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Utilisez ${1}.' }) //end v1.x content ); }, 'dijit/_editor/nls/fr-fr/commands':function(){ define('dijit/_editor/nls/fr-fr/commands',{}); }, 'dojo/cldr/nls/fr/gregorian':function(){ define( //begin v1.x content { "months-format-narrow": [ "J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D" ], "field-weekday": "jour de la semaine", "dateFormatItem-yyQQQQ": "QQQQ yy", "dateFormatItem-yQQQ": "QQQ y", "dateFormatItem-yMEd": "EEE d/M/yyyy", "dateFormatItem-MMMEd": "E d MMM", "eraNarrow": [ "av. J.-C.", "ap. 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To be used where descriptive information // is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically. //Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray. //TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping? aliceblue: "bleu gris", antiquewhite: "blanc antique", aqua: "bleu-vert", aquamarine: "aigue-marine", azure: "bleu azur", beige: "beige", bisque: "beige rosé", black: "noir", blanchedalmond: "coquille d'oeuf", blue: "bleu", blueviolet: "bleu-violet", brown: "brun", burlywood: "bois précieux", cadetblue: "bleu pétrole", chartreuse: "vert vif", chocolate: "chocolat", coral: "corail", cornflowerblue: "bleuet", cornsilk: "vanille", crimson: "cramoisi", cyan: "cyan", darkblue: "bleu foncé", darkcyan: "cyan foncé", darkgoldenrod: "jaune paille foncé", darkgray: "gris foncé", darkgreen: "vert foncé", darkgrey: "gris foncé", // same as darkgray darkkhaki: "kaki foncé", darkmagenta: "magenta foncé", darkolivegreen: "olive foncé", darkorange: "orange foncé", darkorchid: "lilas foncé", darkred: "rouge foncé", darksalmon: "saumon foncé", darkseagreen: "vert d'eau foncé", darkslateblue: "bleu ardoise foncé", darkslategray: "gris ardoise foncé", darkslategrey: "gris ardoise foncé", // same as darkslategray darkturquoise: "turquoise foncé", darkviolet: "violet foncé", deeppink: "rose soutenu", deepskyblue: "bleu ciel soutenu", dimgray: "gris soutenu", dimgrey: "gris soutenu", // same as dimgray dodgerblue: "bleu France", firebrick: "rouge brique", floralwhite: "lys", forestgreen: "vert sapin", fuchsia: "fuchsia", gainsboro: "gris souris", ghostwhite: "blanc laiteux", gold: "or", goldenrod: "jaune paille", gray: "gris", green: "vert", greenyellow: "vert-jaune", grey: "gris", // same as gray honeydew: "opalin", hotpink: "rose intense", indianred: "rose indien", indigo: "indigo", ivory: "ivoire", khaki: "kaki", lavender: "lavande", lavenderblush: "lavandin", lawngreen: "vert prairie", lemonchiffon: "mousse de citron", lightblue: "bleu clair", lightcoral: "corail clair", lightcyan: "cyan clair", lightgoldenrodyellow: "jaune paille clair", lightgray: "gris clair", lightgreen: "vert clair", lightgrey: "gris clair", // same as lightgray lightpink: "rose clair", lightsalmon: "saumon clair", lightseagreen: "vert d'eau clair", lightskyblue: "bleu ciel clair", lightslategray: "gris ardoise clair", lightslategrey: "gris ardoise clair", // same as lightslategray lightsteelblue: "bleu acier clair", lightyellow: "jaune clair", lime: "vert citron", limegreen: "citron vert", linen: "écru", magenta: "magenta", maroon: "marron", mediumaquamarine: "aigue-marine moyen", mediumblue: "bleu moyen", mediumorchid: "lilas moyen", mediumpurple: "pourpre moyen", mediumseagreen: "vert d'eau moyen", mediumslateblue: "bleu ardoise moyen", mediumspringgreen: "vert printemps moyen", mediumturquoise: "turquoise moyen", mediumvioletred: "rouge violacé moyen", midnightblue: "bleu nuit", mintcream: "crème de menthe", mistyrose: "rose pâle", moccasin: "chamois", navajowhite: "chair", navy: "bleu marine", oldlace: "blanc cassé", olive: "olive", olivedrab: "brun verdâtre", orange: "orange", orangered: "rouge orangé", orchid: "lilas", palegoldenrod: "jaune paille pâle", palegreen: "vert pâle", paleturquoise: "turquoise pâle", palevioletred: "rouge violacé pâle", papayawhip: "crème de papaye", peachpuff: "pêche", peru: "caramel", pink: "rose", plum: "prune", powderblue: "bleu de smalt", purple: "pourpre", red: "rouge", rosybrown: "vieux rose", royalblue: "bleu roi", saddlebrown: "brun cuir", salmon: "saumon", sandybrown: "sable", seagreen: "vert d'eau", seashell: "coquillage", sienna: "terre de sienne", silver: "argent", skyblue: "bleu ciel", slateblue: "bleu ardoise", slategray: "gris ardoise", slategrey: "gris ardoise", // same as slategray snow: "neige", springgreen: "vert printemps", steelblue: "bleu acier", tan: "grège", teal: "sarcelle", thistle: "chardon", tomato: "tomate", transparent: "transparent", turquoise: "turquoise", violet: "violet", wheat: "blé", white: "blanc", whitesmoke: "blanc cendré", yellow: "jaune", yellowgreen: "vert jaunâtre" }) //end v1.x content ); }, 'dojo/nls/fr-fr/colors':function(){ define('dojo/nls/fr-fr/colors',{}); }, 'dojo/cldr/nls/fr/number':function(){ define( //begin v1.x content { "group": " ", "percentSign": "%", "exponential": "E", "scientificFormat": "#E0", "percentFormat": "#,##0 %", "list": ";", "infinity": "∞", "patternDigit": "#", "minusSign": "-", "decimal": ",", "nan": "NaN", "nativeZeroDigit": "0", "perMille": "‰", "decimalFormat": "#,##0.###", "currencyFormat": "#,##0.00 ¤", "plusSign": "+" } //end v1.x content ); }, 'dojo/cldr/nls/fr-fr/number':function(){ define('dojo/cldr/nls/fr-fr/number',{}); }, 'dijit/_editor/nls/fr/FontChoice':function(){ define( "dijit/_editor/nls/fr/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content ({ fontSize: "Taille", fontName: "Police", formatBlock: "Mise en forme", serif: "serif", "sans-serif": "sans serif", monospace: "espacement fixe", cursive: "cursive", fantasy: "fantaisie", noFormat: "Néant", p: "Paragraphe", h1: "En-tête", h2: "Sous-en-tête", h3: "Sous-sous-en-tête", pre: "Pré-mise en forme", 1: "xxs", 2: "xs", 3: "s", 4: "m", 5: "l", 6: "xl", 7: "xxl" }) //end v1.x content ); 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