" . htmlspecialchars($servers[$server_id]['name']) . ".

This could happen for several reasons, the most probable of which are: Please report this as a bug"; ?>

objectClasses' ); ?> | Attributes' ); ?> | Syntaxes' ); ?> | Matching Rules' ); ?>

" . $lang['the_following_syntaxes'] . "
\n\n"; echo "\n\n\n"; echo "\n"; flush(); $counter=1; $schema_syntaxes = get_schema_syntaxes( $server_id ); if( ! $schema_syntaxes ) pla_error( $schema_error_str ); foreach( $schema_syntaxes as $syntax ) { $counter++; $oid = htmlspecialchars( $syntax->getOID() ); $desc = htmlspecialchars( $syntax->getDescription() ); if( $highlight_oid && $highlight_oid == $oid ) echo ""; else echo ""; echo "\n\n"; } echo "
" . $lang['syntax_oid'] . "" . $lang['desc'] . "
\n"; } elseif( $view == 'attributes' ) { echo "
" . $lang['the_following_attributes'] . "

\n"; flush(); $schema_attrs = get_schema_attributes( $server_id ); $schema_object_classes = get_schema_objectclasses( $server_id ); if( ! $schema_attrs || ! $schema_object_classes ) pla_error( $schema_error_str ); // do a reverse-mapping to add in which objectClasses each attributeType is used foreach( $schema_object_classes as $object_class ) { $must_attrs = $object_class->getMustAttrNames($schema_object_classes); $may_attrs = $object_class->getMayAttrNames($schema_object_classes); $oclass_attrs = array_unique( array_merge( $must_attrs, $may_attrs ) ); foreach( $oclass_attrs as $attr_name ) { if( isset( $schema_attrs[ strtolower( $attr_name ) ] ) ) { $schema_attrs[ strtolower( $attr_name ) ]->addUsedInObjectClass( $object_class->getName() ); } else { //echo "Warning, attr not set: $attr_name
"; } } } //echo "
	//print_r( $schema_attrs );
	//echo "
"; ?> :
\n\n"; $counter = 0; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo "\n\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo "\n\n"; flush(); } echo "
getName() ) . "\">"; echo $attr->getName() . "
Description" . ( $attr->getDescription() == null ? '(no description)' : $attr->getDescription() ). "
OID" . $attr->getOID() . "
Obsolete?" . ( $attr->getIsObsolete() ? 'Yes' : 'No' ) . "
Inherits"; if( $attr->getSupAttribute()==null ) echo '(none)'; else echo "getSupAttribute() ) . "\">" . $attr->getSupAttribute() . "
Equality" . ( $attr->getEquality() == null ? '(not specified)' : $attr->getEquality() ) . "
Ordering" . ( $attr->getOrdering()==null? '(not specified)' : $attr->getOrdering() ) . "
Substring Rule" . ( $attr->getSubstr()==null? '(not specified)' : $attr->getSubstr() ) . "
Syntax"; if( null != $attr->getType() ) { echo "getSyntaxOID() . "#" . $attr->getSyntaxOID(); echo "\">" . $attr->getType() . " (" . $attr->getSyntaxOID() . ")"; } else { echo $attr->getSyntaxOID(); } echo "
Single Valued" . ( $attr->getIsSingleValue() ? 'Yes' : 'No' ) . "
Collective?" . ( $attr->getIsCollective() ? 'Yes' : 'No' ) . "
User Modification" . ( $attr->getIsNoUserModification() ? 'No' : 'Yes' ) . "
Usage" . ( $attr->getUsage() ? $attr->getUsage() : '(not specified)' ) . "
Maximum Length" . ( $attr->getMaxLength() === null ? '(not applicable)' : number_format( $attr->getMaxLength() ) . ' characters' ) . "
Aliases"; if( count( $attr->getAliases() ) == 0 ) echo "(none)"; else foreach( $attr->getAliases() as $alias_attr_name ) echo "$alias_attr_name "; echo "
Used by objectClasses"; if( count( $attr->getUsedInObjectClasses() ) == 0 ) echo "(none)"; else foreach( $attr->getUsedInObjectClasses() as $used_in_oclass) echo "$used_in_oclass "; echo "
\n"; } elseif( $view == 'matching_rules' ) { echo "
" . $lang['the_following_matching'] . "

\n\n"; echo "\n\n\n"; echo "\n"; flush(); $counter=1; $schema_matching_rules = get_schema_matching_rules( $server_id ); if( ! $schema_matching_rules ) pla_error( $schema_error_str ); foreach( $schema_matching_rules as $rule ) { $counter++; $oid = htmlspecialchars( $rule->getOID() ); $desc = htmlspecialchars( $rule->getName() ); if( null != $rule->getDescription() ) $desc .= ' (' . $rule->getDescription() . ')'; if( true === $rule->getIsObsolete() ) $desc .= ' ' . $lang['obsolete'] . ''; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "\n"; } echo "
" . $lang['matching_rule_oid'] . "" . $lang['name'] . "Used by Attributes
$oid$desc"; if( count( $rule->getUsedByAttrs() ) == 0 ) { echo "
(" . $lang['none'] . ")

\n"; } else { echo "
\n"; } echo "
\n"; } else { echo "
" . $lang['the_following_objectclasses'] . "

\n"; flush(); $schema_oclasses = get_schema_objectclasses( $server_id ); if( ! $schema_oclasses ) pla_error( $schema_error_str ); ?> :
$oclass ) { ?>

getName(); ?>

: getOID(); ?>

getDescription() ) { ?>

: getDescription(); ?>

Type: getType(); ?>

getIsObsolete() ) && */$oclass->getIsObsolete() == true ) { ?>

: getSupClasses() ) == 0 ) echo "(" . $lang['none'] . ")"; else foreach( $oclass->getSupClasses() as $i => $object_class ) { echo '' . htmlspecialchars( $object_class ) . ''; if( $i < count( $oclass->getSupClasses() ) - 1 ) echo ', '; } ?>

getMustAttrs($schema_oclasses) ) > 0 ) { echo ' getMayAttrs($schema_oclasses) ) > 0 ) { echo '