Configure phpLDAPAdmin

You need to configure phpLDAPAdmin. Edit the file 'config.php' to do so.

An example config file is provided in 'config.php.example'
\n"; ?> phpLDAPAdmin - <?php echo pla_version(); ?> phpLDAPAdmin Config File Error

Config file error

Syntax error on line

Looks like your config file has a syntax error on line . Here is a snippet around that line

"; if( $i < 0 ) continue; echo "" . ($i+1) . ": " . htmlspecialchars($file[ $i ]) . "
"; if( $i+1 == $line_num ) echo "
"; } ?>
Hint: Sometimes these errors are caused by lines preceding the line reported. $server ) if( $server['host'] ) $count++; if( $count == 0 ) { echo "None of the " . count($servers) . " servers in your \$servers array is "; echo "active in config.php. phpLDAPAdmin cannot proceed util you correct this."; return false; } return true; } ?>