OID if (! $return) { $schema_attr = $this->getSchemaAttribute($attr_name); if ($schema_attr) { $syntax_oid = $schema_attr->getSyntaxOID(); if ($syntax_oid) foreach ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->GetValue('appearance','multi_line_syntax_oids') as $multi_line_syntax_oid) if ($multi_line_syntax_oid == $syntax_oid) { $return = true; break; } } } if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s), Returning (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$attr_name,$val,$return); return $return; } /** * Returns true if the attribute specified is required to take as input a DN. * Some examples include 'distinguishedName', 'member' and 'uniqueMember'. * @param string $attr_name The name of the attribute of interest (case insensitive) * @return bool */ function isDNAttr($attr_name) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$attr_name); # Simple test first $dn_attrs = array('aliasedObjectName'); foreach ($dn_attrs as $dn_attr) if (strcasecmp($attr_name,$dn_attr) == 0) return true; # Now look at the schema OID $attr_schema = $this->getSchemaAttribute($attr_name); if (! $attr_schema) return false; $syntax_oid = $attr_schema->getSyntaxOID(); if ('' == $syntax_oid) return true; if ('' == $syntax_oid) return true; $syntaxes = $this->SchemaSyntaxes(); if (! isset($syntaxes[$syntax_oid])) return false; $syntax_desc = $syntaxes[ $syntax_oid ]->getDescription(); if (strpos(strtolower($syntax_desc),'distinguished name')) return true; return false; } /** * Responsible for setting two cookies/session-vars to indicate that a user has logged in, * one for the logged in DN and one for the logged in password. * * This function is only used if 'auth_type' is set to 'cookie' or 'session'. The values * written have the name "pla_login_dn_X" and "pla_login_pass_X" where X is the * ID of the server to which the user is attempting login. * * Note that as with all cookie/session operations this function must be called BEFORE * any output is sent to the browser. * * On success, true is returned. On failure, false is returned. * * @param string $dn The DN with which the user has logged in. * @param string $password The password of the user logged in. * @param bool $anon_bind Indicates that this is an anonymous bind such that * a password of "0" is stored. * @return bool * @see unsetLoginDN */ function setLoginDN($dn,$password,$anon_bind) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s,%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$dn,$password,$anon_bind); if (! $this->auth_type) return false; switch ($this->auth_type) { case 'cookie': $cookie_dn_name = sprintf('pla_login_dn_%s',$this->server_id); $cookie_pass_name = sprintf('pla_login_pass_%s',$this->server_id); # we set the cookie password to 0 for anonymous binds. if ($anon_bind) { $dn = 'anonymous'; $password = '0'; } $res1 = pla_set_cookie($cookie_dn_name,pla_blowfish_encrypt($dn)); $res2 = pla_set_cookie($cookie_pass_name,pla_blowfish_encrypt($password)); if ($res1 && $res2) return true; else return false; break; case 'session': $sess_var_dn_name = sprintf('pla_login_dn_%s',$this->server_id); $sess_var_pass_name = sprintf('pla_login_pass_%s',$this->server_id); # we set the cookie password to 0 for anonymous binds. if ($anon_bind) { $dn = 'anonymous'; $password = '0'; } $_SESSION[$sess_var_dn_name] = pla_blowfish_encrypt($dn); $_SESSION[$sess_var_pass_name] = pla_blowfish_encrypt($password); return true; break; default: error(sprintf(_('Unknown auth_type: %s'),htmlspecialchars($this->auth_type)),'error','index.php'); break; } } /** * Log a user out of the LDAP server. * * Removes the cookies/session-vars set by setLoginDN() * after a user logs out using "auth_type" of "session" or "cookie". * Returns true on success, false on failure. * * @return bool True on success, false on failure. * @see setLoginDN */ function unsetLoginDN() { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with ()',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); if (! $this->auth_type) return false; switch ($this->auth_type) { case 'cookie': $logged_in_dn = $this->getLoggedInDN(); if (! $logged_in_dn) return false; $logged_in_pass = $this->getLoggedInPass(); $anon_bind = $logged_in_dn == 'anonymous' ? true : false; # set cookie with expire time already passed to erase cookie from client $expire = time()-3600; $cookie_dn_name = sprintf('pla_login_dn_%s',$this->server_id); $cookie_pass_name = sprintf('pla_login_pass_%s',$this->server_id); if ($anon_bind) { $res1 = pla_set_cookie($cookie_dn_name,'anonymous',$expire); $res2 = pla_set_cookie($cookie_pass_name,'0',$expire); } else { $res1 = pla_set_cookie($cookie_dn_name,pla_blowfish_encrypt($logged_in_dn),$expire); $res2 = pla_set_cookie($cookie_pass_name,pla_blowfish_encrypt($logged_in_pass),$expire); } # Need to unset the cookies too, since they are still set if further processing occurs (eg: Timeout) unset($_COOKIE[$cookie_dn_name]); unset($_COOKIE[$cookie_pass_name]); if (! $res1 || ! $res2) return false; else return true; break; case 'session': # unset session variables $session_var_dn_name = sprintf('pla_login_dn_%s',$this->server_id); $session_var_pass_name = sprintf('pla_login_pass_%s',$this->server_id); if (array_key_exists($session_var_dn_name,$_SESSION)) unset($_SESSION[$session_var_dn_name]); if (array_key_exists($session_var_pass_name,$_SESSION)) unset($_SESSION[$session_var_pass_name]); return true; break; default: error(sprintf(_('Unknown auth_type: %s'),htmlspecialchars($auth_type)),'error','index.php'); break; } } /** * Used to determine if the specified attribute is indeed a jpegPhoto. If the * specified attribute is one that houses jpeg data, true is returned. Otherwise * this function returns false. * * @param string $attr_name The name of the attribute to test. * @return bool * @see draw_jpeg_photos */ function isJpegPhoto($attr_name) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$attr_name); # easy quick check if (! strcasecmp($attr_name,'jpegPhoto') || ! strcasecmp($attr_name,'photo')) return true; # go to the schema and get the Syntax OID $schema_attr = $this->getSchemaAttribute($attr_name); if (! $schema_attr) return false; $oid = $schema_attr->getSyntaxOID(); $type = $schema_attr->getType(); if (! strcasecmp($type,'JPEG') || ($oid == '')) return true; return false; } /** * Given an attribute name and server ID number, this function returns * whether the attrbiute contains boolean data. This is useful for * developers who wish to display the contents of a boolean attribute * with a drop-down. * * @param string $attr_name The name of the attribute to test. * @return bool */ function isAttrBoolean($attr_name) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$attr_name); $type = ($schema_attr = $this->getSchemaAttribute($attr_name)) ? $schema_attr->getType() : null; if (! strcasecmp('boolean',$type ) || ! strcasecmp('isCriticalSystemObject',$attr_name) || ! strcasecmp('showInAdvancedViewOnly',$attr_name)) return true; else return false; } /** * Given an attribute name and server ID number, this function returns * whether the attrbiute may contain binary data. This is useful for * developers who wish to display the contents of an arbitrary attribute * but don't want to dump binary data on the page. * * @param string $attr_name The name of the attribute to test. * @return bool * * @see isJpegPhoto */ function isAttrBinary($attr_name) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$attr_name); /** * Determining if an attribute is binary can be an expensive operation. * We cache the results for each attr name on each server in the $attr_cache * to speed up subsequent calls. The $attr_cache looks like this: * * Array * 0 => Array * 'objectclass' => false * 'cn' => false * 'usercertificate' => true * 1 => Array * 'jpegphoto' => true * 'cn' => false */ static $attr_cache; $attr_name = strtolower($attr_name); if (isset($attr_cache[$this->server_id][$attr_name])) return $attr_cache[$this->server_id][$attr_name]; if ($attr_name == 'userpassword') { $attr_cache[$this->server_id][$attr_name] = false; return false; } # Quick check: If the attr name ends in ";binary", then it's binary. if (strcasecmp(substr($attr_name,strlen($attr_name) - 7),';binary') == 0) { $attr_cache[$this->server_id][$attr_name] = true; return true; } # See what the server schema says about this attribute $schema_attr = $this->getSchemaAttribute($attr_name); if (! is_object($schema_attr)) { /* Strangely, some attributeTypes may not show up in the server * schema. This behavior has been observed in MS Active Directory.*/ $type = null; $syntax = null; } else { $type = $schema_attr->getType(); $syntax = $schema_attr->getSyntaxOID(); } if (strcasecmp($type,'Certificate') == 0 || strcasecmp($type,'Binary') == 0 || strcasecmp($attr_name,'usercertificate') == 0 || strcasecmp($attr_name,'usersmimecertificate') == 0 || strcasecmp($attr_name,'networkaddress') == 0 || strcasecmp($attr_name,'objectGUID') == 0 || strcasecmp($attr_name,'objectSID') == 0 || strcasecmp($attr_name,'jpegPhoto') == 0 || $syntax == '' || $syntax == '' || $syntax == '' || $syntax == '' || $syntax == '' ) { $attr_cache[$this->server_id][$attr_name] = true; return true; } else { $attr_cache[$this->server_id][$attr_name] = false; return false; } } /** * Returns true if the specified attribute is configured as read only * in config.php with the $read_only_attrs array. * Attributes are configured as read-only in config.php thus: * * $read_only_attrs = array( "objectClass", "givenName" ); * * * @param string $attr The name of the attribute to test. * @return bool */ function isAttrReadOnly($attr) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$attr); $read_only_attrs = isset($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->read_only_attrs) ? $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->read_only_attrs : array(); $read_only_except_dn = isset($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->read_only_except_dn) ? $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->read_only_except_dn : ''; $attr = trim($attr); if (! $attr) return false; if (! isset($read_only_attrs)) return false; if (! is_array($read_only_attrs)) return false; # Is the user excluded? if (isset($read_only_except_dn) && $read_only_except_dn && $this->userIsMember($this->getLoggedInDN(),$read_only_except_dn)) return false; foreach ($read_only_attrs as $attr_name) if (strcasecmp($attr,trim($attr_name)) == 0) return true; return false; } /** * Returns true if the specified attribute is configured as hidden * in config.php with the $hidden_attrs array or the $hidden_attrs_ro * array. * Attributes are configured as hidden in config.php thus: * * $hidden_attrs = array( "objectClass", "givenName" ); * * or * * $hidden_attrs_ro = array( "objectClass", "givenName", "shadowWarning", * "shadowLastChange", "shadowMax", "shadowFlag", * "shadowInactive", "shadowMin", "shadowExpire" ); * * * @param string $attr The name of the attribute to test. * @return bool */ function isAttrHidden($attr) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$attr); $hidden_attrs = isset($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->hidden_attrs) ? $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->hidden_attrs : array(); $hidden_attrs_ro = isset($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->hidden_attrs_ro) ? $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->hidden_attrs_ro : array(); $hidden_except_dn = isset($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->hidden_except_dn) ? $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->hidden_except_dn : ''; $attr = trim($attr); if (! $attr) return false; if (! isset($hidden_attrs)) return false; if (! is_array($hidden_attrs)) return false; if (! isset($hidden_attrs_ro)) $hidden_attrs_ro = $hidden_attrs; if (! is_array($hidden_attrs_ro)) $hidden_attrs_ro = $hidden_attrs; # Is the user excluded? if (isset($hidden_except_dn) && $hidden_except_dn && $this->userIsMember($this->getLoggedInDN(),$hidden_except_dn)) return false; if ($this->isReadOnly()) { foreach ($hidden_attrs_ro as $attr_name) if (strcasecmp($attr,trim($attr_name)) == 0) return true; } else { foreach ($hidden_attrs as $attr_name) if (strcasecmp($attr,trim($attr_name)) == 0) return true; } return false; } /** * Fetches the password of the currently logged in user (for auth_types "cookie", "session" and "http" only) * or false if the current login is anonymous. * * @return string * @see have_auth_info * @see getLoggedInDN */ function getLoggedInPass() { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with ()',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__); if (! $this->auth_type) return false; switch ($this->auth_type) { case 'cookie': $cookie_name = sprintf('pla_login_pass_%s',$this->server_id); $pass = isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) ? $_COOKIE[$cookie_name] : false; if ($pass == '0') return null; else return pla_blowfish_decrypt($pass); break; case 'session': $session_var_name = sprintf('pla_login_pass_%s',$this->server_id); $pass = isset($_SESSION[$session_var_name]) ? $_SESSION[$session_var_name] : false; if ($pass == '0') return null; else return pla_blowfish_decrypt($pass); break; case 'http': $pass = isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) ? $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] : false; if ($pass == '0') return null; else return $pass; break; case 'config': return $this->login_pass; break; default: error(sprintf(_('Unknown auth_type: %s'),htmlspecialchars($this->auth_type)),'error','index.php'); } } /** * Returns the DN who is logged in currently to the given server, which may * either be a DN or the string 'anonymous'. This applies only for auth_types * "cookie", "session" and "http". * * One place where this function is used is the tree viewer: * After a user logs in, the text "Logged in as: " is displayed under the server * name. This information is retrieved from this function. * * @return string * @see have_auth_info * @see getLoggedInPass */ function getLoggedInDN() { # Set default return $return = false; if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('auth_type is [%s]',66,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$this->auth_type); if ($this->auth_type) { switch ($this->auth_type) { case 'cookie': $cookie_name = sprintf('pla_login_dn_%s',$this->server_id); if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name])) $return = pla_blowfish_decrypt($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]); else $return = false; break; case 'session': $session_var_name = sprintf('pla_login_dn_%s',$this->server_id); if (isset($_SESSION[$session_var_name])) $return = pla_blowfish_decrypt($_SESSION[$session_var_name]); else $return = false; break; case 'http': if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) { if ($this->isLoginAttrEnabled()) { if ($this->isLoginStringEnabled()) { $return = str_replace('',$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'],$this->getLoginString()); } else { if ($this->login_dn) $this->connect(true,'user',false,true,$this->login_dn,$this->login_pass); else $this->connect(true,'anonymous'); if (! empty($this->login_class)) $filter = sprintf('(&(objectClass=%s)(%s=%s))', $this->login_class,$this->getLoginAttr(),$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']); else $filter = sprintf('%s=%s',$this->getLoginAttr(),$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']); foreach ($this->getBaseDN() as $base_dn) { $result = $this->search(null,$base_dn,$filter,array('dn')); $result = array_pop($result); $return = $result['dn']; if ($return) break; } } } else { $return = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; } } else $return = false; if ($return) { $dn = $return; $pass = ''; if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) $pass = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']; if ($this->userIsAllowedLogin($dn)) { $ds = $this->connect(false,'user',true,true,$dn,$pass); if (! is_resource($ds)) { system_message(array( 'title'=>_('Authenticate to server'), 'body'=>_('Bad username or password. Please try again.'), 'type'=>'error'), sprintf('cmd.php?cmd=login_form&server_id=%s',$this->server_id)); } $this->login_dn = $dn; $this->login_pass = $pass; } else { $return = false; } } break; case 'config': $return = $this->login_dn; break; default: error(sprintf(_('Unknown auth_type: %s'),htmlspecialchars($auth_type)),'error','index.php'); } } if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (), Returning (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$return); return $return; } /** * Gets the operational attributes for an entry. Given a DN, this function fetches that entry's * operational (ie, system or internal) attributes. These attributes include "createTimeStamp", * "creatorsName", and any other attribute that the LDAP server sets automatically. The returned * associative array is of this form: * * Array ( * [creatorsName] => Array ( * [0] => "cn=Admin,dc=example,dc=com" * ) * [createTimeStamp]=> Array ( * [0] => "10401040130" * ) * [hasSubordinates] => Array ( * [0] => "FALSE" * ) * ) * * * @param string $dn The DN of the entry whose interal attributes are desired. * @param int $deref For aliases and referrals, this parameter specifies whether to * follow references to the referenced DN or to fetch the attributes for * the referencing DN. See for the 4 valid * options. * @return array An associative array whose keys are attribute names and whose values * are arrays of values for the aforementioned attribute. */ function getDNSysAttrs($dn,$deref=LDAP_DEREF_NEVER) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$dn,$deref); $attrs = array('creatorsname','createtimestamp','modifiersname', 'structuralObjectClass','entryUUID','modifytimestamp', 'subschemaSubentry','hasSubordinates','+'); $search = $this->search(null,$dn,'(objectClass=*)',$attrs,'base',false,$deref); $return_attrs = array(); foreach ($search as $dn => $attrs) foreach ($attrs as $attr => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $val) $return_attrs[$attr][] = $val; } else { $return_attrs[$attr][] = $value; } } return $return_attrs; } /** * Gets the user defined operational attributes for an entry. Given a DN, this function fetches that entry's * operational (ie, system or internal) attributes. * * These attributes should be treated as internal attributes. * * The returned associative array is of this form: * * Array ( * [nsroleDN] => Array ( * [0] => "cn=nsManagedDisabledRole,dc=example,dc=com", * [1] => "cn=nsDisabledRole,dc=example,dc=com", * [2] => "cn=nsAdminRole,dc=example,dc=com" * ) * [passwordExpirationTime]=> Array ( * [0] => "20080314183611Z" * ) * [passwordAllowChangeTime] => Array ( * [0] => "20080116175354Z" * ) * ) * * * @param string $dn The DN of the entry whose interal attributes are desired. * @param int $deref For aliases and referrals, this parameter specifies whether to * follow references to the referenced DN or to fetch the attributes for * the referencing DN. See for the 4 valid * options. * @return array An associative array whose keys are attribute names and whose values * are arrays of values for the aforementioned attribute. */ function getCustomDNSysAttrs($dn,$deref=LDAP_DEREF_NEVER) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$dn,$deref); $attrs = $this->custom_sys_attrs; $search = $this->search(null,$dn,'(objectClass=*)',$attrs,'base',false,$deref); $return_attrs = array(); foreach ($search as $dn => $attrs) foreach ($attrs as $attr => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $val) $return_attrs[$attr][] = $val; } else { $return_attrs[$attr][] = $value; } } return $return_attrs; } /** * Gets the user defined operational attributes for an entry. Given a DN, this function fetches that entry's * operational (ie, system or internal) attributes. * * These attributes should be treated as regular attributes, not as internal attributes. * * The returned associative array is of this form: * * Array ( * [nsroleDN] => Array ( * [0] => "cn=nsManagedDisabledRole,dc=example,dc=com", * [1] => "cn=nsDisabledRole,dc=example,dc=com", * [2] => "cn=nsAdminRole,dc=example,dc=com" * ) * [passwordExpirationTime]=> Array ( * [0] => "20080314183611Z" * ) * [passwordAllowChangeTime] => Array ( * [0] => "20080116175354Z" * ) * ) * * * @param string $dn The DN of the entry whose interal attributes are desired. * @param int $deref For aliases and referrals, this parameter specifies whether to * follow references to the referenced DN or to fetch the attributes for * the referencing DN. See for the 4 valid * options. * @return array An associative array whose keys are attribute names and whose values * are arrays of values for the aforementioned attribute. */ function getCustomDNAttrs($dn,$deref=LDAP_DEREF_NEVER) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$dn,$deref); $attrs = $this->custom_attrs; $search = $this->search(null,$dn,'(objectClass=*)',$attrs,'base',false,$deref); $return_attrs = array(); foreach ($search as $dn => $attrs) foreach ($attrs as $attr => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $val) $return_attrs[$attr][] = $val; } else { $return_attrs[$attr][] = $value; } } return $return_attrs; } /** * Gets the attributes/values of an entry. Returns an associative array whose * keys are attribute value names and whose values are arrays of values for * said attribute. Optionally, callers may specify true for the parameter * $lower_case_attr_names to force all keys in the associate array (attribute * names) to be lower case. * * Sample return value of getDNAttrs( 0, "cn=Bob,ou=pepole,dc=example,dc=com" ) * * * Array ( * [objectClass] => Array ( * [0] => person * [1] => top * ) * [cn] => Array ( * [0] => Bob * ) * [sn] => Array ( * [0] => Jones * ) * [dn] => Array ( * [0] => cn=Bob,ou=pepole,dc=example,dc=com * ) * ) * * * @param string $dn The distinguished name (DN) of the entry whose attributes/values to fetch. * @param bool $lower_case_attr_names (optional) If true, all keys of the returned associative * array will be lower case. Otherwise, they will be cased as the LDAP server returns * them. * @param int $deref For aliases and referrals, this parameter specifies whether to * follow references to the referenced DN or to fetch the attributes for * the referencing DN. See for the 4 valid * options. * @return array * @see getDNSysAttrs * @see getDNAttr */ function getDNAttrs($dn,$lower_case_attr_names=false,$deref=LDAP_DEREF_NEVER) { global $CACHE; if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s,%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$dn,$lower_case_attr_names,$deref); $attrs = null; if (isset($CACHE['dnattrs'][$dn])) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s,%s), Returning CACHED (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, $dn,$lower_case_attr_names,$deref,$CACHE['dnattrs'][$dn]); $attrs = $CACHE['dnattrs'][$dn]; } else { $attrs = $this->search(null,dn_escape($dn),'(objectClass=*)',array(),'base',false,$deref); if (count($attrs)) $attrs = array_pop($attrs); foreach ($attrs as $key => $values) if (! is_array($attrs[$key])) $attrs[$key] = array($attrs[$key]); $CACHE['dnattrs'][$dn] = $attrs; } if ($lower_case_attr_names) $attrs = array_change_key_case($attrs); return $attrs; } /** * Much like getDNAttrs(), but only returns the values for * one attribute of an object. Example calls: * * * print_r( getDNAttr( 0, "cn=Bob,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com", "sn" ) ); * Array ( * [0] => "Smith" * ) * * print_r( getDNAttr( 0, "cn=Bob,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com", "objectClass" ) ); * Array ( * [0] => "top" * [1] => "person" * ) * * * @param string $dn The distinguished name (DN) of the entry whose attributes/values to fetch. * @param string $attr The attribute whose value(s) to return (ie, "objectClass", "cn", "userPassword") * @param bool $lower_case_attr_names (optional) If true, all keys of the returned associative * array will be lower case. Otherwise, they will be cased as the LDAP server returns * them. * @param int $deref For aliases and referrals, this parameter specifies whether to * follow references to the referenced DN or to fetch the attributes for * the referencing DN. See for the 4 valid * options. * @see getDNAttrs * @return array */ function getDNAttr($dn,$attr,$lower_case_attr_names=false,$deref=LDAP_DEREF_NEVER) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s,%s,%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$dn,$attr,$lower_case_attr_names,$deref); if ($lower_case_attr_names) $attr = strtolower($attr); $attrs = $this->getDNAttrs($dn,$lower_case_attr_names,$deref); if (isset($attrs[$attr])) return $attrs[$attr]; else return array(); } /** * Given a DN string, this returns the top container portion of the string. * @param string $dn The DN whose container string to return. * @return string The container * @see get_rdn * @see get_container */ function getContainerTop($dn) { $return = $dn; foreach ($this->getBaseDN() as $base_dn) { if (preg_match("/${base_dn}$/i",$dn)) { $return = $base_dn; break; } } if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s), Returning (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$dn,$return); return $return; } /** * Given a DN string and a path like syntax, this returns the parent container portion of the string. * @param string $dn The DN whose container string to return. * @param string $path Either '/', '.' or something like '../../' * @return string The container * @see get_rdn * @see get_container */ function getContainerParent($container,$path) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$container,$path); $top = $this->getContainerTop($container); if ($path[0] == '/') { $container = $top; $path = substr($path, 1); } elseif ($path == '.') { return $container; } $parenttree = explode('/',$path); foreach ($parenttree as $index => $value) { if ($value == '..') { if (get_container($container)) $container = get_container($container); if ($container == $top) break; } elseif($value) { $container = "$value,$container"; } else { break; } } return $container; } /** * Determins if the specified attribute is contained in the $unique_attrs list * configured in config.php. * @return bool True if the specified attribute is in the $unique_attrs list and false * otherwise. */ function isUniqueAttr($attr_name) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$attr_name); $unique_attrs = isset($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->unique_attrs) ? $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->unique_attrs : array(); if (isset($unique_attrs) && is_array($unique_attrs)) foreach ($unique_attrs as $attr) if (strcasecmp($attr_name,$attr) == 0) return true; return false; } /** * This function will check whether the value for an attribute being changed * is already assigned to another DN. * * Inputs: * @param dn $dn DN that is being changed * @param string $attr_name Attribute being changed * @param string|array $new values New values for the attribute * * Returns the bad value, or null if all values are OK */ function checkUniqueAttr($dn,$attr_name,$new_value) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s,%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, $dn,$attr_name,count($new_value)); # Is this attribute in the unique_attrs list? if ($this->isUniqueAttr($attr_name)) { $con = $this->connect(false,'unique_attr',false,true, $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->ldapservers->GetValue($this->server_id,'unique_attrs','dn'), $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->ldapservers->GetValue($this->server_id,'unique_attrs','pass')); if (! $con) error(sprintf(_('Unable to bind to %s with your with unique_attrs credentials. Please check your configuration file.'),$this->name), 'error','index.php'); # Build our search filter to double check each attribute. $searchfilter = '(|'; if (is_array($new_value)) foreach ($new_value as $val) $searchfilter .= sprintf('(%s=%s)',$attr_name,clean_search_vals($val)); elseif ($new_value) $searchfilter .= sprintf('(%s=%s)',$attr_name,clean_search_vals($new_value)); $searchfilter .= ')'; # Do we need a sanity check to just in case $new_value was null and hence the search string is bad? foreach ($this->getBaseDN() as $base_dn) { # Do the search $search = $this->search($con,$base_dn,$searchfilter,array('dn',$attr_name),'sub',false,LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS); foreach ($search as $searchdn => $result) # If one of the attributes is owned to somebody else, then we may as well die here. if ($result['dn'] != $dn) if (is_array($result[$attr_name])) { foreach ($result[$attr_name] as $attr) foreach ($new_value as $new_value_attr) if ($new_value_attr == $attr) return $attr; } else { foreach ($new_value as $new_value_attr) if ($new_value_attr == $result[$attr_name]) return $result[$attr_name]; } } # If we get here, then it must be OK? return; } else { return; } } /** * This function will test if a user is a member of a group. * * Inputs: * @param string $user membership value that is being checked * @param dn $group DN to see if user is a member * @return bool true|false */ function userIsMember($user,$group) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$user,$group); $user = strtolower($user); $group = $this->getDNAttrs($group,false,$deref=LDAP_DEREF_NEVER); if (is_array($group)) { $group = array_change_key_case($group); # If you are using groupOfNames objectClass if (array_key_exists('member',$group) && ! is_array($group['member'])) $group['member'] = array($group['member']); if (array_key_exists('member',$group) && in_array($user,arrayLower($group['member']))) return true; # If you are using groupOfUniqueNames objectClass if (array_key_exists('uniquemember',$group) && ! is_array($group['uniquemember'])) $group['uniquemember'] = array($group['uniquemember']); if (array_key_exists('uniquemember',$group) && in_array($user,arrayLower($group['uniquemember']))) return true; } return false; } /** */ function userIsAllowedLogin($user) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$user); $user = trim(strtolower($user)); if (! $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->ldapservers->GetValue($this->server_id,'login','allowed_dns')) return true; foreach ($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->ldapservers->GetValue($this->server_id,'login','allowed_dns') as $login_allowed_dn) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Working through (%s)',80,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$login_allowed_dn); /* Check if $login_allowed_dn is an ldap search filter * Is first occurence of 'filter=' (case ensitive) at position 0 ? */ if (preg_match('/^\([&|]\(/',$login_allowed_dn)) { $filter = $login_allowed_dn; foreach($this->getBaseDN() as $base_dn) { $dn_array = array(); $results = $this->search(null,$base_dn,$filter,array('dn')); if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Search, Filter [%s], BaseDN [%s] Results [%s]',16,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, $filter, $base_dn,$results); if ($results) { foreach ($results as $result) $dn_array[] = $result['dn']; $dn_array = array_unique($dn_array); if (count($dn_array) !== 0) foreach ($dn_array as $result_dn) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Comparing with [%s]',80,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$result_dn); # Check if $result_dn is a user DN if (strcasecmp($user,trim(strtolower($result_dn))) == 0) return true; # Check if $result_dn is a group DN if ($this->userIsMember($user,$result_dn)) return true; } } } } # Check if $login_allowed_dn is a user DN if (strcasecmp($user,trim(strtolower($login_allowed_dn))) == 0) return true; # Check if $login_allowed_dn is a group DN if ( $this->userIsMember($user,$login_allowed_dn) ) return true; } return false; } /** * Get the LDAP base DN for a named DN. * * @param string $dn DN in question * @return string $base_dn */ function getDNBase($dn) { foreach ($this->getBaseDN() as $base_dn) { if (preg_match('/'.$base_dn.'$/',$dn)) return $base_dn; } return null; } /** * This function determines if the specified attribute is contained in the force_may list * as configured in config.php. * * @return bool True if the specified attribute is in the $force_may list and false * otherwise. */ function isForceMay($attr_name) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s)',17,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$attr_name); return in_array($attr_name,$this->force_may); } } class LDAPservers { /* All LDAP servers */ var $_ldapservers; /* Default settings for a new LDAP server configuration. */ var $default; function LDAPservers() { $this->default = new StdClass; $this->default->server['name'] = array( 'desc'=>'Server name', 'var'=>'name', 'default'=>'LDAP Server'); $this->default->server['host'] = array( 'desc'=>'Host Name', 'var'=>'host', 'default'=>''); $this->default->server['port'] = array( 'desc'=>'Port Number', 'var'=>'port', 'default'=>389); /* Normally PLA will direct all read/write operations to host/port above. However, * if you specify hostwr/portwr, then write operations will be directed to that host/port. * Keep in mind, PLA is unaware that they may be two separate hosts and replication delays. */ $this->default->server['hostwr'] = array( 'desc'=>'Host Name for write replica', 'var'=>'hostwr', 'default'=>null); $this->default->server['portwr'] = array( 'desc'=>'Port Number for write replica', 'var'=>'portwr', 'default'=>389); $this->default->server['base'] = array( 'desc'=>'Base DN', 'default'=>array()); $this->default->server['tls'] = array( 'desc'=>'Connect using TLS', 'var'=>'tls', 'default'=>false); $this->default->server['auth_type'] = array( 'desc'=>'Authentication Type', 'var'=>'auth_type', 'default'=>'cookie'); $this->default->server['low_bandwidth'] = array( 'desc'=>'Enable LOW Bandwidth optimisations', 'var'=>'low_bandwidth', 'default'=>false); $this->default->server['read_only'] = array( 'desc'=>'Server is in READ ONLY mode', 'var'=>'read_only', 'default'=>false); $this->default->server['branch_rename'] = array( 'desc'=>'Permit renaming branches', 'var'=>'branch_rename', 'default'=>false); /* This was created for IDS - since it doesnt present STRUCTURAL against objectClasses * definitions when reading the schema.*/ $this->default->server['schema_oclass_default'] = array( 'desc'=>'When reading the schema, and it doesnt specify objectClass type, default it to this', 'var'=>'schema_oclass_default', 'default'=>null); $this->default->login['dn'] = array( 'desc'=>'User Login DN', 'var'=>'login_dn', 'default'=>''); $this->default->login['pass'] = array( 'desc'=>'User Login Password', 'var'=>'login_pass', 'default'=>''); $this->default->login['attr'] = array( 'desc'=>'Attribute to use to find the users DN', 'var'=>'login_attr', 'default'=>'dn'); $this->default->login['fallback_dn'] = array( 'desc'=>'Enable fallback to dn when using attr != dn', 'var'=>'login_fallback_dn', 'default'=>false); $this->default->login['class'] = array( 'desc'=>'Strict login to users containing a specific objectClass', 'default'=>null); $this->default->login['string'] = array( 'desc'=>'Login string if using auth_type=string', 'var'=>'login_string', 'default'=>null); $this->default->login['anon_bind'] = array( 'desc'=>'Whether to allow anonymous binds', 'default'=>true); $this->default->login['allowed_dns'] = array( 'desc'=>'Limit logins to users who match any of the following LDAP filters', 'default'=>array()); $this->default->login['timeout'] = array( 'desc'=>'Session timout in seconds', 'var'=>'session_timeout', 'default'=>session_cache_expire()-1); $this->default->appearance['password_hash'] = array( 'desc'=>'Default HASH to use for passwords', 'var'=>'default_hash', 'default'=>'md5'); $this->default->appearance['show_create'] = array( 'desc'=>'Show CREATE options in the tree', 'var'=>'show_create', 'default'=>true); $this->default->appearance['visible'] = array( 'desc'=>'Whether this LDAP server is visible in the tree', 'var'=>'visible', 'default'=>true); $this->default->auto_number['enable'] = array( 'desc'=>'Enable the AUTO UID feature', 'default'=>true); $this->default->auto_number['mechanism'] = array( 'desc'=>'Mechanism to use to search for automatic numbers', 'default'=>'search'); $this->default->auto_number['search_base'] = array( 'desc'=>'Base DN to use for search mechanisms', 'default'=>null); $this->default->auto_number['min'] = array( 'desc'=>'Minimum UID number to start with', 'default'=>1000); $this->default->auto_number['dn'] = array( 'desc'=>'DN to use when evaluating numbers', 'default'=>null); $this->default->auto_number['pass'] = array( 'desc'=>'Password for DN to use when evaluating numbers', 'default'=>null); $this->default->auto_number['uidpool_dn'] = array( 'desc'=>'DN to use for the uidPool', 'default'=>'cn=uidPool,dc=example,dc=com'); $this->default->force_may['attrs'] = array( 'desc'=>'Attributes to force as MAY attributes, even though the schema may indicate that they are MUST attributes', 'var' => 'force_may', 'default'=>array()); $this->default->unique_attrs['dn'] = array( 'desc'=>'DN to use when evaluating uniqueness', 'default'=>null); $this->default->unique_attrs['pass'] = array( 'desc'=>'Password for DN to use when evaluating uniqueness', 'default'=>null); $this->default->custom['pages_prefix'] = array( 'desc'=>'Path to custom pages', 'default'=>null); $this->default->server['sasl_auth'] = array( 'desc' => 'Use SASL authentication when binding LDAP server', 'var' => 'sasl_auth', 'default' => false); $this->default->server['sasl_mech'] = array( 'desc' => 'SASL mechanism used while binding LDAP server', 'var' => 'sasl_mech', 'default' => 'PLAIN'); $this->default->server['sasl_realm'] = array( 'desc' => 'SASL realm name', 'var' => 'sasl_realm', 'default' => ''); $this->default->server['sasl_authz_id'] = array( 'desc' => 'SASL authorization id', 'var' => 'sasl_authz_id', 'default' => ''); $this->default->server['sasl_authz_id_regex'] = array( 'desc' => 'SASL authorization id PCRE regular expression', 'var' => 'sasl_authz_id_regex', 'default' => null); $this->default->server['sasl_authz_id_replacement'] = array( 'desc' => 'SASL authorization id PCRE regular expression replacement string', 'var' => 'sasl_authz_id_replacement', 'default' => null); $this->default->server['sasl_props'] = array( 'desc' => 'SASL properties', 'var' => 'sasl_props', 'default' => null); $this->default->server['custom_attrs'] = array( 'desc' => 'Custom operational attributes to be treated as regular attributes', 'var' => 'custom_attrs', 'default' => array('')); $this->default->server['custom_sys_attrs'] = array( 'desc' => 'Custom operational attributes to be treated as internal attributes', 'var' => 'custom_sys_attrs', 'default' => array('')); } function SetValue($server_id,$key,$index,$value) { if (defined('DEBUG_ENABLED') && (DEBUG_ENABLED)) debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s,%s,%s)',3,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, $server_id,$key,$index,$value); if (! isset($this->default->$key)) error("ERROR: Setting a key [$key] that isnt predefined.",'error','index.php'); else $default = $this->default->$key; if (! isset($default[$index])) error("ERROR: Setting a index [$index] that isnt predefined.",'error','index.php'); else $default = $default[$index]; # Test if its should be an array or not. if (is_array($default['default']) && ! is_array($value)) error("Error in configuration file, {$key}['$index'] SHOULD be an array of values.",'error','index.php'); if (! is_array($default['default']) && is_array($value)) error("Error in configuration file, {$key}['$index'] should NOT be an array of values.",'error','index.php'); # Some special processing. # @todo: Add ldaps port details here. if ($key == 'server') { switch ($index) { case 'host' : if (strstr($value,'ldapi://')) $this->_ldapservers[$server_id][$key]['port'] = false; break; } } $this->_ldapservers[$server_id][$key][$index] = $value; } function GetValue($server_id,$key,$index) { if (isset($this->_ldapservers[$server_id][$key][$index])) $return = $this->_ldapservers[$server_id][$key][$index]; else $return = $this->default->{$key}[$index]['default']; if (defined('DEBUG_ENABLED') && DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s,%s,%s), Returning (%s)',3,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__, $server_id,$key,$index,$return); return $return; } function GetServerList($onlyvisible=true) { global $CACHE; if (defined('DEBUG_ENABLED') && DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s)',3,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$onlyvisible); if (! isset($CACHE['serverlist'])) { $CACHE['serverlist'] = array(); foreach ($this->_ldapservers as $id => $ldapserver) if (! $onlyvisible || ($onlyvisible && $this->GetValue($id,'appearance','visible'))) $CACHE['serverlist'][$id] = true; } else { if (defined('DEBUG_ENABLED') && DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s), Returning CACHED (%s)',3,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$onlyvisible,$CACHE['serverlist']); return array_keys($CACHE['serverlist']); } if (defined('DEBUG_ENABLED') && DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s), Returning (%s)',3,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$onlyvisible,$CACHE['serverlist']); return array_keys($CACHE['serverlist']); } function Instance($server_id=null) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Entered with (%s)',3,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$server_id); global $CACHE; # If no server_id defined, then pick the lowest one. if (is_null($server_id)) $server_id = min($this->GetServerList()); if (! isset($CACHE['instance'][$server_id])) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('New instance of server (%s)',3,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$server_id); $instance = new LDAPserver($server_id); foreach ($this->default as $key => $details) { foreach ($details as $index => $value) { if (isset($value['var'])) $instance->{$value['var']} = $this->GetValue($server_id,$key,$index); } } $CACHE['instance'][$server_id] = $instance; } else { if (DEBUG_ENABLED) debug_log('Returning CACHEd instance (%s)',3,__FILE__,__LINE__,__METHOD__,$server_id); } return $CACHE['instance'][$server_id]; } } ?>