LayersMenuCommon(); $this->treeMenuImagesType = 'png'; $this->treeMenuTheme = ''; $this->_treeMenu = array(); $this->_nodesCount = 0; $this->tree = array(); $this->_maxLevel = array(); $this->_firstLevelCnt = array(); $this->_firstItem = array(); $this->_lastItem = array(); } /** * The method to set the dirroot directory * @access public * @return boolean */ function setDirroot($dirroot) { return $this->setDirrootCommon($dirroot); } /** * The method to set the type of images used for the Tree Menu * @access public * @return void */ function setTreeMenuImagesType($treeMenuImagesType) { $this->treeMenuImagesType = $treeMenuImagesType; } /** * The method to set the prefix for filenames of images of a theme * @access public * @return void */ function setTreeMenuTheme($treeMenuTheme) { $this->treeMenuTheme = $treeMenuTheme; } /** * Method to prepare a new Tree Menu. * * This method processes items of a menu to prepare and return * the corresponding Tree Menu code. * * @access public * @param string $menu_name the name of the menu whose items have to be processed * @return string */ function newTreeMenu( $menu_name = '' // non consistent default... ) { /* If cookies were disabled, build the url parameter for the session id. It will be append to the url to be redirect */ $id_session_param = ''; if (SID != '') $id_session_param = sprintf('&%s=%s',session_name(),session_id()); global $ldapserver; if (!isset($this->_firstItem[$menu_name]) || !isset($this->_lastItem[$menu_name])) { $this->error("newTreeMenu: the first/last item of the menu '$menu_name' is not defined; please check if you have parsed its menu data."); return 0; } $this->_treeMenu[$menu_name] = ''; $img_collapse = $this->imgwww . $this->treeMenuTheme . 'tree_collapse.' . $this->treeMenuImagesType; $alt_collapse = '--'; $img_collapse_corner = $this->imgwww . $this->treeMenuTheme . 'tree_collapse_corner.' . $this->treeMenuImagesType; $alt_collapse_corner = '--'; $img_collapse_corner_first = $this->imgwww . $this->treeMenuTheme . 'tree_collapse_corner_first.' . $this->treeMenuImagesType; $alt_collapse_corner_first = '--'; $img_collapse_first = $this->imgwww . $this->treeMenuTheme . 'tree_collapse_first.' . $this->treeMenuImagesType; $alt_collapse_first = '--'; $img_corner = $this->imgwww . $this->treeMenuTheme . 'tree_corner.' . $this->treeMenuImagesType; $alt_corner = '`-'; $img_expand = $this->imgwww . $this->treeMenuTheme . 'tree_expand.' . $this->treeMenuImagesType; $alt_expand = '+-'; $img_expand_corner = $this->imgwww . $this->treeMenuTheme . 'tree_expand_corner.' . $this->treeMenuImagesType; $alt_expand_corner = '+-'; $img_expand_corner_first = $this->imgwww . $this->treeMenuTheme . 'tree_expand_corner_first.' . $this->treeMenuImagesType; $alt_expand_corner_first = '+-'; $img_expand_first = $this->imgwww . $this->treeMenuTheme . 'tree_expand_first.' . $this->treeMenuImagesType; $alt_expand_first = '+-'; $img_folder_closed = $this->imgwww . $this->treeMenuTheme . 'tree_folder_closed.' . $this->treeMenuImagesType; $alt_folder_closed = '->'; $img_folder_open = $this->imgwww . $this->treeMenuTheme . 'tree_folder_open.' . $this->treeMenuImagesType; $alt_folder_open = '->'; $img_leaf = $this->imgwww . $this->treeMenuTheme . 'tree_leaf.' . $this->treeMenuImagesType; $alt_leaf = '->'; $img_space = $this->imgwww . $this->treeMenuTheme . 'tree_space.' . $this->treeMenuImagesType; $alt_space = ' '; $img_split = $this->imgwww . $this->treeMenuTheme . 'tree_split.' . $this->treeMenuImagesType; $alt_split = '|-'; $img_split_first = $this->imgwww . $this->treeMenuTheme . 'tree_split_first.' . $this->treeMenuImagesType; $alt_split_first = '|-'; $img_vertline = $this->imgwww . $this->treeMenuTheme . 'tree_vertline.' . $this->treeMenuImagesType; $alt_vertline = '| '; for ($i=0; $i<=$this->_maxLevel[$menu_name]; $i++) { $levels[$i] = 0; } // Find last nodes of subtrees $last_level = $this->_maxLevel[$menu_name]; for ($i=$this->_lastItem[$menu_name]; $i>=$this->_firstItem[$menu_name]; $i--) { if ($this->tree[$i]['level'] < $last_level) { for ($j=$this->tree[$i]['level']+1; $j<=$this->_maxLevel[$menu_name]; $j++) { $levels[$j] = 0; } } if ($levels[$this->tree[$i]['level']] == 0) { $levels[$this->tree[$i]['level']] = 1; $this->tree[$i]['last_item'] = 1; } else { $this->tree[$i]['last_item'] = 0; } $last_level = $this->tree[$i]['level']; } $toggle = ''; $toggle_function_name = 'toggle' . $menu_name; for ($cnt=$this->_firstItem[$menu_name]; $cnt<=$this->_lastItem[$menu_name]; $cnt++) { if ($this->tree[$cnt]['text'] == '---') { continue; // separators are significant only for layers-based menus } if (isset($this->tree[$cnt]['selected']) && $this->tree[$cnt]['selected']) { $linkstyle = 'phplmselected'; } else { $linkstyle = 'phplm'; } $this->_treeMenu[$menu_name] .= '
' . "\n"; if ($cnt<$this->_lastItem[$menu_name] && $this->tree[$cnt]['level']<$this->tree[$cnt+1]['level']) { $this->_treeMenu[$menu_name] .= ' ' . "\n"; } } } /* $this->_treeMenu[$menu_name] = '' . "\n" . $this->_treeMenu[$menu_name] . ' | ' . "\n" . '